Brief an Wilhelm von Hohenheim

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Antwort Philippi Theophrasti / Brief an Wilhelm von Hohenheim

I. Basic information

Printing History, Manuscripts. First edited in 1608 by Benedictus Figulus. Two manuscripts. Critical edition in CP 3: 248–251 n° 104.

Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.

Relationship between different versions. Only one version known.

Structure, genre/form, perspective, style.

Relationship to other texts. In Figulus’s edition and in both manuscripts the letter is presented immediately after Particular Wilhelm von Hohenheims allegedly sent to his son. – For a list of more texts connected with Wilhelm von Hohenheim see Brief von Wilhelm von Hohenheim an seinen Sohn (§ ‎4.20).

Authenticity, authorship. Not authentic according to Sudhoff.

Time of writing. Further study required.

II. Sources


  • Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek: Voss. Chym. Q.1, f. 43r–43v
  • Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek: Cod. Guelf. 49 Noviss. 8°, f. 42v

First printed:

  • 1608 (in: Rosarium novum olympicum et benedictum. Das ist: Ein newer Gebenedeyter Philosophischer Rosengart, ed. Benedictus Figulus (Basel, 1608); VD17 12:133068G; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 482–485 n° 283)

Historical Manuscript Catalogues: von Linden (1788), part 2, 52 n° 54

III. Bibliography

Essential bibliography: Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 696 n° 21.

Further bibliographical references:

Boeren, Codices Vossiani Chymici (1975), 114.

Telle, “Paracelsus in pseudoparacelsischen Briefen” (2006–2007), 155 n. 27.