Gessner 1545 Bibliotheca
Library — Texts on Paracelsus |
Conrad Gessner, Bibliotheca Universalis |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Conrad Gessner: Bibliotheca Universalis, siue Catalogus omnium scriptorum locupletissimus, in tribus linguis, Latina, Graeca & Hebraica, Zürich 1545, f. 614v |
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VD16: | VD16 G 1698 |
USTC: | 616753 |
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[f. 614v] Theophrastus Bombast ex Hohenheim, natione Germanus, Eremita, utriusque medicinæ professor: alicubi se Paracelsum vocat.
Germanice scripsit interpretationem cometæ, qui apparuit apud nos anno 1531. quo et libellus apud nos impressus est. Galenum, Hippocratem, et omnes veteres medicos contemnebat.
Vidi chartam impressam Basileæ, anno 1527. qua promittit se longe alio modo omnes medicinæ partes edocturum, quem à priscis medicis factum esset: erat autem amplo stipendio Basileæ conductus, et plærumque in Gymnasio Germanice docebat, ob imperitiam opinor Latinæ linguæ: sed nihil egregii eum præstitisse audio, quin potius impostorem fuisse, ac frequenter narcoticis ex opio medicamentis usum. Reliquit de chirurgia opus Germanicum.
De gradibus et compositionibus receptorum ac naturalium libros 7. Latine, ad Christophorum Clauserum nostrum, apud quem eos vidi manuscriptos, dictionibus et sententiis obscuris, barbaris, affectatis, ineptis.
Obiit, ni fallor, ante aliquot annos. Composuit etiam ad abbatem S. Galli nescio quæ theologica opera, quæ publicata non puto.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 28 February 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
I saw a printed paper in Basel in the year 1527, in which he promised to teach all the parts of medicine in a far different manner than what was taught by the old physicians. He was hired by a generous salary in Basel, and mostly taught in German at the university, perhaps due to his lack of skill in the Latin language. However, I have heard nothing remarkable about him, and rather that he was a charlatan who frequently used narcotic drugs such as opium in his treatments. He left behind a work on surgery in German.
He wrote seven books in Latin on the degrees and compositions of chemical compounds and natural substances, which I saw in manuscript form at the home of our friend Christophorus Clauser. The works contained obscure, barbaric, affected, and inept language and ideas.
He passed away, if I am not mistaken, several years ago. He also composed some theological works for the abbot of St. Gallen, which I do not believe were published.