Editorial Notes, 1589, Johann Huser to the Reader of volume 4

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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Author: Johann Huser
Type: Editorial Notes
Date: 1589
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=1085
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Paracelsus, Bücher vnd Schrifften, ed. Johann Huser, vol. 4, Basel: Conrad Waldkirch 1589 [BP219]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
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p. 8 | p. 117 | p. 285

[p. 8] Hvservs lectori.

Djse jetztfolgenden drey Bücher belangende/ nemlich (wie sie vom Autore selbst genennet) dz Sechste de Ægritudinibus ex Tartaro, das Siebende De Ægritudinibus Amentium, das Neündte De Membris Contractis: Soll der günstige Leser wissen/ das Theophrastvs an ettlichen orthen selbst bezeüget/ er habe 53. Bücher in der Artzney (Jtem anderßwo sagt er 46. in Medica solennitate) beschrieben: Auß der zahl derselbigen/ werden diese drey zusein geachtet. Von den andern hatt bißher noch niemandt wollen wissen: Kommen sie aber mit der zeit herfür/ vnd zu meinen handen/ sollen sie gemeinem Nutz nicht verhalten werden.

Vnd weil in den vorigen Editionibus dieser dreyen Bücher/ ettliche notabiles Errores eingerissen/ vnnd die Autographa bey dem Hochgelehrten Herrn Iohan[ne] Montano Medico zu Hirschberg in Schlesien/ vnd Herrn M. Bartholomæo Sculteto, Mathematico zu Görlitz/ noch fürhanden: seind sie gemeinem Nutz zu gut/ auß denselbigen vbersehen/ vnd zu den andern Medicis Libellis gesetzt worden: Vnangeschen/ daß die vorgehenden fünff/ Jtem das Achte in der Ordnung/ vnd die andern nachfolgenden noch zur zeit manglen. Dann solte man damit wartten biß die andern darzu gehörigen/ auch herfür kehmen/ (so sie nit etwa allbereit vntergangen) möchte vielleicht noch lang sich verziehen. Vnter deß wollestu diese gegenwertigen/ dem Krancken zu gut/ vnd dem Autori zu Ehren/ durch verleihung Göttlicher hülff/ glücklichen brauchen/ vnnd dir zu nutz machen.

[p. 117] Ad lectorem.

Freundtlicher lieber Leser/ diese jetzt folgenden Tractat oder Bücher von den Eilff kranckheiten/ Wassersucht/ Schwindtsucht/ &c. sind vom Autore nit absoluirt vnd außgemacht worden wie ers im Sinn gehabt: Dorumb Er auch die Ersten fünffe zweymal disponirt vnnd beschriben/ vnnd auß beyden Eins machen wollen: Wie dann auß den characteribus welche auß einem Tractat in den andern zeigen/ zusehen ist/ vnnd hatts doch nit vollendet/ sondern also Jmperfect verlassen.

Vnd weil keiner eigendtlich wissen kan/ waser gestalt ers jhme nach seinem gefallen anders hatt disponiren wollen: Hab ichs von wort zu wort in der ordnung/ wie es gefunden worden/ stehen lassen/ vnd nichts versetzet noch verendert. Belangend aber die kurtze beschreibung der Curen in folgenden kranckheiten/ solstu wissen/ das kein wort doran außgelassen ist worden/ sondern was der Autor selbst verzeichnet so viel findestu alhier. Dann Er nur die Theoric diser kranckheiten fürnemlich hatt beschreiben wollen: Die Curen werden hin vnd wider in andern Büchern gefunden.

[p. 285] Folgen/ Zwey andere Bücher von Podagrischen Kranckheiten.

Es ist aber das Ander Buch (sub Titulo, Liber Secundus: Communis Interpretatio Morborum, &c.) bey dem jetztfolgenden nicht gefunden worden: wie dann mit vielen andern mehr geschehen/ daß sie ad diuersa loca distrahirt vnd nit beysammen gelassen seind. Vnnd obs wol der Autor im Tittel nit annotirt/ das es Liber Secundus de Podagra sey: So geben doch seine eigenen wort klärlich zuverstehen/ das es Eins auß den Büchern de Podagra ist/ als do er paulò ante finem Capitis de Physionomia sagt: (souil noht ist zu einem vnterricht im Podagra, so viel führe ich herein/ &c.) Auch erscheinets auß dem Ende des Ersten Buchs vnd dem anfang des Andern/ daß sie zusammen gehören. Solchs zeig ich aber darumb an/ weil ettliche das Andere für ein Buch zum Paramiro gehörig gehalten haben/ &c.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 26 February 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Reader:

Regarding the following three books, namely (as they are called by the author himself), the sixth book "On Diseases from Tartarus", the seventh book "On Mental Disorders", and the ninth book "On Contracted Limbs", the kind reader should know that Theophrastus himself attests in some places that he has written 53 books on medicine (though elsewhere he says 46 in the medical field). These three books are considered part of that number. As for the others, no one has yet wanted to know about them. But if they should come to my hands in due time, they will not be kept from general use.

And since some notable errors have crept into previous editions of these three books, and the original manuscripts are still in the possession of the learned Dr. Johannes Montanus, a physician in Hirschberg, Silesia, and Mr. Bartholomaeus Scultetus, a mathematician in Görlitz, they have been carefully examined and added to other medical works for the common good. Although the preceding five books, as well as the eighth in the order, and the others that follow, are still missing at present. One should wait until the others that belong to them also come forth (if they have not already been lost), as it may still be a while. Meanwhile, may you make good use of these present books for the benefit of the sick and in honor of the author, with the help of God.

To the Reader:

Dear friendly reader, these following treatises or books on the eleven diseases, such as dropsy, vertigo, etc., were not fully completed by the author as he had intended. Thus, he arranged and described the first five twice and wanted to make them into one. As can be seen from the characters that appear in one treatise and then in another, he left them imperfect. And since no one can really know how he had wanted to arrange them according to his own liking, I have left them word for word in the order in which they were found, without altering or changing anything. Regarding the brief description of the cures for the following diseases, you should know that not a word has been left out, but everything that the author himself noted can be found here. He only wanted to describe the theory of these diseases, and the cures can be found in other books.

Two other books on gouty diseases follow:

However, the second book (under the title "Common Interpretation of Diseases", etc.) has not been found with the following book, as has happened with many others, which have been scattered to various places and not kept together. And although the author did not annotate in the title that it is the second book on gout, his own words clearly indicate that it is one of the books on gout, as he says just before the end of the chapter on physiognomy: "(I will introduce as much as is necessary for an instruction on gout, etc.)" It also appears from the end of the first book and the beginning of the second that they belong together. I mention this because some have thought that the second book belongs to "Paramirus," etc.