Authors/Guillaume de La Chassaigne, abbé de Verteuil
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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- ‘Artis spagyricae ad lectorem prosopopoeia’, Poem, no date [1582], by Verteuillius Burdegalensis [Guillaume de La Chassaigne, abbé de Verteuil?]; Latin
- Source: Paracelsus, Centum quindecim curationes experimentaque, ed. Bernard Gilles Penot, Lyon: Jean Lertout, 1582, sig. ¶7v [BP190]
- The author appeals to the muses and the laurel of honor, lamenting that his artistic and intellectual endeavors have not won him the companionship and rivalry of peers. He describes the physical efforts and the aesthetic appeal of his work, suggesting that if his appearance and talents do not attract followers, perhaps his wealth might. The plea is a call for recognition and engagement in a scholarly or artistic dialogue, emphasizing the value of constructive criticism and learning over mere disdain for others' works.