Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP371
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
William Johnson: Lexicon Chymicum. London: Gertrude Dawson for William Nealand, 1652.Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 574-575, n° 371 (Google Books). —
8°. Signatures: A8(–A2) B–R8 = 135 fols. (270 pages) (autopsy).
[xvi], 250, [4 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Pagination errors: 96/97 as '95'/'96'; 100/101 as '99'/'100'; 104/105 as '103'/'104'; 108/109 as '107'/'108'; 110 as '101'; 201 as '231'; 245 as '145'; 248 as '148'; 249 as '149'.
Title black only. Identical with BP372 except for sheet A.
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