Editorial Notes, 1589, Johann Huser to the Reader of volume 1

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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Author: Johann Huser
Type: Editorial Notes
Date: 1589
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=1082
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Paracelsus, Bücher vnd Schrifften, ed. Johann Huser, vol. 1, Basel: Conrad Waldkirch 1589 [BP216]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
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p. 65 | p. 328 | p. 364 | p. 368

[p. 65] Candido & æquo Lectori S[alutem].

Gvnstiger lieber Leser/ dieweil Theophrastus Paracelsus in den Libellis Prologorum dieses Paramiri, wie auch sonderlich in der nechstvorgehenden Conclusion/ eigentlich vnnd außdrücklich meldet/ daß er Fünff Bücher von der Practick/ so zu diesem Paramiro gehörig/ vnnd nach der Parenthesi folgen sollen/ beschreiben wölle: Möchtestu villeicht ein argwohn schöpffen/ als würden dieselbigen auß mißgunst dem gemeinen Nutz verhalten/ weil sie allhier manglen/ vnd deß Autoris verheissung nach/ jetzt auff die Parenthesin Medicam (wie ers nennet) nicht folgen. Jst derwegen allhier sonderlich von nötten gewesen/ mit wenig wortten zuvermelden/ vnd dich hiermit gewiß zumachen/ daß dieselbigen Fünff Libri Practici bey diesen Theorischen nicht gefunden worden. Dann in den Chartis, darauff jhm der Autor diese Theoric verzeichnet/ hatt er nicht mehr geschrieben/ sondern mit disem Titulo Prologi in Libros quinque Praxeos auffgehöret/ vnd fast iij. bletter Papirs in Quarto leer gelassen: wie dann solchs auß des Autoris Autographo zusehen/ welchs bey dem Hochgelehrten Herrn D. Iohanne Homelio Secundo, D. Medico zu Pettaw in der Steyrmarck/ noch vorhanden. Ob aber Paracelsus dieselbige Practick in ein besonders Buch geschriben vnd absoluirt habe/ kan man gewiß nicht wissen. Er hatt zwar dieses seer im brauch gehabt/ das er zusammen gehörende Bücher nicht zusammen gebunden oder gehefftet: Könte derwegen wol sein/ daß sie an einem andern/ jetzt vnbewusten ortt/ noch verborgen ligen. Jedoch/ meines wissens/ hab ich bißher noch von keinem jemals gehöret/ der solche fünff Libros Practicos gesehen hette/ oder wüste wo sie etwan reseruirt würden. Verleihets aber Gott vnd das Fatum, daß sie mit der zeit gefunden werden/ vnd mir zu meinen handen kommen/ sollen sie gemeinem Nutz vnverhalten sein.

Wöllest derwegen mit diesem/ was man auff dißmal haben kan/ für gutt nemmen/ vnnd dich daran benügen lassen. Was aber nicht fürhanden ist/ klag ich selbst neben vilen andern/ das wir deß gerah- [p. 66] ten sollen. Dann Paracelsus ohne zweifel die fünff modos Sanationis omnium Morborum gründtlich wird beschrieben haben/ Nemlich waser gestalt ein jede kranckheit curirt möge werden/ entweder iuxta Methodum Naturalem siue Rationalem, oder secundum Experientiam ex Forma Rerum specifica, oder per Characteres & Imagines, oder Spiritualiter, oder aber per Fidem Christianam.

Was nun allhier abgehet/ kan der fleissige Leser auß andern Büchern Paracelsi jhme selbst colligiren vnd erstatten/ in welchen er particulatim solcher Curen etliche hin vnd wider beschrieben.

Das ander Paramirum aber/ welchs jetzt hernach folget/ ist ein anders/ vnd zu dem vorgehenden nicht gehörig: Jst vom Autore auff ein andere art disponirt/ wie er dann mit andern Büchern mehr gethan/ deren ettliche 2. oder 3. mahl diuersis dispositionibus von jhme beschrieben worden. Vnd werden zu dem folgenden Paramiro diese Bücher annumeriret:

De Causis & Origine Morborum ex Tribus primis Substantiis, Liber Primus & Secundus.

De Causis & Origine Morborum ex Tartaro, sechs Tractat/ welche für das dritt Buch Paramiri gehalten werden.

De Causa & Origine Morborum Matricis Liber Quartus.

Die Bücher de Causa & Origine Morborum Inuisibilium werden für das fünffte Theil oder Buch gehalten.

Dann ob wol vom Autore diese Bücher nicht alle mit dem Titulo Paramiri insignirt worden/ (wie er dann in vilen andern mehr/ solchs eigentlich vnd fleissig/ wie billich gewesen/ nicht obseruirt hat.) so gibt doch der anfang eines jeden Buchs genugsam zuerkennen/ das gemelte Bücher zu diesem Paramiro gehörig/ wie sie dann in der ordnung jetzt nacheinander folgen.

[p. 328] Lectori S[alutem].

Ob wol/ Gutthertziger Leser/ diß folgende Buch de Generatione Hominis/ billicher bey den Libris Philosophicis stünde/ weil es nit/ wie die andern Bücher dieses Ersten Theils/ de Origine Morborum tractiret: Hab ich doch nicht vnfüglich zu sein vermeinet/ so es zu diesem Paramirischen Werck gesetzt würde/ auß vrsachen/ dz andere dergleichen Philosophische Bücher/ zu denen es füglicher hette mögen geordnet werden/ auff dißmal nicht vorhanden. So ist auch die Materia/ daruon der Autor hierinn handelt/ fürnemlich ad Rem Medicam gehörig: Dann es beschreibet die Geberung Corporis Physici/ welcher des Artzts Subiectum ist.

Ferner ist hie abermals von nötten/ dem Gönstigen Leser zuvermelden/ das dieses Buch gleichsfals (wie das Erste Paramirum de 5. Entibus) vom Autore nicht absoluiert ist worden/ sondern in media Pagina bey dem Titulo, de Interiori Homine/ zu schreiben auffgehört: Wie solchs auß dem Autographo Paracelsi zu sehen/ welches auch obgemelter D. Iohannes Homelius Secundus zu Pettaw in der Steyrmarck sampt dem Param[irum] de 5. Entib[us] noch beyhanden. Auch seind die anderen Drey Bücher/ deren Paracelsus in der Vierdten Vorrede gedencket/ (Nemlich von geburt der Menschförmigen Geschöpffen im Element des Wassers/ der Erden vnnd des fewrs) bey disem nicht gefunden worden: Vnnd mag wol sein/ das dieselben (nach dieser Disposition vnd Außtheilung) von jhme nicht beschrieben worden. Weil Er aber sonst ein sonderlichs Philosophisch Buch de Nymphis, Pygmæis, Salamandris, &c. geschrieben/ mag der vleissige Leser/ was hie abgehet/ auß demselbigen erstatten/ Vnd also hiermit für gutt haben/ &c.

[p. 364] Quæ duabus hisce Lineis inclusa iam sequuntur, ab Autore quidem eo loci, vbi Asterisci tres in margine adnotati conspiciuntur, intertexta erant: Quibus tamen, secundùm paginæ longitudinem, ipse Autor induxerat lineam, quòd huic libro interponi forsan noluerit. Nos verò duabus lineis hæc à Textus serie quasi seiuncta, hoc loco intertexere voluimus, hac potißimum de causa, ne prorsum intereant, tùm quoque, si fortè lectoris studiosi ingenium in aliis scriptis Paracelsi legendis per hæc iuuari queat, &c.

[p. 368] Hîc calamum Autor deposuit.

Quæ verò de Interiori Homine, hoc est, de Ratione, Prudentia, Sapientia, Spiritibus, & de Aeterno, quod est in Homine, hoc loco desiderantur, ea ex aliis Theophrasti Scriptis, vtpote ex Libro de Fundamento Sapientiæ, ex Philosophia sagaci, &c. Studioso Lectori sunt petenda.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 26 February 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Greetings to the Candid and Fair Reader.

Since Theophrastus Paracelsus mentions in the Prologues of this Paramiri, as well as in the previous Conclusion, that he intends to describe five books on the Practica, which belong to this Paramiri and should follow after the Medicinal Parenthesis, you may suspect that they are being withheld from the common good out of envy, since they are missing here. It is therefore necessary to inform you briefly and to assure you that these five books on the Practica have not been found among these Theoretical works. The author did not write any more on the papers on which he listed these Theories, but stopped with this title "Prologi in Libros quinque Praxeos" and left almost three quarto-sized sheets of paper blank, as can be seen from the author's autograph, which is still available with the highly learned Dr. Johann Homelio Secundo, M.D. in Pettaw, Styria. However, it is not known for certain whether Paracelsus wrote and completed these Practica in a separate book. He had indeed often used to not bind or staple together books that belonged together. It is therefore possible that they are hidden in another, currently unknown place. However, to my knowledge, I have not heard of anyone who has ever seen these five Practica or knows where they might be kept. But if God and Fate grant that they will be found in due course and come into my possession, they will be made available to the common good without any reservation.

Therefore, please be satisfied with what we have for now. However, I myself, along with many others, lament that what is not available to us, as Paracelsus undoubtedly described in depth the five modos Sanationis omnium Morborum, namely, how each disease can be cured, either iuxta Methodum Naturalem siue Rationalem, or secundum Experientiam ex Forma Rerum specifica, or per Characteres & Imagines, or Spiritualiter, or per Fidem Christianam.

What is missing here can be collected and supplemented by the diligent reader from other books of Paracelsus, in which he has described some of these treatments in detail.

But the other Paramirum which now follows is different and does not belong to the previous one. It is arranged by the author in a different way, as he has done with other books, some of which have been described by him two or three times with different dispositions. And the following books are numbered among this following Paramirum:

De Causis & Origine Morborum ex Tribus primis Substantiis, Liber Primus & Secundus.

De Causis & Origine Morborum ex Tartaro, six tracts which are considered as the third book of Paramiri.

De Causa & Origine Morborum Matricis Liber Quartus.

The books De Causa & Origine Morborum Invisibilium are considered as the fifth part or book.

Although the author did not label all of these books with the title Paramiri, (as he did not observe this precisely and diligently in many others), the beginning of each book is enough to recognize that these books belong to this Paramirum, as they now follow one after the other in order.

Greetings to the reader.

Although, kind reader, this following book "De Generatione Hominis" would be more fitting among the philosophical books, since it does not deal with the origin of diseases like the other books in this first part, I still thought it not unfitting to include it in this "Paramiric" work, for the reason that other similar philosophical books to which it would have been more fitting to be classified with, are not available at this time. Furthermore, the subject matter that the author deals with here is primarily related to the medical field, as it describes the generation of the physical body, which is the subject of the physician.

Additionally, it is necessary to inform the dear reader that this book, like the first "Paramirum de 5 Entibus", was not completed by the author, but rather he stopped writing in the middle of the page at the title "De Interiori Homine". This can be seen from Paracelsus' autograph, which is still in existence with the "Paramirum de 5 Entibus" at the hands of Johannes Homelius Secundus in Pettaw, Styria. Furthermore, the other three books mentioned by Paracelsus in the fourth preface (namely, on the birth of humanoid creatures in the elements of water, earth, and fire) have not been found in this book, and it may be possible that he did not write about them in this specific order. However, since he has written a separate philosophical book on nymphs, pygmies, salamanders, etc., the diligent reader may be able to find what is missing in this book from that source. And thus, let us be content with this for now, etc.

The following two lines that now follow were interwoven by the author at the place where three asterisks are marked in the margin. However, the author himself had inserted a line between them, perhaps because he did not want them to be inserted in this book. We, however, wanted to interweave these two lines here, separated from the text series by two lines, especially so that they are not completely lost, and also so that the diligent reader's understanding may be aided in reading other writings of Paracelsus through these lines.

Here the author laid down his pen.

However, what is missing here regarding the inner man, that is, about reason, prudence, wisdom, spirits, and the eternal that is in man, must be sought by the studious reader from other writings of Theophrastus, such as from the book "De Fundamento Sapientiae" and from "Philosophia Sagaci," etc.