Dedication, 1577-06-17, Michael Toxites to Egidius Colidaeus and Antonius Layendecker
Author: | Michael Toxites |
Recipients: | Egidius Colidaeus Antonius Layendecker |
Type: | Dedication |
Date: | 17 June 1577 |
Place: | Hagenau |
Pages: | 6 |
Language: | German |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Paracelsus, Von der Wundartzney/ vier Bücher, ed. Michael Toxites, Straßburg: Christian Müller 1577, sig. a2r–a4v [BP176]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | The author expresses gratitude to his trusted friends for their loyalty and support, and thus wishes to publish his surgical books under their names to show his appreciation. He anticipates criticism from some physicians and surgeons, as well as Theophrastus, who has been critical of medical professionals due to their ignorance. However, the author seeks to spread Paracelsus' enlightened medicine, and is not concerned about the opinions of those who do not understand it. The author had the books corrected from an autograph, as previous copies were defective. The author encourages readers to test the spirits in the divine art of medicine, just as in holy scripture, and seek the true pearl of medicine through fear and love of God. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. a2r] Den Ehrenhafften vnd berümbten Herren/ Egidio Colidæ von Vtrecht/ vnd Antonio Layendecker von Franckfort/ beyden Wundartzten/ seinen vertrawten gůten Freunden/ wünscht M[ichae] Toxites D[octor][c1] glück/ vnd alle wolfart.
Ejn grosse vndanckbarkeit were es/ liebe vnnd vertrawte freund/ so ich ewer trew vnnd freundtschafft vnuergolten ließ/ die jr mir nun etlich Jar her/ allein darumb bewisen habt/ das ich Paracelsi scripta an tag gegeben hab.
Derhalben dieweil ich dise Chyrurgische Bücher in offnen truck verfertigt/ hab ich sie vnder ewer beyder namen publicieren wöllen. Erstlich/ das ich mich danckbar ge- [sig. a2v] gen euch erzeigte. Zů dem andern/ das jr euch nit allein mit fleissigem lesen in Theophrasti bücheren geübt/ sunder auch vilfeltig in der Practic bey reichen vnnd armen/ sein lehr warhafftig sein/ erfaren habt/ derhalben jr dann besser dann andere dauon zů judicieren wissendt.
Bessers hab ich euch vff diß mal nit wissen zůverehren/ dann eben das/ darin bißher ewer vbung/ lust vnd freud gewesen ist/ darumb wöllend euch meinen gůten willen gefallen lassen/ vnd mir den defendiren/ vnd wider die mißgünstigen verthedigen helffen/ den jr mit mir geliebt habt/ dem zwar niemandt widerspricht/ dann der jhn nit versteht/ oder aber auß vngunst seinen namen nit mag hören nennen.
[sig. a3r] Es werden vil Medici vnd Chyrurgi nit allein mich vmb diser bücher willen hassen/ das ich sie publicier/ Sunder auch Theophrastum/ das er so wol Hipocratem/ Auicennam/ vnd andere/ als die medicos vnd chyrurgos vnserer zeit/ von wegen jhrer vnwissenheit etwas größlich angreifft. Aber jhr wissen seinen brauch/ das er allein den mißbrauch/ vnuerstand/ vnnd ehrgeitz schilt/ derhalben es die frummen vnd erfarnen nicht angeht. So ist es auch Hipocrati kein vnehr/ wann Theophrastus (der jm an anderen orten sein lob gibt) seine Jrthumb in Chyrurgia für die augen stelt/ darinn Theophrastus bißher bey alten vnd newen den preiß behalten hat/ vnd auch hinfürt behalten wirt.
[sig. a3v] Mich jrret nit/ es betrübt mich auch nicht/ was der Neidhart von mir judicier/ Gott ist mein Richter/ nicht gelt oder gůt such ich mit publicierung der Schrifften Paracelsi/ Sunder wie jr wissen/ deren wolfart/ so zů der alten/ wahren/ doch verfinsterten/ vnd nuhn durch Paracelsum wider erleuchten Artzney lust vnd liebe haben.
Souil nun dise Bücher belanget/ hab ich sie auß dem autographo corrigieren lassen. Dann wiewol ich selbs ein abschrifft gehabt/ mir auch eine von einem gelehrten vnnd berümbten Galensichen medico, vnnd einem fürnemen Apothecker/ ein Exemplar zůgeschickt worden/ So seind sie doch alle/ so ich gesehen/ defect gewesen/ So ist [sig. a4r] auch das autographum, das ich noch beyhanden hab/ dermassen vbel geschriben/ das etliche wörter/ wie auch die anatomia vulnerum des gesichts/ nit haben mögen gelesen werden/ doch wirdt wenig bresten.
Die namen vnd Argument der Bücher erklärt Theophrastus selber/ derhalben ist vnnöttig/ das ich vil daruon[c2] sage. Das Liecht der warheit geht auff/ Elias der Artist kumpt daher/ dessen sich die armen vnd krancken in dem Herren Christo sollen frewen. Doch solle man die Geyster so wol in dieser Göttlichen kunst probieren/ ob sie von Gott seyen/ als in heiliger geschrifft/ Dann nicht ein jeder factator/ auffgeblaßner vnd verrüchter [sig. a4v] Alchimist/ deren die welt voll ist/ Sondern die Gott förchtend vnd lieben/ werden das Perlin der waren Artzney finden. Damit thůe ich euch dem Herren Christo Jesu dem Sohn Gottes befelhen/ der wölle euch seinen segen zů ewerem thůn geben/ vnd euch weitter auff den weg der warheit füren. Datum Hagenaw an S[ancti] Adolphs tag/ Anno 1577.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 30 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the honorable and renowned gentlemen, Egidio Colida of Utrecht and Antonio Layendecker of Frankfurt, both esteemed physicians, his trusted good friends, Michael Toxites Doctor wishes happiness and well-being.
It would be a great ingratitude, dear and trusted friends, if I left your loyalty and friendship unrewarded, which you have shown me for some years now, solely because I have given Paracelsus' writings to light.
Therefore, since I have written these surgical books for open publication, I wanted to publish them under both your names. First, to show my gratitude to you. Second, because you have not only diligently read Theophrastus' books but also gained various practical experience in treating the rich and the poor, making you more capable of judging than others.
I can't offer you anything better this time than what has been your practice, pleasure, and joy so far. Therefore, I would like to ask you to accept my good intentions and to defend me and support me against the envious people who loved the same person I loved and whom nobody contradicts except for those who do not understand or hate to hear his name mentioned.
Many physicians and surgeons will not only hate me for publishing these books, but also Theophrastus, who criticizes not only Hippocrates, Avicenna, and others, but also the doctors and surgeons of our time, due to their ignorance. But you know that he only criticizes misuse, ignorance, and ambition, and that the pious and experienced are not affected. So, it is also not a dishonor to Hippocrates if Theophrastus (who praises him elsewhere) presents his experiences in surgery for the eyes, where Theophrastus has so far received praise from old and new.
It does not bother me, nor does it trouble me what Neidhart judges me. God is my judge, and I am not seeking money or wealth with the publication of Paracelsus' writings, but as you know, I seek their well-being, as those who have a desire for the ancient, true, yet obscured, and now through Paracelsus' enlightened medicine.
As for these books, I had them corrected from the autograph. Although I had a copy myself and had also received one from a learned and renowned Galenic physician and a distinguished pharmacist, they were all, as far as I could see, defective. The autograph that I still have in my possession is also written so poorly that some words, as well as the anatomy of facial wounds, cannot be read, but there are few mistakes.
The names and arguments of the books are explained by Theophrastus himself, so it is unnecessary for me to say much about them. The light of truth is shining, and Elias the Artist is coming, whose arrival the poor and sick in the Lord Christ shall rejoice. However, one should test the spirits in this divine art, whether they are from God, just as in holy scripture. Not every factotum, puffed up and crazed alchemist, of whom the world is full, but those who fear and love God will find the pearl of true medicine. With this, I commend you to the Lord Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who will bless your actions and lead you further along the path of truth. Given in Hagenau on the day of St. Adolph, in the year 1577.