Notice, no date (1559), Adam von Bodenstein to the Reader (BP.Bod.1559-03)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Reader
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1559]
Place: Basel
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Adam von Bodenstein, Isagoge in excellentissimi Philosophi Arnoldi de Villa Nova, Rosarium Chymicum, Basel: Gabriel Ringysen 1559, p. 62 [BP.Bod.1559-03]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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Animus mihi erat scribendi ac huic libello adijciendi extractionem quintæ essentiæ ex Luna, ut nonnihil exercitatis Chymistis, qui hanc summoperè affectant, satisfieret maiori ex parte: uerùm quum nunc philosophorum lapidem, ut reuera est, manifestè descripserim, arbitratus sum, rem satis magnam hac tempestate à me detectam & patefactam esse in communem usum, Et animæ extractionem in aliud tempus differendam.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 29 June 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Reader.

My intention was to write and add to this little book the extraction of the quintessence from the Moon, in order to satisfy, to a great extent, the highly interested alchemists who pursue it. However, since I have now clearly described the philosopher's stone as it truly is, I believed that a significant discovery had been made by me at this time and revealed for common use, and that the extraction of the soul should be postponed to another time.