Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Ruland.1611-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Martin Ruland the Younger: Alexicacus chymiatricus. Frankfurt am Main: Zacharias Palthenius for the Author, 1611.4°. Signatures: †4 A–O4 = 60 fols. (120 pages) (autopsy).
[vii], [1 blank], 111, [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Author: Martin Ruland the Younger
Printer: Zacharias Palthenius
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Munich, State LibraryRome, National Central Library
sig. †1r
Title page
sig. †1v
Blank page
sig. †2r–†2v [2 pages]
Dedication by Martin Ruland the Younger, addressed to Electoral Government of Palatinate-Amberg; Latin
Prague, 29 August 1610
sig. †4r
Poem, 20 verses by [Martin Ruland the Younger]; Latin
Title: Antithetikon ... Apologiae chymico-medicae practicae Ioannis Oberndorfferi
sig. †4v
Blank page
sig. A1r–O4r ‖ p. 1–111 [111 pages]
‘Excussio chymico-medicorum practicorum Iohann[is] Oberndorferi’, by Martin Ruland the Younger
Prague, 29 August 1610
sig. O4v
Blank page