Authors/Dominicus Gnosius

From Theatrum Paracelsicum

Personal Bibliography

Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces

from: Hermetis Trismegisti tractatus vere aureus, 1610
In this dedication, Dominicus Gnosius addresses Ladislaus Welen, Baron of Zierotin, praising him as a learned man who takes pleasure in the sciences and the secrets of nature. He introduces a work by Hermes Trismegistus, lauded for its philosophy on nature's secrets. This work, which had recently come into Gnosius's possession, has been prepared for printing with an enriching commentary. Gnosius entrusts the work to Welen, anticipating his intellectual enjoyment and defense against critics. He ends by praying for the continuous awakening of enlightened minds to explore nature's mysteries for the benefit of humanity.

Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.



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