Indexes/Pagel, The Smiling Spleen (1984)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum

Indexes/Pagel, The Smiling Spleen (1984)

Aachen 200
Abanus, Petrus 130, 192
Abbaj 120
Abscess 78
Acid 11, 29, 53, 74, 86, 89
Ackerknecht, E. 173
Adam 101, 117, 118, 185
Adams, F. 191
Adamus, Tobias 177
Adech 99, 184
Adelung, J. C. 174
Agrippa of Nettesheim 3-5, 112, 157, 163, 192
Air, internal 32
Alberti, S. 136, 194
Albertus Magnus 80
Albigenses 97
Albumin 9
Alchemical transmutation 94
Alchemy 29, 93, 97, 103, 113, 114
Alchymia 93
Alcohol 10
Alexander of Tralles 120, 146, 191
al-Gazali 79, 80
Ali Abbas 120, 136, 194
Alkahest 60, 92, 151, 197, 199
Alkali 11, 170
Alain de Lille's Anticlaudianus 162
Alum 29, 42
Ambrosius, Saint 101
Amsterdam 146
Amulets 49, 80, 104, 151
Anastasi us 183
Ancient Medicine 23, 25, 26
Andernach, Winther of 7
Anna, Saint 108, 187
Anthrax 29
Antihermetic Medicine 70
Antimony 35, 93
Antiseptic 113
Apoplexy 74, 78
Appenzell 9
Aquavit 35
Aquinas, Saint Thomas 80, 163
Arcana 35, 56
Arche, 'Sensitive soul' 130
Archeus 11, 28, 31, 33, 34, 37, 50, 52, 53, 60, 61, 92, 99, 124, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 142, 149, 154, 155, 160, 201
Archidoxis 70, 143
Archons 56, 59
Aretaeus of Kappadokia 121, 146, 191
Argentum vivum 41
Ariston 121
Aristotle 4, 12, 20, 28, 31, 46, 68, 70, 72, 73, 85-95, 114-116, 118, 142, 159, 163, 176, 179, 189, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198
Armoniacale 41
Arnald of Villanova 41
Ars Chemica 170
Arsenic 29, 34, 40
Arsenical diseases 71, 76
Asmodeus 44
Asthma 49, 78, 115, 189
Astra 19, 55, 64, 65, 72, 73
Astral body 53, 56, 59, 98, 99
Astrology 55, 94
Astronomica et Astrologica 187
Astronomy, inner 15
Atinkar 42, 170
Atomic theory 86, 87
Atomism 148, 149, 154, 179
Aufgang der Artzneykunst IO, 166, 175, 176
Augustine, Saint 85, 105, 163, 175, 186
Aura Vitalis 169
Averrhoes 120
A vicebron 79
Avicenna 8, 57, 69, 79, 80, 130, 140, 177, 179
Azael 44
Azazel 44
Azoth 70
Babrius 192
Bacon, Francis 40, 115, 145, 147, 165, 169
Bacon, Roger 2, 6, 157, 162
Baglivi 146
Balance 11, 13
Balneology 9
Balsam 24, 38, 40, 62, 115
Balzac, B. de 193
Bartholinus, Thomas 127, 136, 165, 191, 192
Basel 8
Basilica 100
Bathurst, William 160
Bauer, L. 164
Bauhinus, Caspar 135, 193
Bausner 146
Beeckman, Isaac 179
Bell, Charles 148
Benalius, Bernardinus 107, 187
Benedetti, Alessandro 123, 124, 191
Beratzhausen 9
Bernard, Saint 2
Bertacchi, Domenico 131-133, 192
Berthelet, T. 193
Berthelot, M. P. E. 188, 195
Bestial, see Viehisch
Bezold, F. von 162
Bile 27, 32, 35, 60, 72, 173
Binshikah 64
Biological time 11
Biousia 51
Birckmann, A. 107, 109, 194
Blas 50, 184
Blas Humanum 170, 184
Blindness 79
Blood circulation 51
Blood serum 95, 96
Boas, M. 174
Bodenstein, Adam von 143
Boeynaems 12
Bohemia 9
Böhme, Jacob 102, 185, 196
Bohnenstädt, E. 164
Boineburg 91
Boke Teachinge All People 135
Bombast family 8
Bonaventura 2
Book on Miners' Diseases 9
Bordeu, Theophile 148, 197, 198
Bornkamm, H. 184
Borrichius, Olaus 165, 170, 173
Boyle, Robert 8, 11, 45, 62, 76, 93, 94, 148-154, 159, 174, 182, 198-200
Brain 29, 72
Bremen 42
British Pharmacopoeia, see London Pharmacopoeia
Brooks, C. M. 197
Browne, Alice 12
Brussels 10
Brutal, see Viehisch
Buch der Natur 135
Buch von den tartarischen Krankheiten 9
Buch von der geberung der empfintlichen dinge 175, 183, 195
Buhle, J. G. 164
Butler 151
Caelius Aurelianus 191
Caelius Rodiginus 80
Caen 44
Cagastric eye 107, 109
Calculus 29, 31, 33, 78
Campanella, Tomaso 7, 82-86, 158, 163
Cancer 29, 66
Cantemir, Demetre 12
Capoa, Lionardo di 144, 197
Carbon, Ludovicus 103
Cardan, Jeröme 135, 193
Carinthia 9
Cassel, D. 193
Castelli, Petrus 168, 190
Castro, S. R. 26, 27, 157, 167
Cataneus, Andreas 79
Catarrh 59, 128
Cave, image of 66, 68, 69
Cesalpino, Andrea 25, 90, 167
Chandler, John 10
Chaos 34
Charleton, Walter 134, 182, 192
Chauliac, Guy de 120
Chemical Basilica 93
Chemical philosophers 86
Chemicals, systemic grouping of 10
Chemistry 21, 22, 76
Cherioniae 24
Chirurgische Schriften 188
Chorea 9
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 119
Circularity 100
Coelum Philosophorum 183
Cohn, L. 185
Colmar 8
Colours 103
Columbus, Realdus 136, 194
Comenius, J. A. 171
Complaints of the Stomach 124-127
Concentration 104
Concord and Discord between Chymists 89
Conjunction, cosmic 104
Conring, Hermann 7, 16, 91-94, 158, 173, 181, 182
Constantinus Africanus 135, 193
Contagion 152
Contraria contrariis 64, 7 5, 86, 87, 17 4
Conway, Lady Anne 202
Copper 11, 72
Cornelio, Tommaso 197
Correspondencies 103
Cranefield, P. F. 173, 197
Cretinism 9
Croll, Oswald 52, 70, 91, 93, 97, 99, 100, 109, 166, 184, 187
Cusanus, Nicolaus 6, 109, 164, 187
Daems, M. F. 173
Dageraad 10
Dancing mania 9
Daremberg, C. 193
Dariotus 70
De Caduco 190
De Generatione Hominis 183
De Generatione Stultorum 173
De Gradibus 173
De Imaginibus 186
De Lunaticis 188
De Mineralibus 173 205
De Natis Animalibus ex Sodomia 190
De Natura Rerum 188, 189
De Operatione Dei 108
De Peste 172
De Secretis Creationis 189
De Spiritibus 131
De Vera lnfluentia Rerum 175, 176
De Verbo Mirifico 110, 188
De Viribus Imaginationis 77
Debus Allen G. 12, 165, 169, 174, 178, 198
Defensiones Septem 7
Deffenu, G. 197
Delitzsch, F. 183, 185
Demokritos 113, 141, 196
Demons 44, 45, 80, 83
Descartes, Rene 134, 148
d'Espagnet 21, 38, 166, 168
Destade, J. F. 198
Devil 81, 117, 118, 147
Diabetes 33
Diana 42
Diaphragm 120
Dietrich, A. 196
Digestion, gastric 9, 11, 27, 30, 31, 37, 86, 110, 111, 130, 140, 159
Dilg-Frank, Rosemarie 173
Diokles of Karystos 121
Dionysius Halicarnassus 192
Distillation 73
Döllinger 183
Domandl, Sepp 163, 201
Donatus, M. 177
Dorn, Gerard 21, 41, 114, 143, 166, 170, 188, 189
Dosage 58
Drabicius, Nicolaus 46, 171
Drabkin, I. E. 191
Drake, Sir Francis 115, 189
Drei Bücher der Wundarznei Bertheonei 195
Dropsy 9, 28, 29, 33, 78
Dryander, J. 163
Du Chesne, see Quercetanus
Duclos, Gaston 39, 169
Duelech 60
Duncker 183
Dysuria 79
Ebardus of Bethun 135, 194
Ebers-Papyrus 120
Ecstasy 90, 101
Education 6
Edwards, David 190
Efferding 9
Effluvia 88-91, 150, 152, 199
Egg-yolk 42
Einsiedeln 8
Elementary spirits 117
Elements 17, 18, 21, 46, 69, 75, 76, 86, 103
Elftraktat 168
Elias artista 7, 40, 163, 169
Elixirs 75
Emaciation 78
Emotion 67
Empedocles 114
Empiricism 2, 59
Entelechia 99
Entia morbi 11, 52
Epigenesis versus preformation 20, 23
Epilepsy 35, 49, 66, 74, 121
Epileptic 47
Erastus Thomas 7, 55, 70, 89, 92, 164, 176
Erdmann, J. E. 200
Eriugena, Johannes Scotus 97, 183
Erklärung der ganzen Astronomei 175, 183, 188
Erysipelas 31
Esopian tradition 129, 192
Essence 71
Esslingen 8
Ether-like substances 9
Etliche tractaten ... von Podagra 187
Ettmüller 146
Eve 116
Evestrum 65, 84, 99
Eye, closed 105
Eye of the soul 105
Eye of the spirit 107
Faex 19, 39, 41
Faivre, A. 12, 165
Federn, W. 173
Ferdinand, King 9
Ferguson, J. 168, 169, 189
Ferinae imagines 52
Ferments 64, 66
Femel, Jean 46, 87, 132, 133, 178, 192
Ferrare 8
Ferrari, L. 185
Fever 32, 33, 47, 66, 78, 86
Fiat 109
Ficinus, Marsilius 4, 78, 79, 176, 177
Fienus, Thomas 7, 76-81, 158, 176, 177
Fifth essences, see Quintessences
Figulus, B. 164
Fire 62
Fischer-Hornberger, Esther 191
Fixing 47
Fludd, Robert 44, 45, 137, 195, 198
Flying eagle 42
Fontanus, Gabriel 7, 69-76, 158
Food, powers intrinsic in 25
Form 87-89
Four columns 87
Fragm. cum Libro de Fundam. Sapient. 190
Franciscan tradition 3
Franck, Sebastian 102, 185
Frank, R.G. 172
Frederick II., Danish King 18
Freiberg 88
Freiburg 57
Fuchs, Leonhard 4, 163
Fueger 8
Fugger 8
Gabalis homo 99, 184
Galen 27, 28, 57, 68, 70, 76, 77, 85, 119, 120, 132, 136, 138, 140, 145, 146, 174, 178, 190
Galenists 76, 86, 179, 197
Galilei, Galileo 145
Gamaheu, see Amulets
Ganzenmüller, W. 162, 170
Garlandus, J. 170
Gas 11, 47, 50, 62, 65, 152, 160
Gas exchange in the lung 51, 160
Geber 38-40, 69, 103, 170
Geiger, L. 163, 188
Gelenius 169
Generation theories 20
Georges, K. E. 190
Gessner, Conrad 7
Geuder, Melchior Frederick 20, 196
Gillispie, C. C. 165
Gilly, C. 164, 189
Gis 50
Glanvil, Joseph 5, 163
Glauber, R. 7, 40, 158
Glisson, Francis 26, 51, 85, 94, 96, 133, 134, 167, 182, 192, 193, 197
Gnosticism 59, 97
Goethe, J. W. von 198
Goitre 9
Gold 72
Goldammer, Kurt 163, 173, 184
Goltz, Dietlinde 170
Gombel, H. 192
Gordon, Bernard 135, 136, 194
Gothein, Marie 162, 189
Gout 29, 33
Graded medicine 31
Grien, Hans Baldung 189
Grosse Wundarznei 9, 172, 183
Grosseteste 157
Gruber, J.D. 181
Güldener Griff 108, 181, 185, 187
Gurlt, E. 195
Gysel, C. 12
Haeser, H. 163
Halevy, Jehudah 135, 193
Hall 9
Haller, Albrecht von 94, 182
Haly Abbas, see Ali Abbas
Hansen, B. 163
Harless, G. C. A. von 185
Harmonia Totius Mundi 97, 183
Hartmann, J. 187, 199
Harvetus, Israel 21, 114, 189
Harvey, William 20, 26, 51, 85, 95, 134, 137, 139, 144, 145, 151, 152, 165, 167, 172, 181, 182, 193, 194, 195, 197
Haug, W. 162
Hautnorton 39
Hawkins, Sir John 115, 189
Heart 72
Heat 68, 86, 110, 111, 130, 132
Heiberg, I. L. 191
Helmont, F. M. van 61, 64, 152, 201
Helmont, J. B. van 5-8, 10, 11, 60-70, 100, 101, 118, 119, 137-140 and passim
Helmont, J. B. van, Criticism of Paracelsus 6, 60-62, 75, 76, 92, 93, 107
Helmstädt 91
Helvetius, J. F. 182
Hemlock 178
Herbarius von den Heilwirkungen des Salzes 168
Herbs 49
Hermaphrodite 185
Hermes 39, 103, 113, 114
Hermes Trismegistus 17 5
Heurnius, J. and 0. 192
Heussler, H. 200
Highmore, Nathanael 141
Hildegard of Bermersheim (Bingen) 108, 117, 162, 187, 190
Hippocrates 28, 70, 113, 120, 151, 166, 176, 191
Hippocratic corpus 115
Hippocratism 145
Hippolytos 183
Hirnhaim, Hieronymus 3, 5, 164
Hirsch, A. 165, 170
Hoffmann 144, 146
Hoffmann, E. 164
Hoffmann, Moritz 141, 196
Hoghelandus 182, 189
Hohenheim, Wilhelm von 8
Homer 72, 113, 121
Homoeopathic principle 64, 74
Homunculus 186
Hooykaas, R. 170
Horologium Eternae Sapientiae 108, 187
Hubicki, W. 164
Hufeland 146
Hugo of St. Victor 2, 105, 162
Humoralism 59, 75, 160
Humours 47, 51, 70, 75, 85, 86
Hunt for knowledge 53, 102, 105
Hunter, John 148
Huser, J. 143, 189
Hutenberg 8
Hydrargyria 9
Hylech 72
Hyrtl, J. 190
Hysteria 9
Idea 25 1. F. H. S. 39
Images 7, 47, 51, 68, 103, 104
Imagination 56, 67, 76-79, 84, 101, 104, 116
Imperium 52, 53, 77, 111, 145
Index Aurelianus 185
Influent 132, 133
Inge, W. R. 186
Inner man 97-100, 102, 139, 159, 171
Innsbruck 90
Insanity 9, 59, 60
Insitus 132, 133
Inspissation 74
Iron 72
Ironwort 104
Irritability 85
Isaac the Blind 174
Isaacus Judaeus 130, 193, 194
Isidorus Hispalensis 120, 135, 177, 193, 194
Itch 49
Jacob's ladder 109
Jacobus de Forlivio 80
Jahn, Ferdinand 145, 197
Jas, Petrus 146
Jaundice 28, 35, 36
ibn-al-Jazzar 135, 193
Jerome, Saint 97
Jesus Christ 101, 107, 171
Joachim, H. 191
Joachim of Fiore 186
Jöcher, C.G. 185, 196
Johannes, pseudepigraph 170
Johannes de Sancto Amando 120, 191
Jonas, H. 183
Jones, W. H. S. 166, 191
Jorden, Edward 176
Jossius, Nicander Venefranus 141, 196
Jungius, Joachim 179
Jupiter 72
Juvenal 113
Kabbala 63, 112
Kabbala Denudata 64
Kangro, H. 179
Kärntner Chronik 9
Kärntner Schriften 9
Karsch, A. 196
Katoptrum 25
Keil, Gundolf 173
Khunrath, Heinrich 39, 169, 181
Kidneys 2
Kieser 146
King, C. W. 183
King, S.L. 179, 198
Klein-Franke, Felix 163
Klibansky, Raymond 164
Kluge 146
Knorr von Rosenroth, C. 10, 64, 166, 174
Konrad von Megenberg 135, 194
Kopp, H. 169, 170, 188
Kösel-Verlag 10
Kozak, J.S. 7, 37-54, 158, 168, 172
Kremer 200
Kromau 9
Labyrinthus Medicorum 9, 21, 143, 166, 175, 188
Lacaze 197
Lasswitz, K. 179
Latex 95, 96
Laurentius, A. 136, 195
Lawn, Brian 193, 194
Laxatives 49
Lead 72
Lefevre 40, 169
Leibniz, G. W. 8, 148, 149, 154, 155, 198, 200-202
Leipnik, J. von 9
Leipzig 57
Leonicenus, N. 190
Leprosy 66
Leyden 44, 140, 146
Li Shih Chen 164
Liang, Ssu Kung 164
Libavius 70, 93, 182
Liber Azoth 175, 185
Liber de Arte Inventionis 175
Liber de Lunaticis 172, 173
Liber de Nymphis 190
Liber de Tribus Facultatibus 164, 165
Liber Pantegni 194
Light of grace 109
Light of nature 13, 15, 28, 34, 56
Lilium Medicinae 135
Limbus 67
Linacre, Thomas 163
Lind, L. R. 191
Lindberg, D. C. 163
Lippmann, E.O. von 170, 188
Liver 72
Liver disease 33
Livy 192
Logos 112
London Pharmacopoeia 10, 27, 86, 144
Louvain 10, 158, 176
Lullist corpus 41, 50, 158
Lung 72
Luther, Martin 184
Lymph 95
Macrocosm-microcosm 72, 74
Magati 92, 181
Magia naturalis 15, 17, 82, 84, 103, 110, 159
Magisterium 71
Magnale 11, 112
Magnetic eure of wounds 10, 80
Magnum oportet 52, 60, 89, 155
Mahazel 44
Makarius, Saint 102
Malpighi, Marcello 144, 145
Mandrake 104
Manget 166, 189
Mars 72
Martin, Saint 101
Maspero 192
Matrix 18, 67, 110, 116
Matter, indestructibility of 11, 89
Matthiae, G. 27, 167, 170, 192
Mayhoff, C. 193
Measure for Measure 139, 196
Medical reform 9
Medical Treatise on Salt 42
Medicina Catholica 44
Medulla 29
Meier, C. 162
Melancholia 78, 83
Menenius Agrippa 129, 192
Meran 9
Merchant-Iltis, C. 162, 189, 202
Mercury 9, 37, 41, 42, 72, 93, 173
Mesmer, F. A. 146
Mesotes 114
Mesue 57
Metals, solubility of 10, 89
Meteora in the microcosm 26, 34
Micatio sanguinis 96
Michael Scotus 170
Microcosm 29, 51, 57, 63, 66, 98
Middle life 114
Midelfort, H. C. E. 173
Midrash Rabba 185
Mineral remedies 9, 10, 93, 94
Miners' disease 9, 58
Mines 9
Moisture, organ 130, 192
Monads 51, 67, 154, 160, 200, 201
Mondeville, Henri de 120, 124, 191
Monistic view 77, 80, 148, 156
Monoculus mysticus 105-109, 159, 186, 187
Montagnana 57
Monte dell ' Orazione 107, 109
Monte Pulciano 141
Morgagni, Giovanni Battista 36, 145
Morienus 170
Morning star 42
Moss 92
Mothers 18, 19, 46, 67, 70
Müller, J.G. 185
Müller-Jahncke, W.-D. 163
Mummy 27
München 9, 10
Musitano, Carlo 145, 197
Mysteries of Creation 184
Natale de Conti 188
Nature as revelation 2
Nature of man 26
Naturmystik 157
Needham, Joseph 164
Neo-Hippocratism 23-27
Neoplatonism 59, 99, 157, 159
Neuburger, Max 191
Neun bücher de natura rerum 172
New Rise of Phylosophy and Medicine 136
Newton, Isaac 174
Nicander 191
Nitre 31
Noack, L. 162, 183, 186
Nase transplant 178
Numen in medicine 8, 109
Nürnberg 8
Occult Philosophy (Agrippa) 4, 112
Occulta Philosophia (Paracelsus) 183
Odomar 41
Odores 199
Oedema 38
Ogle, W. 192
Olam hapirud 63
Old Hermetic Medicine of the Egyptians 91
Olympiodorus 113
O'Malley, C. D. 190
On Diet 24
On Flesh 24
On Pleasure and Pain 140
On Winds 26, 27
Ontological view of disease 9, 11, 67, 68, 145, 146, 197
Oporinus, J. 93
Opus Paramirum 9, 172, 173, 189, 190
Opuscula 10
Oresme, Nicolaus 163
Oriatrike or Physick Refined 10, 184
Origen 97
Ortus Medicinae 10, 91
Oxford 44
Oxford physiologists 51, 172
Pagel, Julius Leopold 170, 191, 197
Pagel, Walter 12, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 170, 172, 175, 189, 197, 198 and passim
Palissy 169
Paracelsianism 5, 6, 8, 22, 25, 27, 28, 35, 49, 51, 82, 91, 93, 94, 97, 143-148, 156, 157, 159
Paracelsus 8, 9, 11, 12, 27, 42, 50, 52, 55-60, 64, 66, 69-71, 97, 98, 103, 107, 113, 116, 127, 133, 136, 143, 148, 157, 160, 168, 170, 172-178, 181, 183-189, 195
Paragranum 9, 27-36, 172, 173, 175, 183, 187
Parasitic concept of disease 11, 53
Paris 10
Partington, J. R. 174, 179, 188
Pascal, Jean 167, 196
Paul, Saint 97, 101
Paul of Aegina 120, 191
Payne, T. F. 123
Paynel, T. 193
Pediculosis 49
Pelling, Margaret 163
Penotus, G. B. 41, 93, 170
Perfect Knowledge of All Diseases Caused by Obstruction 27, 28
Peroledi 60
Persius 135, 193
Peter the Lombard 162
Petrarca, Francesco 3, 4, 6, 163, 164
Pfäfers-Ragaz 9
Pfeiffer, F. 194
Philo 101, 169, 185
Philosophia de Generatione ... Elementorum 175
Philosophia Magna 187, 190
Philosophia Sagax 9, 59, 172
Phlogiston 113
Phrenitis 121
Phthisis 30, 78
Physis 87
Pico, J.F. 182
Pinel, P. 197
Pinnell, H. 184
Pirque olam 63, 174
Pisa 141
Pistis so phia 183
Pistori us, J. 188, 192
Plague 9, 29, 34, 52, 55, 65, 68, 78
Plat 169
Plato 70, 97, 138, 185, 195
Plempius, V. F. 195
Pleurisy 29
Pliny 135-136, 193, 195
Pneuma 56, 130
Podagra 38
Poisons, therapeutic aspect 25
Polemann, Joachim 196
Pomponatius 79
Poniatovia, Christina 46, 171
Popkin, R. H. 163, 164
Portal, M. 27, 167, 176, 192
Potestas Divitiarum 114
Praelectiones Chirurg. de Vulneribus 195
Prague 44
Prantl, C. 189
Preserv ation of matter 89
Preuss, J. 191, 193, 195
Prima materia 14, 29, 42
Principium individuationis 200
Principles of Natural Bodies 44
Problemata 135, 136
Prognostication auff XXIIII Jar zukünfftig 107, 109, 143, 187
Projectiles 11
Prolonging life 93
Pulse 11
Puritan Hermeticists 159
Puschmann, Theodor 191
Quantification 11
Quercetanus 21, 26-28, 73, 9 1, 166, 168
Quintessences 9, 18, 71, 75, 94
Quintilian 192
Rabies 52, 178
Radical moisture 30, 38
Ramsauer, R. 179, 180
Randall, Giles 187
Rather, L.J. 176, 197
Rattansi, P. 197
Razes, see Rhazes
Rega, H. Joseph 146, 197
Reit 146
Renaldo, J. J. 197
Renzi, S. de 193
Rete mirabile 137
Reuchlin, Johannes 110, 159, 188, 192
Rhazes 57
Rhubarb 29
Ribe (Jutland) 18
Richard of St. Victor 2
Riolanus, Johannes the Younger 7, 136, 139, 194, 195, 196
Rochas, Henri de 39, 168
Rohde, E. 188
Rosarium 39, 41
Rosarius Minor 114, 189
Rosicrucian portrait 187
Rosicrucians 63, 109
Rosner, E. 58, 173
Rothschuh, K. 178
Rousset, F. 137, 195
Ruberg, U. 162
Rudolph, G. 163
Ruisbroek, Jan van 105, 186
Russell, K. F. 190
Russinger, J. J. 9
Sacred Disease 121
Salniter water 39
Salt 7, 27, 31, 37-54, 74, 92
Salt of wisdom, prematerial 39
Saltpetre 40
Salzburg 8, 37
Samael 44
Samonicus, Q. S. 124, 135, 193, 195
Sanchez, Francisco 5, 163
Sanchez-Moscoso, A. 12
Sarton, G. 162
Satan 80
Saturn 72, 194
Satyrion 104
Savonarola 57
Scaliger, Julius Caesar 86, 90, 179
Scammony 31
Sceptical Chymist 93
Schegk, Jacob 87, 130, 192
Schipperges, H. 187
Schlegel, A. W. 196
Scholem, Gershom 174
Scholia 41
Schopenhauer, Arthur 147, 160, 198
Schubert, G. H. 146
Schütz, Michael (Toxites) 143, 170
Schwaz 8, 9
Scot, Michael 41
Scrofula 31
Sea-water 42
Sedation 9
Semina 17-20, 22, 38, 46-48, 51, 61, 64, 67, 75, 85, 149, 156, 199
Sennert, Daniel 7, 86-91, 158, 178-181
Sensus 82-85, 92, 95
Separation, alchemical 37
Sephiroth 63
Septalius, L. 92, 181
Seven Hermetic Tracts 21, 41, 166, 170
Severinus, Petrus 6, 17-27, 66, 157, 165-168, 175
Shakespeare, W. 139, 192, 196
Sibly, Ebenezer 198
Siebeck, H. 191
Sieben defensiones 173
S. I. F. H., Son of Sendivogius 169, 170
Signatures 7, 15, 25, 51, 57, 77, 94, 103, 110, 185
Similia similibus 70, 74, 84
Simon Magus 118
Sin 65
Single Eye 109
Smetius, Henricus 165
Soul 101, 102, 113, 114
Soul of the world 40, 75
Spagiric art, see Alchemy
Specificity 25, 31, 32, 50, 51, 57, 62, 88, 89, 149
Sperling, John 88, 180, 181
Spiritual forces 68, 73, 74
Spiritualism 88, 102
Spitalbesuch 173
Spleen 8, 72, 134-141, 160, 193-196
Spontaneous generation 35, 38, 71
St.Gall 9
St. Moritz 9
Stahl, G.E. 144, 148, 198
Starkey, George 197
Stars, see Astra
Steinschneider, Moritz 193
Stephanus 194
Stoic materialism 77, 99
Stomach 8, 33, 112, 119-129, 159, 190, 193
Stone, see Calculus
Strassburg 8
Stroke 29
Stuttgart 140
Suchten, Alexander a 164, 165
Sudhoff, Karl 164, 165, 168, 172, 173, 175, 183, 185, 186, 188, 189 and passim
Sulphur 29, 37, 41-43, 113, 114, 159, 188
Sultzbach 10
Surius, F.L. 186
Suso, Henricus 108, 186
Swalve, Bernhard 124-127, 191
Swieten, Gerhard van 146
Sydenham, Thomas 145, 197
Symons, H. John M. 185
Synovia 10, 33
Syphilis 8, 9, 60, 173
Tachenius 167
Talmud 135, 138, 195
Tarantism 84
Tartar 7, 29-33, 35, 36, 39, 47, 66, 74, 175
Tartaric diseases 71, 76
Tauler, Johannes 105, 186
Telesio, Bernardino 82
Temkin, Owsei 170
Terra 31, 41
Terra elementata 41
Tertullian 102, 185
Theatrum Anatomicum 135
Theatrum Chemicum 170, 189, 196
Theologia deutsch 105, 186
Theophrastus 24
Thermobarometer 11
Thingliness 51, 61
Thistle 104
Thompson, d'Arcy W. 196
Thomson, George 137, 195
Thorndike, L. 162, 170, 179
Three firsts, see Tria prima
Thukydides 120, 191
Thurneisser 93
Tieck, Ludwig 196
Tin 72
Todericiu, D. 12
Toothache 49
Torturae noctis 60
Toxites, see Schütz, Michael
Tractatus Aureus 114, 189
Trance 104
Tremigliozzi, Gaetano 144, 145, 197
Tria prima 30, 36, 37, 57, 61, 63, 70, 75, 87, 90, 93, 173, 179
Tumulus Pestis 174, 176
Ulceration 78
Ulcers 29, 66, 74
Ulm 9
Ulmus, F. 194, 200
Ulsen, D. 193
Ultimate matter 29
Underwood, E.A. 163
Urine 171
Vacua 11
Valeriola 87
Vandervelde, A. J. J. 12
Vapour 88
Venesection 33, 86
Venetus, Georgius 5, 97, 175, 183
Ventura, Laurentius 170
Venus 42, 72
Vergil 186
Vesalius, Andreas 136, 137, 194
Viaticum 135, 193
Vibration of spirits 78
Viehisch 52, 56, 59
Vienna 57
Vigenerus, Blasius 38, 168
Villach 8, 9, 143
Vilvorde 10, 89
Vinegar 31
Violet, Fabius 6, 7, 27-37, 157, 167, 168, 176
Violette, Sieur de La 168
Virchow, Rudolf 145, 175, 197
Vital principle 129, 138, 192
Vitriol 29, 49
Vogel, Ewald 189
Volumen Paramirum 174
Vom ursprung und herkamen der Franzosen 173, 175
Vomit 29
Vorrede in die bücher morborum invisibilium 173
Vulcan 21, 33, 42
Waele, H. de 12
Walaeus, Johannes 138-141, 195, 196
Walch, J.G. 147, 148, 198
Waldenses 97
Walton, M.J. 174
Water 11, 14, 30, 37, 62, 63, 71
Weapon-salve 10, 49, 84, 150, 184, 199
Wear, Andrew 194
Webster, Charles 12, 163, 195, 196
Weigel, Valentin 90, 102, 107, 181, 185, 187
Welling, Georg von 169
Wellmann, M. 191
Weltbuch 102
Wepfer, J.J. 146
Werden, Martin de 108
Whitteridge, Gwyneth 193
Whytt 146
Willis, Thomas 146, 193
Winder, Marianne 163
Wittenberg 86, 88
Wolfahrt 146
Woman 115-118, 189, 190
Word 109-111, 118, 147, 159
World-soul, see Soul of the world
Wounds and ulcers, treatment 9
Wrobel, J. 194
Zacutus 140
Zambelli, G. 163
Zellinger, E. 187
Zimmermann, R. C. 165
Zöckler, 0. 162
Zorzi, see Venetus
Zosimus 97, 113, 138-141, 183, 198
Zschoppau 102
Zwinger, Theodor 164