Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Varia.1596-02
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Jacob Horst: Zwei Bücher: Eins Von dem güldenen Zahn/ [...] Das Ander Von den Nachtwanderern, transl. by Jacob Horst the Younger. Leipzig: Michael Lantzenberger for Valentin Vögelin, 1596.VD16 H 5008. —
Main Language: German. —
Byline (author): Iacobi Horstii Doctoris der Artzney/ vnd Professoris in der JuliusVniuersitet zu Helmstädt
Byline (translator): vnd jetzo verdeutschet/ Durch Iacobum Horstium den Jüngern
Author: Jacob Horst
Translator: Jacob Horst the Younger
Printer: Michael Lantzenberger
Publisher: Valentin Vögelin
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sig. A2r–A5v [8 pages]
Dedicatory Preface by Georg Coberus, addressed to Mayor and Council of the City of Görlitz; German
Wien, 7 November 1595
sig. A6r–A8v [6 pages]
Dedicatory Preface by Jacob Horst, addressed to Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor; German
Helmstedt, 1 March 1595
sig. N5r ‖ p. 185–190 [6 pages]
Dedicatory Preface by Jacob Horst the Younger, addressed to Heinrich von der Wense; German
Helmstedt, 19 December 1595