Dedication, 1556-10-10, Adam von Bodenstein to Johann Christoph vom Grüth, Abt von Muri

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Johann Christoph vom Grüth, Abt von Muri
Type: Dedication
Date: 10 October 1556
Place: Basel
Pages: 3
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Adam von Bodenstein, Wie sich meniglich vor dem Cyperlin Podagra genennet waffnen solle, Basel: Bartholomaeus Stähelin 1557, sig. A2r–A3r [BP.Bod.1557-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: As is customary among scholars, Bodenstein has chosen an esteemed and wise figure to whom he can present his work for protection and acceptance. He admires the Abbot's love for the arts, gardens, distillation, and the orderliness of his monastery. Impressed by the Abbot's virtues, Bodenstein sends his book to him, hoping that it will be received with humility and grace. He also prays that if anyone derides the book out of envy, they will remember his goodwill as the sender rather than the smallness of the book. Lastly, Bodenstein promises to continue serving the Abbot and Jesus Christ. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A2r] Dem Erwürdigen andechtigen Herren Christoffel vom Grütt/ Abtt deß Gottshus Muri/ meinem gnedigen Herren.

Erwürdiger andechtiger gepietender Herr/ demnach gewonlich der brauch ist by den jhenigen/ so etwas in künsten im truck außgehen lassend/ zů gleych einen schrifftgelerten/ oder sonst hoch uerstendigen tapfferen mann für sich zůnemmen/ welchem sy jre arbeyt dardurch jren geneygten gůten willen vnd dienst zůeröffnen/ Oder sonst/ das die selbige dieweils vnderem schirm deß Hochweysen außgeht dest krefftiger vor den tadtleren vnuerworffen bleybe zůeygnent. Do so hab ich sollichen loblichen brauch yetzund mit gegenwertigen kleinen büchlin nach vil minder fürgon wellen/ die weil den kleinen besser gezimbt dann den grossen. Vnd als ich bedacht E[uer] E[hrwürdigen] so geneigt zů allen freyen loblichen künsten/ vnd deren liebhaberen/ hochuerstendigs tugentliches ge- [sig. A2v] müts/ welches ich nebend anderem gunst vnd freündtlicher zůredte/ so sy mir vnerkanten beweysen/ Jn also ordenlicher komlicher regierung in jrem cönobio/ dergleychen ich zůuor nicht by vilen orten gesehen wol vrteylen kenden. Vnnd E[uer] E[hrwürdigen] liebe zů blůmen/ kreüteren/ schöner gärten/ distillieren/ vnd anderen adelichen künstlichen übungen nebend jrem vilfaltigen geschäfften dermassen gesehen/ das dorab ich mich nit minder verwonderet hette/ dann Pompeius ab dem fleyßigen studieren deß hochgelerten Catonis in Griechischer zunge/ ja/ Wo ich nicht ohne diß z°uring; vor gewist/ das vß einer rosen nichts anders dann rosen/ vnnd kein böllen herfür sprossete/ Hab[c1] ichs nicht vnderlassen wellen betrachtende jres g[naden] demůt vnnd hohen verstand/ Mir E[uer] E[hrwürdigen] zů solichem Patronen/ zůerwelen/ vnd schicken in erbietung meines willigen diensts/ dises mein büchlin jrer H[oheit][n1] zů/ mitt fleyßiger bitt/ sy welle das selbig auß demůt in g[naden] von mir entpfahen/ auch wo yemants neydiger deß wolte auß neyd betadlen oder verachten/ nach anderborner art jhren lassen befolhen sein/ nicht diß kleines büchlin/ sonder den willen deß schickendens bedencken/ auch mitt lieblichem angesicht wie gesagt wirdt/ das Alexander einen ge- [sig. A3r] schenckten apffel soll haben entpfangen/ entpfahen vnd jren angenem machen/ das wil ich mich befleyssen mit ernst zůuerdienen/ hie mit E[uer] E[hrwürdigen] vnnd g[naden] vnserem erlöser Jesu Christo trungentlichen befelhen. Geben Sambstag vor Galli/ Anno 56. zů Basel.

E[uer] G[naden] Dienstwilliger Adam von Bodenstein Doctor.



  1. Resolution of the abbreviation “H.” uncertain


  1. Hab] corrected from: Hab/

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 28 May 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the venerable and devoted Christoph vom Grüth, Abbot of the House of God Muri, my gracious lord.

Venerable, devout, and esteemed sir, as it is customary among those who disseminate their works in the arts through the press, to likewise choose a scholar, or otherwise highly understanding and courageous man, to whom they can open their work, thereby revealing their inclined good will and service, or else, so that the same may proceed under the protection of the wise, and thus remain more powerful and unchallenged by the mockers. Therefore, I have wished to follow such a commendable custom now with this small book, as it is more suited to the small than to the large. And as I considered Your Reverence so inclined to all noble free arts, and their lovers, of high understanding and virtuous disposition, which along with other favour and friendly conversation, you have shown me through unmistakable proofs. Also in such orderly and appropriate governance in your monastery, the likes of which I have not seen in many places and could judge well. And Your Reverence's love for flowers, herbs, beautiful gardens, distillation, and other noble and artistic exercises, along with your numerous duties, I have observed to such an extent, that I was no less amazed than Pompeius was by the diligent study of the highly learned Cato in Greek language. Indeed, if I had not already known that from a rose nothing other than roses, and no bulbs, sprout forth, I would not have failed to contemplate your grace's humility and high understanding, and choose Your Reverence as such a patron, and send in the offering of my willing service, this my book to your highness, with a diligent request, that you may receive the same with humility and grace from me. Also, if anyone envious should wish to mock or despise it out of envy, let them remember not this small book, but the will of the sender, and also with a pleasant countenance, as it is said that Alexander received a gifted apple, receive and make it pleasing to your highness. I will strive with earnest to serve, here with Your Reverence and grace our redeemer Jesus Christ earnestly recommend. Given Saturday before Galli, year 56, in Basel.

Your Grace's willing servant, Adam von Bodenstein, Doctor.