De septem stellis
Liber de septem stellis
Septem stellae
Printing History, Manuscripts. Not printed. Seven manuscripts.
Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.
Relationship between different versions. The Liber de septem stellis preserved among the Kiesewetter manuscripts in Munich is an extremely enlarged version. The text itself requires further study.
Structure, genre/form, perspective, style.
Relationship to other texts.
Authenticity, authorship.
Time of writing. Probably written in the 1570s. Mentioned in 1582 in a letter by Johann Franke to Leonhart Thurneisser. Next mentioned in a list of manuscripts by Karl Widemann. Mentioned again in 1726 in a list of manuscripts by Peter Friedrich Arpe.
- Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek: Mscr.Dresd.N.119, f. 8r–11v
- Leipzig, Universtitätsbibliothek: Cod. mag. 39; 11 fols.
- Leipzig, Universtitätsbibliothek: Ms. 0392; 41 fols.
- Lübeck, Stadtbibliothek: Ms. math. 4° 9, f. 143ra–144rb
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Kiesewetteriana 1e, 180–343 [enlarged version]
- Praha, Strahovská knihovna: Cod. DF IV 59, f. 137v–154r
- olim Ichtershausen, library of Duke Johann Friedrich VI. von Sachsen; confiscated in 1627; current location unknown
First printed: not printed
Historical Manuscript Catalogues: Widemann, Verzeichnisse (Kassel), n° IV, 6 / I, 124; Herzog Johann Friedrich von Sachsen-Weimar (1627), 217 n° 8; Schröer (1710), 3 n° 69; Arpe (1726), 123; Schröer/Roth-Scholtz (1732), 10 n° 71; Jahn (1754–1758), 3: 152 n° 204; von Linden (1788), 45 n° 304
Essential bibliography: Sudhoff, Paracelsus-Handschriften, 22, 685, 798 n° IV/16; CP 3: 494, 508.
Further bibliographical references:
Peuckert, Pansophie (1956), 481, 490.
Julian Paulus, “Eine unbeachtete Paracelsus-Handschrift aus Franken”, in Joachim Telle, ed., Parerga Paracelsica (Stuttgart, 1991), 141–147, on 144.
Carlos Gilly, “Il ritrovamento dell’originale del Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum di Großschedel” / “The rediscovery of the original of Großschedel’s Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum,” in Carlos Gilly and Cis van Heertum, eds., Magia, alchimia, scienza dal ’400 al ’700. L’influsso di Ermete Trismegisto (Venice, 2002), 295–315, on 311 and 315 n. 15.
Gerhard Powitz, “Mittelalterliche Handschriften aus dem Besitz der Senckenbergischen Bibliothek in Frankfurt am Main,” Codices Manuscripti, 60/61 (2007), 1–22, on 4 n° X39.
Leigh T.I. Penman, “A Second Christian Rosencreuz? Jakob Böhme’s Disciple Balthasar Walther (1558–c. 1630) and the Kabbalah. With a Bibliography of Walther’s Printed Works,” Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 20 (2008), 154–172, on 161.
Leigh T.I. Penman, “‘Ein Liebhaber des Mysterii, und ein großer Verwandter desselben.’ Toward the Life of Balthasar Walther: Kabbalist, Alchemist and Wandering Paracelsian Physician,” Sudhoffs Archiv, 94 (2010), 73–99, on 79.
Hereward Tilton, “Bells and Spells: Rosicrucianism and the Invocation of Planetary Spirits in Early Modern Germany,” in Celestial Magic, special issue of Culture and Cosmos, 19 (2015), 167–188, on 183 n. 54.
Bellingradt and Otto, Magical Manuscripts (2017), 117 n° 69.