Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Erastus.1579-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
András Dudith: De cometarum significatione commentariolus. , 1579.VD16 D 2846. — USTC: 611490. —
4°. Signatures: A–H4 I2 = 34 fols. (68 pages) (autopsy).
68 pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Full title (autopsy):
Andreae Dvditii ‖ viri clarissimi ‖ de ‖ cometarvm si- ‖ gnificatione com- ‖ mentariolvs. ‖ In quo non minùs eleganter, quàm doctè & verè, ‖ Mathematicorum quorundam in ea re ‖ vanitas refutatur. ‖ Addidimus D. Thomæ Erasti ‖ eadem de re sententiam. ‖ [Printer's mark] ‖ Basileae ‖ Ex Officina Petri Pernæ ‖ Anno 1579.
Author: András Dudith
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sig. A1r
Title page
sig. A1v
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sig. A2r–B2v ‖ p. 3–12 [10 pages]
Dedication by Giovanni Michele Bruto, addressed to Mikołaj Mielecki; Latin
Kraków, 23 September 1579
sig. B3r–G1v ‖ p. 13–50
‘De cometarum significatione’, by András Dudith, addressed to Johannes Crato; Latin
Paskov, 28 February 1578
sig. G2r–H2v ‖ p. 51–68
‘De cometarum significationibus sententia’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Erastus.1578-01