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From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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{{ManuscriptRecord|Manuscript=Admont, Stiftsbibl: Hs. 855
|DigitalCopyURL =
|DigitalCopyDate = 2021-12-31
|DigitalImagesURL = 
|City = Admont
|Library = Stiftsbibliothek
|LibraryURL = https://www.stiftadmont.at/bibliothek
|CurrentShelfmark = Hs. 855
|OldShelfmarks =
|WrongShelfmarks =
|Sudhoff =  040 (pp. 127—131)
|Sudhoff =  125b (pp. 654—656)
|Weimann = 
|Goldammer = 
|Date = 1626
|Description = 157 fols. (122 fols. with written text), 8°; foliation: ff. 223—316, 388—455
|Ownership = 
|Language = 
|Content = 
f. 231r—292r: collection of short medical texts, both galenic and paracelsian
f. 293—316: blank
f. 317—387: missing
f. 388r—397r: <u>Paracelsus: De Gradibus</u>; German; no title; fragment (book 4, chap. 5—8; book 5, chap. 2, 3, 6—8; book 3, chap. 6—10).
f. 400r—415v: <u>Ps.-Paracelsus (=Bartholomäus Carrichter): Von der Heilung zauberischer Schäden</u>; Title (f. 400r): "Curationes Doctoris: Theophrasti. Vor die Betzauberte Scheden: Anno 1626"; Inc.: (f. 401r): "Cura vor die Betzauberte Schäden, vnd was zu derselbigen Heilung von nötten zu haben. Vorerst wil Ich anfangen alle stuck so man wider die vertzauberte kranckheiten gebrauchen pflegt zuerzelen"; Preface to Ulrich Beck is missing; not copied from a printed edition.
f. 417r—454v: A Catalogue of simplicia; Title: "Kürtzer Außzüg vnd verzaichnus der gebräuchlichsten Ainfachen vegetabilischen: Animalischen. vnnd Mineralischen Stuck: Krefft vnd würckhung: Auch wie man Jedes vnderschiedlich Erkhennen: Erwöllen vnd Nutzlich gebrauchen solle."
|CatalogueOnline = 
|DescriptionOnline = 
* [https://manuscripta.at/?ID=26662 manuscripta.at]
* [ HMML's Legacy Catalog]
|DescriptionMs = 
Jakob Wichner, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Admontensis (handschriftlich). Admont 1888, S. 296 = [http://manuscripta.at/diglit/wichner_1888] = [https://manuscripta.at/_scripts/php/cat2pdf.php?cat=wichner&ms_code=AT1000-855]
|DescriptionPrinted = 
|Sources = 
Telle, Joachim: Bartholomäus Carrichter, 1998, S. 76 (Nr. I.4)}}

Revision as of 17:57, 7 April 2022

|Manuscript       = 
|Country          = 
|City             = 
|Library          = 
|LibraryURL       = 
|DigitalCopyURL   = 
|DigitalCopyURL2  = 
|DigitalCopyDate  = 
|DigitalImagesURL = 
|CurrentShelfmark = 
|OldShelfmarks    = 
|WrongShelfmarks  = 
|Sudhoff          = 
|Sudhoff2         = 
|Weimann          = 
|Weimann          = 
|Goldammer        = 
|Date             = 
|Description      = 
|Ownership        = 
|Language         = 

|Content =

|CatalogueOnline =

|DescriptionOnline =

|DescriptionMs = 

|DescriptionPrinted =

|Sources =
