Bibliographia Paracelsistarum/Cornelis Drebbel
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Cornelis Drebbel: Een cort Tractaet van de Natuere der Elementen. Haarlem: Gillis Rooman, 1604.
Not in STCN. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1604-01]
Cornelis Drebbel: Wonder-Vondt van de eeuwighe bewegingh. Alkmaar: Iacob de Meester for Gerrit Pietersz Schagen, 1607.
STCN (a) 139090290; (b) 139090290. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 306, Dreb02.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1607-01]
Cornelis Drebbel: Ein kurtzer Tractat von der Natur Der Elementen. Leiden: Henrick Lodewijcxsoon van Haestens, 1608.
VD17 12:101275H. — STCN (a) 252244222; (b) 252244222. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01G.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1608-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Ein kurtzer Tractat von der Natur Der Elementen. Hamburg: Paul Lange, 1619.
VD17 23:000028N. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01G.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1619-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: De quinta essentia Tractatus, ed. by Joachim Morsius. No place, no printer, 1621.
Not in VD17. — Not in STCN. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 307, Dreb03.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1621-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Tractatus duo, ed. by Joachim Morsius, tr. by Peter Lauremberg. Hamburg: Heinrich Carstens, 1621.
VD17 23:295872S. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 307, Dreb04L.1
Partial Description: [BP.Drebbel.1621-02]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Een Kort Tractaet Van De Natvere Der Elementen,. Haarlem: Vincent Casteleyn, 1621.
STCN (a) 056769407; (b) 056769407. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1621-03]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Een Kort Tractaet Van De Natvere Der Elementen. Rotterdam: Pieter Jansz, 1621.
STCN (a) 155973908; (b) 155973908. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01.3
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1621-04]
Basilius Valentinus: Offenbahrung Der verborgenen Handgriffe auff das Universal gerichtet. Erfurt: Johann Birckner, 1624.
VD17 39:116714P. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 306, Dreb01G.3
Description: [BP.BasVal.1624-03]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Ein kurtzer Tractat von der Natur Der Elementen. Frankfurt am Main: Caspar Rötel for William Fitzer, 1628.
VD17 39:143608D. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 306, Dreb01G.4
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1628-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Tractatus De Natura Elementorum. Frankfurt am Main: Caspar Rötel for William Fitzer, 1628.
VD17 1:642414A. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 306, Dreb01L.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1628-02]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Tractatus duo, tr. by Peter Lauremberg. Genève: Jean de Tournes (III), 1628.
VD17 23:295872S. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 309, Dreb04L.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1628-03]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Een Kort Tractaet Van De Natvere Der Elementen. Rotterdam: Jan van Waesberge, 1632.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01.4
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1632-01]
Basilius Valentinus: Openbaringhe der verborgener Handtgrepen. Rotterdam: Jan van Waesberge (III), 1632.
STCN (a) 05732090X; (b) 05732090X. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 305, Dreb01.4
Description: [BP.BasVal.1632-01]
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Divers traitez de la philosophie naturelle. Paris: Jean d’Houry, 1672.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018): 308, Dreb04F.1
Partial Description: [BP.Alchemica.1672-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Grondige oplossinge van de Natuur en Eygenschappen der Elementen. Amsterdam: Jacob Claus, 1688.
STCN (a) 126815933; (b) 126815933. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 307, Dreb04.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1688-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Grondige oplossinge van de Natuur en Eygenschappen der Elementen. Rotterdam: Adriaan van Dijk, 1702.
STCN (a) 311493637; (b) 311493637. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 307, Dreb04.4
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1702-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Tractatus duo, tr. by Peter Lauremberg. No place, no publisher for [Andreas Luppius?], 1628.
VD17 23:295872S. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018): 309, Dreb04L.3
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1702-02]
Cornelis Drebbel: Grondige Oplossinge van de Natuur en Eygenschappen der Elementen. Amsterdam: Jan Graaf, 1709.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 307, Dreb04.5
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1709-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Gründliche Auflösung/ von der Natur und Eigenschafft der Elementen. Frankfurt am Main: Margaretha Gertraud Ising, 1715.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 308, Dreb04G.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1715-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Tractat Oder Abhandlung Von Natur und Eigenschafft der Elementen. Leipzig: Johann Sigmund Strauß, 1715.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 308, Dreb04G.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1723-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Grondige oplossinge van de Natuur en Eygenschappen der Elementen. Amsterdam: Samuel Lamsveld, 1732.
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018): 307-308, Dreb04.6.1
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1732-01]
Neue Herausgab einiger rar gewordener Chymischen sehr nutzbaren Tractätlein, ed. by Joseph Ferdinand Kleeblatt. Frankfurt am Main and Leizpig: Tobias Göbhardt, 1768.
VD18 1035879X. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018), 306, Dreb01G.5
Partial Description: [BP.Alchemica.1768-01]
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Cornelis Drebbel: Kort Begrip Der Hoofdstoffelyke Natuurkunde. Amsterdam: Pieter Gerardus Geysbeek and Lourens Groenewoud, 1785.
STCN (a) 296198919; (b) 296198919. —
Hoogendoorn, Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries (2018): 308, Dreb04.6.2
Description: [BP.Drebbel.1785-01]
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