Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Anthony.1618-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Francis Anthony: Panacea Aurea Sive Tractatus duo de ipsius Auro Potabili, ed. by Melchior Breler. Hamburg: Georg Ludwig Frobenius, 1618.
Main Language: Latin. —
sig. (a)1r
Title page

sig. (a)1v
Quotation from Henricus Petraeus on Francis Anthony

sig. (a)2r–(a)8v [14 pages]
Preface by [Melchior Breler], addressed to the Reader; Latin
Hamburg, 31 July 1618

sig. (a)8r
Letter by Francis Anthony, addressed to [Melchior Breler]; Latin

sig. A1r–D5r ‖ p. 1–57
‘Medicinae chymicae et veri potabilis auri assertio’, by Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. A1v–A2v ‖ p. 2–4 [3 pages]

sig. A3r ‖ p. 5
Preface by Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. A3v ‖ p. 6
Table of contents

sig. D5v
Blank page

sig. D6r–N7r ‖ p. 59–205
‘Apologia veritatis illucescentis pro auro potabili’, by Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. D6v–D7r ‖ p. 60–61 [2 pages]
‘In Apologiam auro potabilis Francisci Antonii epigramma’, Poem by M.M.C.P.M.D.E.E.P.C. [Michael Maier], addressed to Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. D7r ‖ p. 61
‘Reciprocum hexastichon’, Poem by M.M.C.P.M.D.E.E.P.C. [Michael Maier], addressed to Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. D7v ‖ p. 62
Letter by Hermes Malavici [Michael Maier], addressed to Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. D8r–E3v ‖ p. 63–70
‘Spongia muriatica’, Seven poems by Hermes Malavici [Michael Maier], addressed to Francis Anthony; Latin

sig. E4r–E5r ‖ p. 71–73 [3 pages]
Letter by Alexander Gil, addressed to Michael Maier; Latin

sig. E5v ‖ p. 74
Poem by Timothy Willis, addressed to Michael Maier; Latin

sig. E6r–E7r ‖ p. 75–77 [3 pages]
Preface by [Francis Anthony], addressed to the Reader; Latin
London, no date

sig. N7v–N8v [3 pages]
3 blank pages