Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Fedro.1562-02
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Georg Fedro: Eleenus siue perfecta epilepsiae curatio. Ingolstadt: Alexander Weißenhorn and Samuel Weißenhorn, 1562.VD16 F 689. — USTC: 2213635. —
4°. Signatures: A–B4 = 8 fols. (16 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. [15], [1 blank] pages (autopsy). —
Main Language: Latin. —
Full title (autopsy):
Ge. Phædro- ‖ nis Rhodochæi medici ‖ Eleenus siue perfecta epilepsiæ cura- ‖ tio, ad amplissimum D. Os- ‖ uualdum ab Eck, in Ran- ‖ deck & Eisen- ‖ hofen. ‖ Ingolstadii anno a` ‖ Christiana salute M. D. LXII.
Author: Georg Fedro
Printer: Alexander Weißenhorn; Samuel Weißenhorn
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