Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Reußner.1572-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Bartholomäus Reußner: Ethica Christiana. Bautzen: Johann Wolrab, 1572.
VD16 R 1337. — USTC: 653911. —
8°. Signatures: A–Z8 a–e8 = 224 fols. (448 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. [445], [3 blank] pages (autopsy). —
Main Language: German. —
Full title (autopsy):
Ethica christiana,Das istEine Hauß-lehr/ wie man einen Chri-stlichen Wandel anstellen vnd füh-ren sol/ Aus Gottes wortzusammen ge-tragen.DurchD. Bartholomeum Reusnerum.Psalm LI.Jch wil dir Vberthreter deinewege lehren/ das sich dieSünder zu dir bekeren. ‖ [Line] ‖ M. D. LXXII.
Full colophon (autopsy):
Gedruckt zu Budissin/ ‖ durch Hans Wolrab.
Digital copy (Google Books)
Google Books: Munich, State Library (qax_1oRv7zMC)
Digital copy (Libraries)
Munich, State Library

Links to copies (Libraries)
Vatican City, Vatican Library
sig. A1r
Title page

sig. A1v
Bible quotation(s)

sig. A2r–A3v [4 pages]
Preface by Martin Tectander, addressed to the Reader; German

sig. A4r–e4v [440 pages]
‘Ethica Christiana’, by Bartholomäus Reußner; German

sig. e5r
Bible quotation(s)

sig. e5v–e6r [2 pages]
Postface by Bartholomäus Reußner, addressed to the Reader; German

sig. e6v–e7r [2 pages]

sig. e7r

sig. e7v–e8v [3 pages]
3 blank pages