Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Toxites.1663-02
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Raimundus Lullus: Testamentum, ed. by D. M. Rault. No place, no publisher, no date [ca. 1663]..
Main Language: Latin. —
Byline (author): Raymundi Lulli doctissimi et celeberrimi philosophi
Composed of a reprint of the Cologne edition of Lull's Testamentum from 1573 (VD16 R 167) and a reprint of Toxites’ edition of the Libelli aliquot Chemici from 1572.
Author: Raimundus Lullus
Editor: D. M. Rault
Permanent link to this page:
sig. A1r
Title page
sig. A1v
Blank page
sig. A2r–A3v [4 pages]
Preface by Ludolf Verdemann, addressed to Chymicae artis indagatoribus; Latin
Cologne, 22 February 1566
sig. Aa1r
Secondary title page
sig. Aa1v
Blank page
sig. Aa2r–Aa5r [7 pages]
Dedicatory Preface by Michael Toxites, addressed to Florian Daniel Koschwitz; Lucas Bathodius; Valentin Koslitz; Latin
Straßburg, 13 November 1571
Reprinted from: BP.Toxites.1572-01
sig. Aa5v–Aa6r [2 pages]
‘Nomenclatura librorum Raymundii Lullii, quos ipse citat in Testamento Novissimo’, ; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Toxites.1572-01
sig. Aa6r
‘De lapide philosophorum’, Poem, 14 verses by Alexander von Suchten, addressed to Guilhelmus Blancus; Latin
Author’s byline: A. de S.
Reprinted from: BP.Toxites.1572-01
sig. Aa6v
‘Lectori’, Poem, 12 verses by P. Dr., addressed to Reader; Latin
Author’s byline: P. DR. MEDICVS
Reprinted from: BP.Toxites.1572-01