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| AbstractGPT=Figulus emphasizes the Christian duty to love and serve God and others, particularly the sick and needy. He advocates for compassion and assistance in the spirit of the Good Samaritan, contrasting this approach with the unmerciful attitudes of the priest and Levite from the biblical parable. He identifies himself as a simple Christian devoted to the teachings of Jesus Christ and committed to resisting falsehood and devilish behavior. He stresses the importance of following Christ's teachings and living a life of love and faithfulness towards all, including enemies and persecutors. </br> Figulus discusses his experiences and observations during his travels, lamenting the neglect and ruin he has witnessed in both internal medicine and surgery. He criticizes the incompetence and ignorance of many doctors and surgeons, highlighting their failure to properly heal and care for patients. This concern for the well-being of patients is rooted in a Christian understanding of compassion and service. </b> Furthermore, Figulus mentions his work in refining and correcting the ''Small Surgery'' of Paracelsus and his efforts to make this knowledge accessible to all, particularly to those in the field of wound medicine. He also references the writings of Doctor Bartholomew Karrichter, noting their importance and the need for a key or guide to fully understand and utilize them.

Latest revision as of 19:44, 2 January 2024

Author: Benedictus Figulus
Recipient: Hans Caspar Koler
Type: Dedication
Date: 3 May 1608
Pages: 10
Language: Latin
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=5695
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Kleine Wund-Artzney, ed. Benedictus Figulus, Straßburg: Paul Ledertz 1608, sig. G2r-G6v [BP284]
Abstract: Figulus emphasizes the Christian duty to love and serve God and others, particularly the sick and needy. He advocates for compassion and assistance in the spirit of the Good Samaritan, contrasting this approach with the unmerciful attitudes of the priest and Levite from the biblical parable. He identifies himself as a simple Christian devoted to the teachings of Jesus Christ and committed to resisting falsehood and devilish behavior. He stresses the importance of following Christ's teachings and living a life of love and faithfulness towards all, including enemies and persecutors.
Figulus discusses his experiences and observations during his travels, lamenting the neglect and ruin he has witnessed in both internal medicine and surgery. He criticizes the incompetence and ignorance of many doctors and surgeons, highlighting their failure to properly heal and care for patients. This concern for the well-being of patients is rooted in a Christian understanding of compassion and service. Furthermore, Figulus mentions his work in refining and correcting the Small Surgery of Paracelsus and his efforts to make this knowledge accessible to all, particularly to those in the field of wound medicine. He also references the writings of Doctor Bartholomew Karrichter, noting their importance and the need for a key or guide to fully understand and utilize them. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. G2r] Dem Ehrenthafften/ Kunstreichen/ wol erfahrnen vnd bescheidenen Meister Hans Caspar Kolern/ Bruch vnd Steinschneider/ wie auch Burgern vnd Wundtartzt inn der Keyserlichen Freyen Reichstat Straßburg/ Meinem vielgeliebten vnd Hochvertrawten Freund.

Ehrenthaffter/ vielgeliebter vnd Hochvertrawter Freund vnd Bruder in Christo/ Nach dem Newen vnd grossen Gebot vnsers Himmlischen Meisters/ vnd Herren Jesu Christi/ vnsers Höchsten Olympischen Spagyri/ vnd einigen Leibs vnd Seelen Artztes: (Du solt Gott deinen H[errn] lieben von gantzem Hertzen/ von gantzer Seel/ vom gantzem Gemüth/ vnd auß allen deinen Kräfften: Vnd deinen Nechsten als dich selbsten) Sind wir alle schuldig vnd vor Gott darzu verpflichtet/ das gemeine Heyl/ von den Gemeinen Nutz der gantzen Christenheit/ so viel inn [sig. G2v] vns vnd in vnsern Kräfften vnd vermögen/ auffs beste zu befürderen/ vnd einer dem andern[c1]/ trew/ Liebs vnd guts erzeigen/ Sonderlich aber mit armen verwundten/ bresthafften vnd Krancken personen ein herlich mitleiden haben/ jnen rathen/ vnd helffen/ vnd nit mit dem Priester vnd Leviten für den Armen Verwundten inn Jericho mit Vnbarmhertzigkeit fürübergehn/ vnd Hertz vnd Augen abwenden/ sondern mit dem Liebreichen Samariter/ vns deß Krancken noth vnd anligen annehmen/ den Rechten Samariters Balsam jhm mittheilen/ das ist/ Wein vnd Oehl in seine Wunden giessen/ vnd zu widerbringung seiner gehabten Gesundheit/ allerhand beförderung miltigklich vnd Guthertzig erzeigen vnd erweisen.

Weil Jch dann auch ein Einfältiger Christ/ vnd liebhaber der Göttlichen Himmlischen Warheit bin/ vnd meinem Herren Christo Jesu/ in der H[eiligen] Tauff verpflichtet/ allem Falsch/ vnd allem Teuffelischen wesen vnd Wandel zu widerstehen versprochen/ vnd Jhm vnd seinem H[eiligen] Wort vnd Willen im Evangelio vns fürgehalten einig vnd allein nachzufolgen/ vnd besten- [sig. G3r] dig nachzuleben/ vnd auß Christlicher angeborner vnd eingepflantzter lieb vnd trew yederman/ weiß Stands oder Ordens die sein mögen/ auch meinen Feinden vnd Verfolgern/ (die mich ohne vrsach Hassen/ Schmähen vnd Ehr vnd Glimpff hinderrucks meiner mir gern abschneiden vnd abstelen wolten/) guts zuthun gewillet nach der Lehr meines Gecreutzigten Christi/ vnd seiner 12. Liechter der Welt/ der H[eiligen] Apostel im[c2] N[euen] T[estamento]. Also hab Jch solches für aller Welt in offentlichen Truck/ vnd hernacher auch mit der that vnd im werck/ so viel mir auß der Reichen Schatzkammer der Natur/ vnd auß seinen vnerschöpfflichen Gnadenbrunnen vergönnet wirdt werden/ zu erweisen/ vnd wils Gott ins werck mit seiner hülff zurichten gentzlich fürgenommen.

Vnd demnach Jch in meinem vielfältigen Reysen nun auff die sieben jahrlang in meiner Pilgramschafft gesehen vnd gefunden/ nit allein in der jnnerlichen[c3] Medicin die höchste vnd schädlichste verwahrlosung vnd verderben vieler 100 Patienten[c4]/ bey den vnerfahrnen Ertzten vnd doch hoch herein prallenden Doctorn/ sondern [sig. G3v] auch in der Chirurgy vnd Wundartzney den grossen Vnfleiß/ vnd ignorantz derer/ die sich derselbigen annehmen vnd vnterstehen/ vnd das recht Fundament oder grund der Heylung inn eusserlichen Leibs schäden nicht lehrnen noch wissen wollen/ mit vnwiderbringlicher erstattung der armen Patienten an jhrer Gesundtheit: also hab ich mit dem Evangelischen Samariter C[hristus] J[esus] in ansehung vnd betrachtung solcher Armen/ Verwundten vnd verlassenen Patienten/ in der Grundsuppen dieser vnserer letzten Vntrewen/ Vnartigen/ vnd Eigennötzigen Welt/ auß Hertzlichem erbarmen vnd mitleiden nicht können noch wollen für übergehn/ sondern mit meinem geringen Talento mein liebreiches Hertz meniglichen zu helffen bereitwilligst/ do es müglich/ gegen yederman eröffnen/ vnd wöllen sehen lassen. Habe demnach die kleine Wundartzney Meines hocherleuchten Præceptoris, Paracelsi Magni, von vnzehlichen Mendis vnd vitiis repurgiert/ auß etlichen Originalen mit fleiß vbersehen vnnd corrigiert/ auch do Latein vnd Teutsch vnder einander geworffen vnd gestanden/ alles trewlich Verteutschet so viel [sig. G4r] möglich gewesen/ vnd also den Edlen Samaritischen Balsam/ welchen Christus gegen dem Verwundten zu Jericho gebraucht/ wie er von D[octore] Theophrasto in diesem kleinen Büchlein beschrieben worden/ Meniglichen/ Arm vnd Reich/ sonderlich allen Wundartzten/ Barbierern vnd Scherern/ so mit der Wundtartzney zuthun haben schencken/ vnd neben anderen schönen stücken Theophrasti, gern ertheilen wöllen/ mit der Trewhertzigen vermahnung/ dz sie forthin fleissiger/ fürsichtiger vnd auch Christlicher mit jren Patienten mögen vnd wöllen vmbgehn/ vnd gedencken/ dz sie ein Ebenbild Gottes/ einen neben Menschen vnd Christen für sich haben/ den sie lieben sollen als sich selbst/ vnd kein Vnvernünfftig Vieh/ Katzen oder Hund/ vnd das sie dem Patienten linderung schaffen sollen/ vnd nicht schmertzen mit schmertzen überschütten/ mit Etzen/ Brennen/ Glieder abschneiden/ vnd andern vnzehlichen stücken mehr der Vnbarmhertzigkeit/ Sintemahl ein vnbarmhertzig gericht vber den ergehn wirdt am Jüngsten tag/ der Vnbarmhertzig gewesen ist. Gedencket doch wie ein grosse vnd schwere Rechenschafft an jhenem tag [sig. G4v] zugeben sein wirdt/ seinen neben Menschen/ in Schwachheiten vnd Leibs Kranckheit noch mehr zum martern/ zu plagen/ ja gar vmb Leib vnd Leben zubringen. Thut Buß/ bessert Euch/ lehrnet doch vmb Gottes willen den rechten grundt in der Medicin vnd Chirurgia/ vnd lasset euch diß zeitlich Gelt vnd Gut nitso lieb sein/ suchet am ersten das Reich Gottes vnd seine Gerechtigkeit/ so wird euch dz ander alles zufallen Matth[äus] 6.

Weil dann vielgeliebter[c5] Freund Hanß Caspar/ euch auch ohne mein vermeldung vnd andeutung wol wissendt ist/ dz der Edel vnd Hochgelehrte Doctor/ Bartholomæus Karrichter/ weil der Römischen Keyserlichen Mayestat Herrn Maximiliani deß andern/ vnsers aller Gnädigsten Herrens/ Bestälter vnd gewesener Hoffdoctor oder Archiater, Etliche Kreutter vnd Artzney Büchlein schrifftlich hinderlassen/ welche zu Straßburg vor etlich jahren in Truck kommen/ welche (wie sie dann an jhnen selbst Hochnützlich vnd[c6] wol ersprießlich sind denen/ die sich seiner geführten Medicinalischen Practicken/ allein durch Kreutter vnd simplicia nach der Jnfluentz vnd Constellation deß Fir- [sig. G5r] maments vnd deß Gestirns colligiert gebrauchen wolten) vnd bey vielen in grossem werth gehalten werden/ vnd aber biß hero nicht aller dings darinnen fortkommen/ vnd gewünschtem ziel/ wie sie gern gewolt/ gelangen mögen/ weil sie einen Clavem oder Schlüssel zu denselbigen Schrifften/ welchen er/ Doctor Karrichter/ beschrieben hinterlassen/ desideriert/ vnd dessen biß hero nicht haben können theilhafftig werden/ auß Neid vnd Mißgunst vnartiger neidischer Personen/ Also hab ich diesen lang[c7] desiderirten vnd von Filiis & sectatoribus Medicinæ Karrichterianæ offtermals gewünschten Schlüssel oder clavem zu seinen andern Schrifften/ dißmals hiebey der kleinen Wundtartzney Theophrasti anhengen/ vnd allen Liebhabern der wahren perfecten Medicin/ so man auch auß den Kräuttern vnd Simplicibus haben kan/ so wol als auß den Metallis vnd Mineralibus, zu gutem schencken vnd communicieren wollen. Vnd dörffen sich Hochvermeinte Rothe Paretleins Brüder nit schämen dises Karrichters Methodum zu assumieren/ vnd demselben nachzugehen. Sintemahl Er Doctor Karrichter Seli- [sig. G5v] ger mit höchstem Lob vnd gröster verwunderung in allerhand schweren vnd gefährlichen Kranckheiten solche Curas/ wie Gott lob am tag/ vnd nicht zu laugnen ist/ durch seine nach der Jnfluentz gerichte Medicinam & adhibitionem simplicium præstiert/ dergleichen nie keiner vor jm auß der Galenischen Schul oder Secta erwiesen/ vnd dieses Lob jhm billich nach dem Todt soll vnd muß nach gehen vnd verbleiben. Es sind auch noch andere seine Scripta vorhanden/ die sonders zweiffels nit schlecht/ sondern wol die Fürnemsten sein mögen/ vnd auff diese stund noch hindergehalten werden/ wie mit Theophrasti Schrifften vnd Büchern auch ergangen/ vnd noch also zugehet. Do Jch werde spüren/ daß dise mein trewe Arbeit bey vielen werde Danckbarlich angenommen vnd erkennet werden/ wolte Jch mich/ do ich hülff haben würde/ dieselben auch zu erlangen/ vnd in publicam lucem zu dirigieren weiter vnderstehen vnd vnderfangen.

Was aber diß gegenwertig Tractätlein/ Freundlicher Meister Hanß Caspar/ anlangen thut/ hab ich solches/ nicht allein vnserer Freundschafft halben/ sondern auch [sig. G6r] weil ich Praxin Karrichterianam & Theophrastæam in Medicina & Chirurgia bey Euch Gott lob mit zimlichem Glücklichem Segen vnd fortgang gespüret/ daß jhrs beede conjungirt/ vnd satis feliciter darinnen versiert/ Solch angedeutes Tractätlein oder Schlüssel zu den Karrichterischen schrifften/ dedicieren vnd in offenem Truck vnter ewrem Ehrlichen Nahmen publicieren wollen/ Euch nicht allein inn ewrem bißhero geführten fleiß zu confirmieren/ sondern auch andern Wundtärtzten vnd Barbierern oder Scherern gute anleitung vnd anmuthung zu machen/ ein Lob/ vnd kein Schand/ ein Nutz/ vnd kein Schaden/ ein Hülff vnd kein Gefahr/ inn der Wundt Artzney zu erjagen. Bin der gentzlichen zuversicht/ Jhr werdet darauß mein Trewhertziges Gemüth gegen yederman nit allein überflüssig spüren/ sonderen auch diese meine Euch belangende Dedication Euch keines wegs mißfallen/ sondern/ als ein Symbolum vnserer bißhero gehalten guter Kuntschafft/ vnd freundtlicher conversation/ viel mehr wol belieben lassen. Hiemit vns alle inn den Olympischen Gnaden Schutz deß Höchsten [sig. G6v] Leibs vnd Seelen Artztes Jesu Christi/ zum trewlichsten entfehlendt. Actum, bey Straßburg in Eremitico nostro Musæolo 3. Maij. Anno 1608.

E[uer] Achtbarkeit Dienstwilligster allezeit.

Benedictus Figulus Vtenhovias, Fr[ancus,] Poëta L[aureatus] C[oronatus,] Th[eologus,] Th[eosophus,] Ph[ilosophus,] M[edicus,] E[remita,] T. M.



  1. andern] corrected from: anden
  2. im] corrected from: inim
  3. jnnerlichen] corrected from: jnnnerlichen
  4. Patienten] corrected from: Patientem
  5. vielgeliebter] corrected from: viegleliebter
  6. vnd] corrected from: vnd vnd
  7. lang] corrected from: lang/

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 2 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the honorable, artistic, well-experienced, and modest Master Hans Caspar Kolern, fracture and stone cutter, as well as citizen and wound surgeon in the Imperial Free City of Strasbourg, my much-beloved and highly trusted friend.

Honorable, much-beloved, and highly trusted friend and brother in Christ, following the new and great commandment of our heavenly Master and Lord Jesus Christ, our supreme Olympian Spagyrist and sole physician of body and soul: (You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength: And your neighbor as yourself), we are all obliged and committed before God to promote the common good and the general benefit of all Christendom as much as lies within our power and ability, and to show faithfulness, love, and kindness to one another, especially to the poor, wounded, sick, and frail, to have heartfelt compassion for them, to advise and help them, and not to pass by the poor wounded in Jericho with the priest and Levite in unmercifulness, turning away heart and eyes, but rather, like the compassionate Samaritan, to take on the needs and concerns of the sick, to share with them the true Samaritan's balm, that is, to pour wine and oil into their wounds, and to show and demonstrate all kinds of encouragement and kindness for the restoration of their health.

Since I am also a simple Christian and lover of divine heavenly truth, and committed to my Lord Christ Jesus in holy baptism, to resist all falsehood and all devilish behavior and conduct, and to follow and live steadfastly according to His holy word and will as presented to us in the Gospel, and out of Christian innate and implanted love and faithfulness to do good to everyone, regardless of their status or order, even to my enemies and persecutors (who hate, defame, and would gladly cut off and steal my honor and reputation without cause), according to the teaching of my crucified Christ and His 12 lights of the world, the holy apostles in the New Testament. Thus, I have undertaken to demonstrate this before the whole world in public print, and thereafter also in deed and in work, as much as will be granted to me from the rich treasury of nature and from His inexhaustible wells of grace, and with God's help, I have fully resolved to put it into practice.

And since in my many travels, now for seven years in my pilgrimage, I have seen and found, not only in internal medicine the utmost and most harmful neglect and ruin of many hundreds of patients by inexperienced doctors and yet highly boastful doctors, but also in surgery and wound medicine the great negligence and ignorance of those who undertake and presume to practice it, and who do not want to learn or know the true foundation or basis of healing in external bodily injuries, resulting in the irretrievable loss of the poor patients' health: thus, with the evangelical Samaritan Christ Jesus, in view and consideration of such poor, wounded, and abandoned patients, in the dregs of this our last unfaithful, uncouth, and self-serving world, out of heartfelt compassion and sympathy, I could not and would not pass by, but with my modest talent, am most willing to open my loving heart to help everyone, where possible, against everyone, and to let it be seen. Therefore, I have purged the small wound medicine of my highly enlightened Praeceptor, Paracelsus Magnus, of countless errors and faults, diligently reviewed and corrected from several originals, and where Latin and German were mixed and confused, faithfully translated as much as possible, and thus to give and communicate to everyone, poor and rich, especially all wound surgeons, barbers, and shearers who deal with wound medicine, the noble Samaritan balm, which Christ used for the wounded in Jericho, as described by Doctor Theophrastus in this small book, and willingly share with them, along with other beautiful pieces of Theophrastus, with the heartfelt admonition that they henceforth deal with their patients more diligently, cautiously, and also more Christianly, and remember that they have before them an image of God, a fellow human being and Christian, whom they should love as themselves, and not an irrational animal, cat, or dog, and that they should bring relief to the patient, and not heap pain upon pain, with caustics, burning, amputating limbs, and other countless acts of unmercifulness, since an unmerciful judgment will be passed on the last day on those who have been unmerciful. Remember how great and heavy an accounting will have to be given on that day, to torment, afflict, and even bring about the death of one's fellow human being in weakness and bodily illness. Repent, improve yourselves, learn for God's sake the true foundation in medicine and surgery, and do not hold this temporal money and goods so dear, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you, Matthew 6.

Since then, much-beloved friend Hans Caspar, you are well aware without my mentioning and indicating that the noble and highly learned Doctor, Bartholomew Karrichter, while serving as the appointed and former court doctor or archiater of His Imperial Majesty Maximilian II, our most gracious lord, left behind several herbal and medical booklets in writing, which came to print in Strasbourg some years ago, which (as they are in themselves highly useful and beneficial to those who would like to use his medicinal practices, solely through herbs and simplicia according to the influence and constellation of the firmament and the stars) and are held in great esteem by many, and yet have not fully achieved their desired goal, as they would have liked, because they lack a key or guide to these writings, which he, Doctor Karrichter, described and left behind, and have not been able to partake in until now, due to the envy and malice of spiteful envious persons. Therefore, I have now attached this long-desired and often requested key or guide to his other writings, to the small wound medicine of Theophrastus, and want to give and communicate it to all lovers of true perfect medicine, which can also be obtained from herbs and simplicia, as well as from metals and minerals, for their benefit. And the highly esteemed brothers of the Red Partlet should not be ashamed to adopt this Karrichter method and to follow it. Since Doctor Karrichter, blessed in memory, with the highest praise and greatest wonder, has performed such cures in all kinds of severe and dangerous illnesses, as God be praised, is evident by day and undeniable, through his medicine directed according to the influence and administration of simplicia, such as no one before him from the Galenic school or sect has shown, and this praise rightly follows and remains with him after death. There are also other writings of his available, which are undoubtedly not insignificant, but may well be the most important, and are still being withheld at this hour, as has also happened with Theophrastus' writings and books, and still continues to be the case. If I perceive that this my faithful work will be gratefully accepted and recognized by many, I would, if I could get help, also undertake and venture to obtain them and to direct them into public light.

But as for this present little treatise, dear Master Hans Caspar, I have dedicated it, not only for the sake of our friendship, but also because I have perceived, God be praised, with you a fairly successful blessing and progress in the practice of Karrichterian and Theophrastean medicine and surgery, that you both combined, and are quite happily versed in it, I wanted to dedicate and publish this indicated treatise or key to the Karrichterian writings in open print under your honorable name, not only to confirm you in your hitherto conducted diligence, but also to give other wound surgeons and barbers or shearers good instruction and encouragement to seek honor, and not shame, benefit, and not harm, help, and not danger, in wound medicine. I am fully confident that you will not only abundantly sense my faithful heart towards everyone, but also that this dedication concerning you will not displease you, but rather, as a symbol of our hitherto maintained good acquaintance and friendly conversation, please you all the more. Herewith, commending us all to the Olympian grace and protection of the highest physician of body and soul, Jesus Christ. Acted, at Strasbourg in our Hermit's Museolo, May 3, 1608.

Your Honor's ever willing servant

Benedictus Figulus Utenhovias, Francus, Crowned Laureate Poet, Theologian, Theosopher, Philosopher, Physician, Hermit, T. M.