Brusch 1551 Monasteriorum

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Caspar Brusch,
Monasteriorum Germaniae ... centuria prima


[f. 53r] Postea Regusium Abbatis Fabariensis & Septipagensium Heluetiorum pagum perfluens, è regione Mayenfeldi praeclarae ciuitatulae Rheno infunditur. Has thermas anno Christi 1242, temporibus uidelicet Imperatoris Friderici secundi, à Venatore quodam, cui Aucipi nomen erat, inuentas: & natura calidam aquam, eandemque pellucidam, purissimam, humanique gustui maxime delectabilem habentes, ex auri & cupri uenis defluere animaduersum est. Scripsit de harum natura celebris Medicus Theophrastus Paracelsus. Aqua earum reciproca est, quae semper in octobri desicere & euanescere, & per hyemem ueluti mortua esse, in Maio uero copiosissima redire solet: ita ut si in plano aliquo loco thermae sitae essent, eodem quidem tempore duobus hominum milibus sufficerent, tanta est aquarum copia, tant abundantia, tanta ubertas.


Brusch, Caspar: Monasteriorum Germaniae praecipuorum ac maxime illustrium centuria prima, Ingolstadt: Alexander and Samuel Weißenhorn, 1551, f. 53r, line 12.
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English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 28 February 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Later, the Regusa River flows through the territory of the Abbot of Faveria and the Seven Pagans of Helvetia, and pours into the Rhine near the splendid city of Mayenfeld. These hot springs were discovered in the year of Christ 1242, during the times of Emperor Frederick II, by a certain hunter named Aucipi. It was observed that the warm and crystal-clear water, which was also exceptionally pure and pleasing to the human taste, flowed out of veins of gold and copper. The famous physician Theophrastus Paracelsus wrote about their nature.

The water in these springs is constantly changing; in October, they dry up and disappear, and during winter they seem to be dead. However, they return in abundance in May. If these hot springs were located in a flat area, they would be sufficient for two thousand people at the same time, such is the abundance and richness of the water.