Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Erastus.1595-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Thomas Erastus: Disputationum & Epistolarum Medicinalium volumen doctissimum, ed. by Theophil Mader. Zürich: Johann Wolf, 1595.
VD16 E 3680. — USTC: 698441. —
4°. Signatures: *4 a–z4 aa–ff4 A–Z4 Aa–Dd4 = 228 fols. (456 pages) (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Full title (autopsy):
Thomae Erastiphilosophiet medici cele-berrimi, dispvtatio- ‖ num & Epistolarum Medicinalium ‖ volumen doctissimum. ‖ Nvnc recens in lv-cem editvm, opera et stvdioTheophili Maderi Philosophiæ ac Me- ‖ dicinæ doctoris, ac Physices in Academia ‖ Heydelbergensi Professoris ‖ ordinarij. ‖ [Printer's mark] ‖ TigvriApvd Ioannem Vvolphivm, typisFrosch. Anno M. D. XCV.
Printer: Johann Wolf
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Zurich, Central Library

sig. *1r
Title page
Printer’s mark on title page

sig. *1v
Blank page

sig. *2r–*3v [4 pages]
Dedication by Theophil Mader, addressed to Adrian Borcke; Latin
Heidelberg, 29 September 1594

sig. *4r
Poem by Gabriel Gerber, addressed to Thomas Erastus; Latin

sig. *4v
Blank page

sig. a1r–ff3v ‖ f. 1r–115v
‘Disputationum medicarum liber’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

Disputatio 1: sig. a1r–a1v ‖ f. 1r–1v [2 pages]
‘De constitutione hyemis praeteritae anni 1559’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Heinrich Smetius
[Heidelberg], 1560

Disputatio 2: sig. a1v–a2r ‖ f. 1v–2r
‘De tumoribus praeter naturam’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Sigismund Melanchthon

Disputatio 3: sig. a2r–a2v ‖ f. 2r–2v
‘De humoribus’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Sigismund Melanchthon

Disputatio 4: sig. a2v–a3r ‖ f. 2v–3r
‘De saporibus’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Hieronymus Niger

Disputatio 5: sig. a3r–a4r ‖ f. 3r–4r
‘An occultae medicamentorum, in quorum numero & cibus ponimus, potestates, methodo investigari possint’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Simon Grynaeus

Disputatio 6: sig. a4r–b1v ‖ f. 4r–5v
‘De purgantibus medicamentis’, by [Thomas Erastus?]; Latin
Praeses: Sigismund Melanchthon
Respondent: Peter Turner

Disputatio 7: sig. b1v–b3r ‖ f. 5v–7r
‘De dentibus’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Simon Grynaeus

Disputatio 8: sig. b3r–b4v ‖ f. 7r–8v
‘De renum calculis’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Peter Turner

Disputatio 9: sig. b4v–c2v ‖ f. 8v–10v
‘De febrium definitione’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Sebastian Caesar

Disputatio 10: sig. c2v–c4v ‖ f. 10v–12v
‘De revulsione’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Matthaeus Mader

Disputatio 11: sig. c4v–d4r ‖ f. 12v–16r
‘De hydrope’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Sebastian Caesar

Disputatio 12: sig. d4r–e1v ‖ f. 16r–17v
‘De natura et causis epilepsiae’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Jacob Seidel

Disputatio 13: sig. e2r–f4v ‖ f. 18r–24r
‘De contagio’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Timotheus Mader
Reprinted from: BP.Erastus.1574-02

Disputatio 14: sig. f4v–g1v ‖ f. 24v–25v
‘De singultu’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Jeremias Eisenmenger

Disputatio 15: sig. g1v–i4r ‖ f. 25v–36r
‘De morbis totius substantiae’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Theophil Mader

sig. g2r ‖ f. 26r
Dedication by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Johann von Ewich; Latin

Disputatio 16: sig. i4r–l3r ‖ f. 36r–43v
‘De putredine’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Leo Wolfhard

Disputatio 17: sig. l3r–n3r ‖ f. 43v–51r
‘De melancholia’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Leo Wolfhard

Disputatio 18: sig. n3r–p2v ‖ f. 51r–58v
‘De somno’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Johann Beatus Hummel

Disputatio 19: sig. p2v–r3r ‖ f. 58v–67r
‘Utrum humores alii a sanguine ... corporis integre sani partes aliquas nutriant?’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Daniel Obrecht

Disputatio 20: sig. r3r–u1v ‖ f. 67r–77v
‘De pinguedine in animalibus generatione et concretione’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Michael Schenck

Disputatio 21: sig. u2r–aa3r ‖ f. 78r–95r
‘De convulsione’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

Disputatio 22: sig. aa3r–ee2r ‖ f. 95r–110r
‘De amuletis’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

Disputatio 23: sig. ee2r–ff3v ‖ f. 110r–115v
‘De stupore medicamentorumque stupefacientium natura et viribus’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

sig. ff4r
Table of contents

sig. ff4v
Blank page

sig. A1r–Dd2v ‖ f. 1r–106v
‘Epistolarum liber’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

Epistola 1: sig. A1r–A2v ‖ f. 1r–2v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
Heidelberg, 26 March 1577

Epistola 2: sig. A2v–A4r ‖ f. 2v–4r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Antonio Francisco Pigafetta; Latin
Heidelberg, 5 March 1572

Epistola 3: sig. A4r–B3v ‖ f. 4r–6v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Peter Monau; Latin
no place, 23 August 1578

Epistola 4: sig. B3v–C3v ‖ f. 6v–11v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Peter Monau; Latin
no place, 1 January 1579

Epistola 5: sig. C3v–D1v ‖ f. 11v–13v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Peter Monau; Latin

Epistola 6: sig. D1v–D4v ‖ f. 13v–16v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Peter Monau; Latin
no place, February 1580

Epistola 7: sig. E1r–E4r ‖ f. 17r–20r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
no place, 22 June 1578

Epistola 8: sig. E4r–F2r ‖ f. 20r–22r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
no place, 11 July 1577

Epistola 9: sig. F2r–F4r ‖ f. 22r–24r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
Heidelberg, 15 September 1577

Epistola 10: sig. F4r–H1v ‖ f. 24r–29v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to [Henricus Smetius]; Latin
no place, 1 August 1575

Epistola 11: sig. H1v–H4v ‖ f. 29v–32v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
no place, Expression error: Unrecognized word "xx".

Epistola 12: sig. H4v–I4r ‖ f. 32v–36r
Letter by Thomas Erastus; Latin
no place, no date

Epistola 13: sig. I4r–K2v ‖ f. 36r–38v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to unknown; Latin
no place, no date

Epistola 14: sig. K2v–L3r ‖ f. 38v–43r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Camillo Franchino; Latin
no place, no date

Epistola 15: sig. L3r–N1v ‖ f. 43r–49v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Christoph Schilling; Latin

Epistola 16: sig. N1v–N2r ‖ f. 50r [49v pages]
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Theophil Mader; Latin

Epistola 17: sig. N2r–O2v ‖ f. 50r–54v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Girolamo Capivaccio; Latin

Epistola 18: sig. O2v–P3v ‖ f. 54v–59v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Bernardino Paterno; Latin

Epistola 19: sig. P3v–R1r ‖ f. 59v–65r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Bernardino Paterno; Latin

Epistola 20: sig. R1r–S2r ‖ f. 65r–70r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Girolamo Capivaccio; Latin

Epistola 21: sig. S2r–T1r ‖ f. 70r–73r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Girolamo Capivaccio; Latin

Epistola 22: sig. T1r–T4v ‖ f. 73r–76v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Lucas Stenglin; Latin

Epistola 23: sig. T4v–Y4v ‖ f. 76v–88v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Johannes Crato; Latin

Epistola 24: sig. Y4v–Z2r ‖ f. 88v–90r
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Johannes Crato; Latin
no place, no date

Epistola 25: sig. Z2r–Dd1v ‖ f. 90r–105v
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Conrad Gessner; Latin
Heidelberg, 17 September 1564

Epistola 26: sig. Dd1v ‖ f. 105v [1 pages]
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Johann Wilhelm Stucki; Latin

Epistola 27: sig. Dd2r–Dd2v ‖ f. 106r–106v [2 pages]
Letter by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Taddeo Duno; Latin
no place, 9 April 1571

sig. Dd3r–Dd4r
Table of contents

sig. Dd4v
Blank page