Dedicatory Letter, 1621-05, Joachim Morsius to Georg Schumacher

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: [Joachim Morsius]
Recipient: Georg Schumacher
Type: Dedicatory Letter
Date: May 1621
Place: Hamburg
Pages: 2
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Cornelis Drebbel, Tractatus duo, ed. Joachim Morsius, Hamburg: Heinrich Carstens 1621, sig. A2r-A2v [BP.Drebbel.1621-02]
Abstract: Morsius expresses deep respect and eternal gratitude to Schumacher. He praises Schumacher's noble character and recounts his warm reception and friendship, particularly highlighting Schumacher's humanity and kindness. He feels indebted to Schumacher and struggles to find a way to repay his exceptional affection. Morsius offers Drebbelian pamphlets as a modest token of his eternal obligation, mentioning that one was dedicated to Schumacher by Peter Lauremberg years ago. He requests Schumacher to continue valuing him and sends regards to Johann Adolph Tassius. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A2r] Magnifico & Consultissimo viro, D[omi]n[o] Georgio Schumachero, Reip[ublicae] Lunæburgensis Senatori nobilissimo, Joachimus Morsius Salutem & observantiam sempiternam.

Gloriosißime vir, post discessum à patriâ tuâ urbe, cujus tu Pater immortali tuâ cum adoreâ perpetuò appellandus, Henrici Nollii nostri laudatissimi, quo duce primùm in ædes amicitiamue tuam deveni, eâ in me præsentem & absentem comitate usus, ut credam te unum me elegisse, in quo humanitas tua vires suas experiatur & nefatiget. Quid reponam vero eximio tuo affectui, mea sedulo cuncta recensens, non reperio. Tu ob divinam tuam constantiam, non mea merita, propensissimo tuo in me animo perennitatem adde, & firmiter statue [sig. A2v] quod hic candidus cultor tui, pro te nihil

——pati, nullumq́ue recusat
Discrimen tentare sui: non dura viarum,
Non incerta maris. Lybiæ squalentis arenas
Audebit superare pedes, madidaq́ue cadente
Pleiade, Gætulas intrabit navita syrtes.

Exigui at religiosi pignoris loco, obligati tibi æternum mei pectoris, Drebbelianos hosce libellos, quos hac formà conjungendos suaserunt amici, sereno à me vulti suscipe, quorum primus à multis jam annis à præclarissimo ejus interprete P[etro] Laurembergio nostro, honori tuo destinatus fuit, meq́ue porrò inter Tuos, quos arctius amore prosequeris, ætatem numerare perge.

Vale Prosperiter

Ornamentum ævi nostri illustre, & exquisitæ doctrinæ virum, I[oannem] Adolphum Tassium, pl[urima] à me saluta[.] Dab[am] festinanter mense Majo. Hamburgi, Anno M. DC. XXI.



  1. Source: Claudius Claudianus, Panegyricus 434-438

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 27 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Magnificent and Most Wise Man, Lord Georg Schumacher, the Most Noble Senator of the Republic of Lüneburg, Joachim Morsius sends greetings and everlasting respect.

Most Glorious Sir, after departing from your homeland, the city which should forever call you its immortal Father with the utmost reverence, I came to your house and friendship for the first time under the guidance of our most praised Henricus Nollius. You have treated me, both in presence and absence, with such kindness that I believe you have chosen me alone to test and exhaust your humanity. What can I possibly offer in return for your exceptional affection, considering all my efforts, I find nothing. You, due to your divine steadfastness and not my merits, continue to favor me with your most inclined disposition towards me, and firmly believe that this sincere devotee of yours will suffer nothing for you,

— — and refuses no
Trial of his own: not the harshness of journeys,
Nor the uncertainty of the sea.
He will dare to overcome the parched sands of Libya,
And with the Pleiades dripping wet,
The sailor will enter the Syrtis of Gaetulia.

As a small but devout token of my eternal obligation to you, please accept these Drebbelian pamphlets, which friends have suggested to be bound in this form, with a serene countenance from me. The first of these has been dedicated to your honor many years ago by its most illustrious interpreter, our Peter Lauremberg, and continue to count me among Those whom you pursue more closely with love.

Farewell and Prosper

To the illustrious ornament of our age and man of exquisite learning, Johann Adolph Tassius, send my warmest greetings. Given in haste in the month of May, at Hamburg, in the Year 1621.