Notice 1, no date (1576), by Michael Toxites (BP171)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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Author: Michael Toxites
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1576]
Pages: 1
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, De Peste [...] an die Statt Stertzingen geschriben, ed. Michael Toxites, Straßburg: Nikolaus Wiriot 1576, sig. D2r [BP171]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[sig. D2r] Etliche consilia Philipppi Theophrasti Paracelsi beider Artzney Doctoris.

Djse volgende Consilia hab ich hieher setzen wöllen zweyer vrsachen halben. Erstlich daß ich gůten Leüten/ denen sie zů nutz kommen mögen/ damit diene. Zů dem andern/ daß sie nit vnder ein Eyß gangen/ dieweil ich weiß daß sie vilen gelerten wol gefallen/ vnnd bey vielen nutzlich gebraucht worden seind/ wann einer ein Heydnischen alten Pfening find/ ob er schon küpfere ist/ helt er jhn dannocht in ehren/ zeigt eim gůten Freundt/ vnnd prangt damit/ warumb solte ich dann nit auch diese fragmenta in Ehren halten/ welche vil besser seind dann küpfere vnd silbere Pfening?

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 15 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Various advice from Philippus Theophrastus Paracelsus, doctor of both medicines.

I have chosen to include the following advice for two reasons. Firstly, to serve good people who may benefit from it. Secondly, to ensure that they are not forgotten, as I know that they have been well received by many scholars and have been useful to many. When someone finds an ancient pagan coin, even if it is made of copper, they still cherish it, show it to a good friend, and take pride in it. Why then should I not also hold these fragments in high regard, which are much better than copper and silver coins?