Notice, no date (1575), Georg Forberger to the Reader (BP166)

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Author: Georg Forberger
Recipient: Reader
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1575]
Pages: 2
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Opera, vol. 2, ed. Adam von Bodenstein, Basel: Pietro Perna 1575, p. 138-139 [BP166]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[p. 138] Georgius Forbergius Interpres lectori S{alutem].

Innumeris ferè scatebat mendis & erroribus præsens opus, ita vt nullum ferè sensum inde colligere posses, vtpote ab homine indocto & auaro, & in manu Theophrasti, omnium quas vidimus obscurissima, legenda minimè exercitato, in lucem datum, quales nunc passim se rei Theophrasticæ immiscent, qui ex imperitia & auaritia, & titulos & libros corrumpunkt. Vt igitur studiosus lector egregio isto opere, in [p. 139] quo plurima vtilia continentur, frui posset, quantum fieri potuit, illud restitui, ingentibus certè laboribus, vt etiam doctissimis Germanicæ linguæ peritis in collatione patebit. Cùm verò in tantis salebris facilè aliquid erroris committi possit, tu duriusculo stylo & alicubi obscuro veniam dabis. Bene vale.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 15 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

The translator, Georg Forberger, to the reader, greetings.

The present work was almost teeming with countless errors and mistakes, to the point that you could hardly gather any sense from it, as if it had been written by an uneducated and greedy man, and the most obscure of all the manuscripts of Theophrastus we have seen, given to the light by someone who had the least practice in reading, like those who now commonly meddle in Theophrastian matters, who through ignorance and greed, corrupt both titles and books. So that the diligent reader could enjoy this excellent work, in which many useful things are contained, I have restored it as much as possible, certainly with great labor, as will be evident to even the most learned experts of the German language in comparison. However, since in such difficulties it is easy for some error to be committed, you will forgive the occasionally harsh style and some obscure passages. Farewell.