Aus einem Brief an Bartholomäus Korndörffer über den Sulphur
Paracelsus schreibt an Bartholomaeum Korndörffer
Printing History, Manuscripts. This text consists only of quotations from an alleged letter from Bartholomäus Korndörffer to Paracelsus. First printed in 1606. Full text unknown. Another edition in 1680; another one in 1706.
Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.
Relationship between different versions. The 1680 edition of the text ends with a 16-line poem. The quotations printed in 1706 preserve basically the same text, but there are small differences in wording and some of the quotations of the 1680 edition are missing, especially the poem.
Structure, genre/form, perspective, style. Written in part in the first person and sometimes directly addressing the reader. The 1680 edition of the text ends with a short poem.
Relationship to other texts. The quotations are obviously connected with the Letter to Bartholomäus Korndörffer (§ 4.9), but the quotations are not from this text. Immediately following them there is a section with the heading “Folget von den praecipitaten Paracelsi” that is, however, an actual quotation from the Letter to Korndörffer. – For a list of texts associated with Korndörffer see Brief an Bartholomäus Korndörffer (§ 4.9).
Authenticity, authorship.
Time of writing. Possibly written in the 1590s or early 1600s.
Manuscripts: no manuscripts known
First printed:
- 1606 (in: Franz Kieser, ed., Cabala Chymica. Concordantia Chymica. Azot Philosoph. Solificatum. Drey vnnterschiedliche/ Nützliche/ vnd zuvor nie außgegangene Tractätlein (Mühlhausen: Martin Spieß for Johann Spieß, 1606); VD17 12:650901T; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 473–474 n° 277)
- 1680 (in: Ulr. C. von Dagitza, ed., Alexandri von Suchten/ Eines wahren Philosophi und der Artzneyen Doctoris Chymische Schrifften Alle, Johann Görlin (Hamburg) for Georg Wolff (Frankfurt a.M.), 1680; VD17 23:239279L; Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 618–619 n° 411; reprinted from the 1606 edition)
- 1706 (in: Christian de Medices, Concursus Philosophorum, Das ist […] Beschreibung/ […] welche gestalt die […] Alten das […] Geheimnüß vom Stein der Weisen zu wercke gerichtet, ed. Johann Friedrich Brebiss (Jena: Johann Bielcke, 1706); not in Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica)
Essential bibliography: CP 3: 285.