Preface, no date (1570), Anonymous to the Reader (BP121)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Anonymous
Recipient: Reader
Type: Preface
Date: no date [1567]
Pages: 2
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Medici libelli, ed. Balthasar Flöter, Köln: Gerhard Virendunck for Arnold Birckmann (Erben) 1567, sig. A2r-A2v [BP087]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: This preface addresses the reader about the publication of Theophrastus Paracelsus' "Archidoxes." Despite earlier editions being printed in various locations, many contained errors and deviated from the original. The author has prepared this edition based on Paracelsus' own handwriting, making significant corrections. It includes the books "De Renovatione et Restauratione" and "De Vita Longa," as well as a previously unpublished tractate "De Mineralibus." The intention is to satisfy readers' interest in Paracelsus' works and encourage the release of more of his writings, thereby enriching the common good and revealing nature's secrets for the praise of God and the benefit of art lovers. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A2r] Zum Leser.

Wiewoll günstiger lieber Leser/ diese Bücher Archidoxorum des hocherfahrnesten Medici vnd Philosophi Theophrasti Paracelsi in öffentlichen[c1] truck zuuor an mehr örten außgangen/ gleichwoll dessen vnangesehen/ nach dem in warheit befunden/ das vil falsch getruckt/ vnd dem Original zuwider/ hab nit vnderlassen können oder willen/ dieweil nicht wenig dran gelegen/ gegenwertiges Exemplar iin truck zuuerfertigen/ welches auß des Authoris eygner Handschrifft vbersehen/ vnd an gar viel örtern correcter dann inn allen vorigen trucken geschehen/ nimmer gelesen werden mag/ der gentzlicher zuuersicht es werd dise arbeit menniglich/ so sich des Herrlichen Scribentens schrifften zulesen erfrewen/ gefällich vnd gar angenehm sein. So hab ich dem Authori auch seine ordnung bleiben lassen/ wie ers selbst eigner hantschrifft ordiniert: magst deines gefallens das Buch de Renouatione vnnd restauratione auch de vita longa hinsetzen da dirs am besten gefellet.

Weiter auch findestu hinzu getruck ein tractat de mineralibus, zuuor nie in druck kommen/ welchen ich hinzu gesetzt auß seinem Buch de Naturalibus [sig. A2v] vom Saltz/ Schwefel/ Arsenico, Vitriolo, vngezweifeldt/ es werden dich dieselbe tractatus mitt fleiß zulesen/ erfrewen. Vnnd wiewoll zuuor vom Vitriolo vnnd Sulphure dem Buch vonn S[anct] Veitz dantz hinzugetruckt/ so seind doch dieselbe Capita, insonderheit das de Sulphure mutiliert vnd imperfect an tag kommen/ damitt du aber dieselbe gantz vnd gar/ wie die vom Authore geordnet vnd geschrieben haben/ vnd lesen mögest/ hats mich vor gut angesehen/ auch von wegen gleich tractierung der mineralium solche Capita hinzutrucken lassen/ alles der meinung geschehen/ deine lust des Theophrasti schreiben zu lesen/ zu ersettigen/ vnd andere anzureitzen/ die noch mehr geschriebene Theophrasti bücher hinder jhnen auffhalten/ nicht ohn groß nachtheil des gemeinen bestens/ die an tag kommen zulassen/ damit meniglich hoch gefordert/ vnd vil der Natur geheimnis/ dem Allmechtigen Gott vnd Schöpffer aller dingen zu lob vnd ehren/ kunstliebenden leuten/ kundt vnd offenbar werden möchten/ mit der betrachtung das ein verborgener Schatz niemand nützet.



  1. öffentlichen] corrected from: öffentliche

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 18 December 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Dear favorable reader, although these books of the "Archidoxes" by the highly experienced physician and philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus have been previously published in several places, it has been found that many were printed incorrectly and contrary to the original. Despite this, I could not refrain from preparing this present copy for printing, as it has been reviewed from the author's own handwriting and corrected in many places more than any previous editions. It is with complete confidence that this effort will please and be very agreeable to everyone who enjoys reading the writings of this esteemed author. I have also retained the author's own arrangement as he organized it in his own handwriting. You may place the book "De Renovatione et Restauratione" and "De Vita Longa" wherever you find it most fitting.

Additionally, you will find a tractate "De Mineralibus," never before printed, which I have included from his book "De Naturalibus" on salt, sulfur, arsenic, and vitriol. Undoubtedly, these tractates will delight you with diligent reading. Although chapters on vitriol and sulfur have been previously added to the book of Saint Vitus' dance, those chapters, especially the one on sulfur, appeared mutilated and incomplete. To present them fully and as the author arranged and wrote them, I thought it good to also include these chapters on the treatment of minerals. All this is done with the intention of satisfying your desire to read Theophrastus' writings and to encourage others to release more of Theophrastus' written books, which they are withholding to the great detriment of the common good. This would greatly promote everyone and reveal many secrets of nature, to the praise and honor of Almighty God and Creator of all things, and make them known and apparent to those who love art, considering that a hidden treasure benefits no one.