Es wird gefragt, ob auch Maria sei in Sünden empfangen und geboren

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
I. Basic information

Printing History, Manuscripts. Preserved in a manuscript in Wolfenbüttel.

Editions. Not edited so far.

Relationship between different versions. Only one known version.

Structure, genre/form, perspective, style.

Relationship to other texts.

Authenticity, authorship. According to Weimann the text “is obviously spurious […]. Style and content are completely unparacelsian as can already be seen from cursory reading. Additionally, this text is only found in one single manuscript and even there it is not denoted as Paracelsian. It is merely found in the vicinity of other Paracelsian works contained in this manuscript.”

Time of writing. Further study required.

II. Sources


  • Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek: Cod. Guelf. 51.3 Aug. 4°, f. 66r–72v

First printed: not printed

III. Bibliography

Essential bibliography: Sudhoff, Paracelsus-Handschriften, 796 n° 123

Further bibliographical references:

Karl-Heinz Weimann, “Einige paracelsische Werke weniger. Untersuchungen zum überlieferten Bestand an echten Paracelsischen Werken,” Nova Acta Paracelsica, 8 (1957), 118–125.