Dedication, 1571-12-02, Adam von Bodenstein to Mayor and City Council of Basel

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Mayor and City Council of Basel
Type: Dedication
Date: 2 December 1571
Place: Basel
Pages: 10
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Drey herrliche Schrifften, ed. Adam von Bodenstein, Basel: Samuel Apiarius 1572, sig. A2r–A6v [BP136]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: The text discusses the difficulties faced by those with high-level responsibilities and the need for rest in order to maintain health and longevity. Two potential solutions are presented: prayer and medicine. The author, a physician with many years of experience, discusses his knowledge of medicine and its potential benefits, specifically the virtues of gold. He hopes to share this knowledge for the benefit of all and asks for the protection and patronage of those in power. The author concludes by requesting that he be considered a faithful citizen and kept in paternal consideration. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A2r] Den[c1] Edlen/ Strengen/ Frommen/ Fürsichtigen/ Ersamen vnnd Weisen Herren/ Burgermeister vnnd Raht der Stett zů Basel/ seinen gendigen Herren/ entbeut Doctor Adam von Bodenstein/ &c. seinen vnderthenig willigen dienst vnnd grůß.

Gnedige/ Hochweise Herrn/ wiewol mügliche/ dz ewer Gnaden Ersam Weißheit/ von der geburt/ vnnd auch der Elteren gesunder vnnd starcker natur seye/ So ists aber vnmüglich/ das ewere grosse jmmerwerende geschäfft/ damit E[uer] G[naden] ampts [sig. A2v] halber beladen/ ohne vnderlaß/ inn Vätterlicher fürsorgung/ auff das gůter freide vnd allgemeiner nutz geföderet werde/ in rechter ordenlicher pollicey/ die Gott gefeller/ niemandts vberlegen/ vnnd dem armen zů grosser wolfart dienen thüen/ nicht merckliche hinderung bey E[uer] E[hrsam} W[eisheit] inn die fürnemsten glider des leibs vnnd beschwerung bringen/ dardurch sie jhre natürliche würckung/ nicht als sie sonst theten/ volbringen mögen. Auß welcher verhinderung dann erfolgen allerley seuch- [sig. A3r] ten/ böse verdöwung/ hauptwee/ rotlauff/ schwindel/ nieren weetag/ &c. vnd andere hie nicht zů erzellen/ ja auch kürtzerung der jaren des lebens: Dann ein alte erfarung beweiset/ daß stetigklich sinnen/ fürsorgen vnnd wachen ein schwerer last vnnd arbeit ist/ welcher aber E[uer] E[hrsam] W[eisheit] nimmer ledig sein kan. Darauß bey allem erfolget/ was seiner růhe manglet/ das könne nit daurlich oder langwirig sein. Welches ich offtermalen bedacht/ vnnd vil bey mir disputiert/ ob nicht möchten mit- [sig. A3v] tel gefunden werden zů behaltung/ das hertz/ hirn/ leber/ lunge/ nieren/ &c. in seiner eigenschafft vnnd stercke/ vnd die also weren/ das sie ohne purgieren zůträffen/ vnnd schier ohnentpfindtlichen jhre hilff mittheilten/ auß rechter proprietet vnd sympathia oder einhälligkeit/ so sie mit den inneren glideren haben/ weren/ Vnnd befinden zwen weg in meinem sůchen: Der erste/ das die Vnderthanen fleissig Gott für jhre Oberkeit bitten/ vmb langes gesundes leben: hergegen der Ma- [sig. A4r] gistrat[c2] für ein anderen/ So eruolget gesundheit vnnd verlengerung des lebens durch den so gesagt: Sůchen/ so werden jhr finden/ klopffen an so wirt euch auffgethan/ begeren so wirdt euch gegeben: Dann nichts ist also verborgen/ es můß herfür vnnd offenbar werden/ &c. Der ander weg aber ist die Artzney/ welche der Allmechtig dem Artzet gegeben/ das er sie herfür bringe auß dem darauß die natur sie verborgen vnnd bewaret hatt/ Von diesem will ich allhie mit Gottes se- [sig. A4v] gen etwas herfür inn kürtze/ souil müglich/ bringen vnnd setzen. Vnnd wiewol ich jetzunder vier vnd zwwentzig jar[n1] in medicina mich geübt vnnd brauchen lassen/ in welcher zeit ich gewißlich wol so fleissig vnnd vil erfaren/ auch die warheit vnd tugendt/ was in gewächsen/ in edelgsteinen/ in ertzen/ in gold/ silber vnnd anderen metallen ist/ erkundiget/ Die metall in jhre sichtliche principia/ Die gewechs inn wasser/ öle vnd saltz auffgelöset/ ohne rhům/ doch mit warheit gesagt/ als einer so jetzunt [sig. A5r] in leben sein mag/ Darbey/ ob ich gleichwol des grads ndd promotion halben nicht nur inn meiner profession Medica der eltest bin/ Sonder auch in höheren den anderen zweyen Faculteten/ so jetzund zů Basel in vniuersitate seind/ zum lengsten promouierter Doctor gewesen/ Gott seye lob vnd preiß/ so hab ich doch nichts bessers gedencken können/ zů einem glücklichen newen jar wünschung/ euch meinen lieben vnd gnedigen Herrn/ zů zůschicken/ dardurch mein gůthertzigkeit zů erzeigen ist/ dann eben das [sig. A5v] jhenige/ daruon ich hieuor gemeldet/ welches zů verlengerung ewers lebens wol dienen kan/   So dann wahr/ was wol geredt vnnd erfahren sey/ sölle allweg platz behalten/ vnnd billichen inn seiner gůtenn wärdt bleiben/ Hab ich eben grad des Hochgelehrten Paracelsi vom geist des lebens (gewaltigs schreiben) der allen glideren vorstehet/ für mich genommen/ das keinerley weg verbesseret kna werden/ vnnd auß welchem schreiben ich vilmalen mediert vnnd geartzneyet/ [sig. A6r] Auch das gold in ein wäsenliche tugendt vnnd krafft/ die sich verdöwen lasset/ im menschlichen cörper gleich einer andern eingenommenen speiß gebracht/ Vnd wunder erfaren bey gesunden vnnd krancken dadurch/ Dessen exempel ich ewer ersam Weißheit genůgsam sagen will/ wann ich darumb erfoderet werde/ Das selbig hohe werck/ so gar klein an zůsehen ist mitt eusserlichen augen/ Ewer Gnad ich zů ehren vnd wolgefallen/ vnnd vnder deren schutz vnd schirm hiemit publiciren vnd [sig. A6v] offenbar mache/ allen frommen Christen zů gůtem nutze/ auch Gott zů ewigem lobe vnnd preiß/ dessen barmhertzigkeit sich jmmer ye mehr erscheint vnd leuchtet/ ohne ende/ &c. mit vndertheniger bitt/ E[her] E[hrsam] W[eisheit] wölle mich hergegen allweg in Vätterlichem bedacht/ als jhren trewen Burger/ lassen befolhen sein. Datum Basel/ am Aduent/ den anderen tag Decembris 1571.



  1. i.e. since 1547


  1. Den] corrected from: Dem
  2. Magistrat] corrected from: Mabistrac

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 24 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the noble, strict, devout, prudent, honorable, and wise gentlemen, the Mayor and Council of the city of Basel, Doctor Adam von Bodenstein, etc. offers his humble and willing service and greetings.

Honorable and wise gentlemen, although it is possible that your Honorable Wisdom is of good birth and comes from healthy and strong parents, it is impossible for your great and endless duties, with which your Honors are burdened for the sake of your office, to be constantly promoted without paternal care, for the benefit of peace and common good, in proper and orderly policy, which pleases God, is superior to none, and serves the poor greatly without significant hindrance to your Honorable Wisdom's most important members and without causing them undue exertion, which would prevent them from performing their natural functions as they usually do. From this hindrance, all kinds of diseases, bad digestion, headaches, erysipelas, dizziness, kidney disease, etc. and other ills not mentioned here, as well as a shortened lifespan, arise. For an old experience shows that constant thought, care, and vigilance are a heavy burden and work, which, however, your Honorable Wisdom can never be without. From all of this, it follows that anything that lacks rest cannot be lasting or long-lasting. This has often been considered by me and debated at length, whether means could not be found to maintain the heart, brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. in their properties and strength, and that they could function without purging and share their help almost without being noticed, according to their proper nature and sympathy or unity, which they have with the internal members. And I have found two ways in my search: first, that the subjects diligently pray to God for their superiors for long and healthy life; second, that the magistrates search for another way, which leads to health and prolongation of life, namely: Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, ask and it shall be given unto you. For nothing is so hidden that it must not be revealed and made manifest, etc. The other way, however, is medicine, which the Almighty has given to the physician, that he may bring it forth from that which nature has hidden and preserved. Here, with God's blessing, I will briefly present and introduce something about it as much as possible. And although I have now practiced and been used in medicine for twenty-four years, during which time I have certainly been diligent and experienced, and have investigated the truth and virtue of what is in plants, precious stones, ores, gold, silver, and other metals, dissolving the metals into their visible principles and the plants in water, oil, and salt, without boasting, but speaking the truth, as one who may be alive now. In addition, although I am not only the oldest in my medical profession for the sake of my degree and promotion, but also the longest-promoted doctor in the other two higher faculties that are now at the University of Basel, praise be to God, I have not been able to think of anything better than to send you, my dear and gracious gentlemen, a wish for a happy new year, in order to show my kindness, which is exactly what I mentioned earlier, which can serve to prolong your life. Therefore, what has been well spoken and experienced should always hold its place and reasonably remain in its good worth. I have just taken for myself the powerful writing of the highly learned Paracelsus on the spirit of life, which surpasses all members, from which no improvement can be made, and from which I have meditated and treated many times. Also, I have learned about the essential virtue and power of gold, which can be ingested in the human body like any other food and has wondrous effects on the healthy and the sick. I am willing to give your Honorable Wisdom sufficient examples of this if required. This great work, which appears so small to the outward eye, I hereby publish and make known under your protection and patronage, for the benefit of all pious Christians and for the eternal praise and glory of God, whose mercy always shines and appears more brightly without end, etc. With humble request, may your Honorable Wisdom always keep me in paternal consideration as your faithful citizen. Dated Basel, on Advent, the second day of December 1571.