Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Alchemica.1625-03
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Musaeum Hermeticum. Frankfurt am Main: Lucas Jennis, 1625.. Signatures: )?(4 )()(4 A–Z4 Aa–Zz4 Aaa–Kkk4 A–D4 E2 = 250 fols. (500 pages) (autopsy).
[xvi], 445, [2], [1 blank]; 35, [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Publisher: Lucas Jennis
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Dresden, State and University Library
sig. )?(1r
Title page
sig. )?(1v
Table of contents
sig. )?(2r–)()(4r [13 pages]
Dedicatory Preface by Lucas Jennis, addressed to John Dietrich, Count of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort; Latin
Frankfurt am Main, 1 March 1625
sig. )()(4v
Poem, 4 verses by Daniel Meisner; Latin
Illustration: engraving
Author’s byline: D. M. à C. B. P. L. C. [Daniel Meisner a Comotovia Bohemus Poeta Laureatus Caesareus]
Item 1
sig. A1r–K1v ‖ p. 1–74
‘Tractatus aureus de lapide philosophorum’, ; Latin
Item 2
sig. N2v
Blank page
Item 3
sig. N3r–Bb1v ‖ p. 101–194
‘Wasserstein der Weisen’, ; Latin
sig. N3r
Illustration: engraved title page with typographic center field
Illustration: Portrait of Paracelsus
Item 4
sig. Bb2r
Illustration: engraved title page with typographic center field
Artist: Balthasar Schwan
Artist: Balthasar Schwan
Illustration: Portrait of Paracelsus
Artist: Balthasar Schwan
Artist: Balthasar Schwan
Item 5
sig. Hh2r–Ll2v ‖ p. 243–268
‘Via veritatis unicae’, ; Latin
sig. Hh2r
Illustration: engraved title page with typographic center field
sig. Ll3r
Illustration: engraving
sig. Ll3v
Blank page
Item 6
sig. Ll3r–Eee2r ‖ p. 271–403
‘Gloria mundi’, ; Latin
sig. Ll3r
Illustration: engraved title page with typographic center field
Item 7
sig. Ee3r–Hhh2r ‖ p. 405–427
‘De lapide philosophico tractatus eximius’, ; Latin
sig. Eee3r
Illustration: title page with engraving
sig. Hhh2v
Blank page
Item 8
sig. Hhh3r–Kkk3r ‖ p. 429–445
‘Liber Alze’, ; Latin
sig. Hhh3r
Illustration: title page with engraving
sig. Kkk3v
Illustration: engraving
sig. Kkk4r
Illustration: engraving
sig. Kkk4r
Blank page
Item 9
sig. ²A1r
Illustration: title page with engraving
sig. ²E2v
Blank page