Dedication, 1564-07-28, Thomas Erastus to Hieronymus Fugger and Mathias Gerardus a Castelan

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Thomas Erastus
Recipients: Hieronymus Fugger
Mathias Gerardus a Castelan
Type: Dedication
Date: 28 July 1564
Place: Heidelberg
Pages: 4
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Thomas Erastus, Ratio formandorum Syllogismorum breuissima & facilima, Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1565, p. 3-6 [BP.Erastus.1565-01]
Abstract: In this dedication, Thomas Erastus tells the story of revisiting his past writings during a winter spent in Mosbach. Among these, he rediscovered and revised a work on forming syllogisms, which he decided to publish under the names of the recipients of this letter. The booklet also includes an explanation on the difference between Dialectics and Logic, a topic requested by a learned young man, Simon Grynaeus. Erastus expresses his hope that the booklet will be beneficial to its readers and considers further publishing if it proves useful. He concludes with a blessing for the readers and their endeavors. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[p. 3] Illvstri et generoso viro, D[omino] Hieronymo Fvggero, Comiti in Vueissenhorn & Kirchberg, &c. & tum propria, tum maiorum uirtute nobilissimo uiro, D[omino] mathiae gerardo à Castelan Tyrolensi, Dominis suis obseruandis, Thomas Erastvs medicus S[alutem] D[icit].

Svperiore hyeme, cùm Schola nostra dißipata esset, professoresq́ue in diuersas partes abijssent, atque ego cùm Illustriß[imo] Principis consilio Mosbachiam seceßissem, scripta quædam mea, quæ diuersis temporibus de diuersißimis rebus ad diuersos amicos scripseram, cum aliud propter librorum penuriam (non enim licuit eos mecum asportare) aliaq́ue incommoda nihil facere possem, re- [p. 4] legi: & quæ utilia existimaui, ab inutilibus discreui. Inter alia in manus incidit scripti de formandis syllogismis exemplum: quod abiturus, uobis quoque repentè abituris, Bononiæ anno 1555, subitò & tumultuariè, spacio uidelicet minori quàm tridui, conscripseram. Quod cùm perlegissem, & nonnulla in eo correxissem, & aliquot præterea in locis auxissem, amicis quibusdam uiris doctis & pijs legendum & æstimandum dedi. Ii cùm utilitatem, si publicaretur, adolescentibus studiosis minimè contemnendam allaturum censerent, autores mihi fuerunt, ut in publicum exiere paterer. Horum consilium cùm non improbarem, non sub alio quàm uesto nomine, quibus ab initio scriptum destinatumq́ue fuisset, in publico apparere uolui. Accipite ergo hunc tenuem libellum, uestra causa scriptum, paulò nitidiorem & locupletiorem, ea humanitate patiamini. Si quis ex ipso fructus ad alios manabit, quem minimè uulgarem aut dubium illi, de quibus antea dicebam, spe- [p. 5] rant futurum: gratia uobis debebitur, qui mihi eius conscribendi autores præcipue, imò soli fuistis. Spero uos factum meum, & eorum qui ad id me impulerunt, consilium, non improbaturos.

Commodùm quoque accidit, ut superioribus diebus, egregiè doctus iuuenis, bonarum artium Magister, ac Mathematicarum disciplinarum professor, Symon Grynaevs, à me peteret, ut quod esse discrimen inter Dialecticam & Logicam putarem, ipsi scripto exponerem. Hoc ipsum præsenti libello de Syllogismorum constructione, annectere placuit, nonnullis de causis. Primùm, quia non dißimile argumentum contineret. Deinde, quia illa propemodum cuncta comprehenderet, quæ præsens uobis, si non dilucidius, certè copiosius exposui. Videbar etiam memoriæ uestræ consulturus. Quippe facilius, quæ à me ante tot annos audissetis, in mentem reuocaturi uidebamini, si iterum nunc eadem ferè legeretis. Postremò, arbitratus sum hanc rem plurimis alijs gratam fore, præsertim quum perpauci rectè obseruasse uidean- [p. 6] tur, quæ in eo disputantur.

Quòd si bonis & studiosis, quibus ista scribuntur, hæc qualiacunque prodesse aut placere sensero, de alijs edendis cognitabo, in quibus grauiores & obscuriores tum Philosophiæ tum Medicinæ quæstiones declarantur, & quæ plusculum in se habere eruditionis existimari fortasse possunt. Deus opt[imus] max[imus] consilia uestra fortunet: & ad sui nominis gloriam, multorumq́ salutem atque incolumitatem dirigat. Valete. Heidelbergæ, 5. Calend[is] Augusti, Anno Domini 1564.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 11 July 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the illustrious and noble man, Lord Hieronymus Fugger, Count in Weissenhorn and Kirchberg, etc., and the most noble man by his own and his ancestors' virtue, Lord Mathias Gerardus a Castelan from Tyrol, his observant Lords, Thomas Erastus, physician, sends greetings.

Last winter, when our school was dispersed and the professors had gone in various directions, and I had withdrawn to Mosbach at the advice of the most illustrious Prince, I re-read some of my own writings that I had sent to various friends on various subjects at different times, since, because of the scarcity of books (for I was not allowed to carry them with me) and other inconveniences, I could do nothing else. I separated what I thought useful from the useless. Among other things, a sample of a written work on forming syllogisms fell into my hands: which, about to leave, and you too about to leave suddenly, I had hurriedly written in less than three days in Bologna in 1555. When I had read it, and corrected some things in it, and added to some places, I gave it to some friends, learned and pious men, to read and judge. They believed that it would bring no small benefit to the studious youth if it were published and advised me to let it go public. As I did not disapprove of their advice, I wanted it to appear in public under no other name than yours, to whom it had been intended and written from the beginning. Therefore, accept this thin booklet, written for your sake, slightly more polished and enriched, with kindness. If any fruit from it will flow to others, which those I mentioned earlier hope will be neither commonplace nor doubtful, thanks will be due to you, who were mainly, indeed solely, the authors of its writing. I hope you will not disapprove of my action and the advice of those who urged me to it.

It also happened conveniently that a few days ago, an excellently educated young man, a Master of good arts, and a professor of Mathematical disciplines, Simon Grynaeus, asked me to explain in writing what I thought was the difference between Dialectics and Logic. I decided to append this to the present booklet on the construction of Syllogisms, for several reasons. First, because it would contain a not dissimilar argument. Next, because it would encompass almost everything that I have presented to you, if not more clearly, certainly more abundantly. I also thought I would be looking after your memory. For it seemed that you would more easily recall what you had heard from me so many years ago if you read almost the same things again now. Finally, I thought that this matter would be welcome to many others, especially since very few seem to have observed correctly what is discussed in it.

If I sense that these, whatever they may be, are useful or pleasing to the good and studious people for whom they are written, I will consider publishing others, in which more serious and obscure questions of both Philosophy and Medicine are explained, and which might perhaps be thought to contain a good deal of learning. May the greatest and best God bless your endeavors: and guide them towards the glory of His name, and the safety and well-being of many. Farewell. Heidelberg, 5th of the Kalends of August, in the year of our Lord 1564.