Eine andere Prognostication
Printing History, Manuscripts. First edited in 1590 by Johann Huser. Reprinted several times in collections of prophecies. One manuscript (and other manuscripts copied from printed editions).
Editions. Edited by Huser, 10 (1590): Appendix, 228–230. Edited by Sudhoff in Paracelsus, Sämtliche Werke, I/14: 543–544.
Relationship between different versions. The 1613 edition has some variants to Huser’s edition and was printed from a different source. Huser has one paragraph not present in any other edition. The original title seems to be “Prognosticon,” while “Ein andere Prognostication” (another prognostication) seems to be a descriptive title used by Huser.
Structure, genre/form, perspective, style. Written in the first person, directly addressing the reader.
Relationship to other texts. Die andere Prognostication is often accompanied by the preface to the Prognostication auf XXIIII Jahr zukünftig. It was quoted by Paul Linck in his Von den Dreyen Seculis (1599/1602).
Authenticity, authorship. According to Sudhoff, “obviously coming from another pen.” – Die andere Prognostication was edited by Huser from a manuscript of Johannes Montanus and printed between two authentic prophecies of Paracelsus: the Prognostication auf XXIIII. Jahr zukünftig and the interpretation of the Lichtenberger images.
Time of writing. Probably written in the 1590s. Further study required.
- Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek: Mscr.Dresd.N.118, f. 196–200
- Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek: Hs. Durlach 146 [copied from the 1613 printed edition]
First printed:
- 1600 (in: Johann Wolf, Lectionum memorabilium et reconditarum tomus secundus (Lauingen: Leonhard Rheinmichel for the author, 1600) [Latin]; VD16 W 4211; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 431 n° 250)
- 1613 (in: VI. Prognostica Von Verenderung vnd zufälligem Glück vnd Vnglück der höchsten Potentaten im Römischen Reich, ed. Henricus <Neotechnos> (Halle: Christoph Bißmarck for Thomas Schürer, 1613); VD17 32:660420Z; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 499–501 n° 296; three reprints, 1620–1621)
- 1643 (in: Neun vhralte Propheceyungen/ Prognostica, Visiones vnd Weissagungen (Schmalkalden: Valentin Schmalhertz, 1643); VD17 1:077771B; not in Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica)
- 1664 (in: Johannes Praetorius, Turci-Cida, Oder Der vielfach-vorgeschlagene Türcken-Schläger (Zwickau: Melchior Göpner, 1664); VD17 23:235879A; not in Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica)
- 1697 (in: Wenceslaus Greger, Praemissae Prognosticorum nov-antiqvorum! Oder Erstes Drittheil/ Etlicher uhralten […] Propheceyungen, “Nachgedruckt” [i.e. new edition] (no place, 1697); VD17 1:712254H; not in Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica)
Essential bibliography: Sudhoff, Paracelsus-Handschriften, 149–150, 776; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 408; Sudhoff, “Vorwort,” in Paracelsus, Sämtliche Werke, I/11: XXVII; CP 2: 318; CP 3: 1185.
Further bibliographical references:
Amadeo Murase, Paracelsismus und Chiliasmus im deutschsprachigen Raum um 1600, PhD thesis (Heidelberg, 2013), 162.