Geheimes und vollständiges Wunsch-Hütlein

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
I. Basic information

Printing History, Manuscripts. First printed in 1738, edited by Sincerus Aletophilus (pseudonym).

Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.

Relationship between different versions. Only one known version.

Structure, genre/form, perspective, style. Written in the first person.

Relationship to other texts.

Authenticity, authorship. Sincerus Aletophilus was the pseudonym of an alchemist or physician who also edited (or rather wrote) in 1738 a Tractatus chymicus de quinta essentia Das ist: Chymisches Werck von dem Fünfften Wesen under the name of Basilius Valentinus. Both texts were on the list of eleven manuscripts (1735) that the publisher, Augustinus Crusius in Erfurt, was about to edit. The title may have been inspired by a sentence in the Clavis oder Das zehnte Buch der Archidoxen (§ ‎4.25) mentioning “des Fortunati Hütlein.”

Time of writing. The long preface was allegedly dated from Basel, 4 April 1523. Probably not written before the late 17th century.

II. Sources


  • Praha, Národní muzeum: Cod. XI C 15 [probably copied from the printed edition]

First printed:

  • 1738 (Phil. Aureoli Theophrasti Paracelsi Bombast von Hohenheim Geheimes und vollständiges Wunsch-Hütlein, ed. by Sincerus Aletophilus (Erfurt: August Crusius, 1738); VD18, 11358149; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 648–649 n° 443)

Historical Manuscript Catalogues: Crusius (1735), n° 10

III. Bibliography

Essential bibliography: Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 648–649, 697 n° 52; CP 3: 222, 229, 235, 297.

Further bibliographical references:

Richard Loth, “Das Medizinalwesen, der ärztliche Stand und die medizinische Fakultät bis zum Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts in Erfurt,” Jahrbücher der Königlichen Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt, N.F. 30 (1904), 383–466.

Peuckert, Pansophie (1956), 457.

Gilly, Paracelsus in der BPH, 59.