Monarchia Tincturae Physicorum
Printing History, Manuscripts. Not printed. One manuscript
Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.
Relationship between different versions. Only one version known.
Structure, genre/form, perspective, style. Divided into 21 chapters according to von Linden’s Catalogus.
Relationship to other texts.
Authenticity, authorship. According to von Linden’s Catalogus the author was Dr. med. Thomas Grünberger; however, Grünberger was probably only the compiler or writer of the manuscript.
Time of writing.
- Bratislava, Univerzitná knižnica: Ms 1170 (E 1213), f. 6r–39v
- olim Tovačov, Zámecká knihovna: R 331
First printed: not printed
Historical Manuscript Catalogues: von Linden (1788), part 2, 278 n° 365
Further bibliographical references:
Imrich Kotvan, Codices manuscripti Bibliothecae Universitatis Bratislavensis/Rukopisy Univerzitnej knižnice v Bratislave (Bratislava, 1970), 403.
Stanislav Petr, “Rukopisné fondy zámeckých a hradních knihoven na Moravě a ve Slezsku,” Problematika historických a vzácných knižních fondů října, 4 (1994), 6–52, on 35.
Eva Beňová, Theatrum chemicum, praecipuos selectorum avctorum tractatus de chemiae et lapidis philosophici antiqvitate, veritate, jure, praestantia, & operationibus, continens. Küenburská knižní sbírka 1532–1815, master thesis (Olomouc, 2009), online (, accessed 18 January 2021), 13.