Difference between revisions of "Dedication, 1605-06-05, Johannes Walch to Martin Sebastian Schwindratzer"

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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| Editor=Julian Paulus
| Editor=Julian Paulus
| Source=Paracelsus, Hundert vnd vierzehn Experimenta, ed. Johannes Walch, Straßburg: Anton Bertrag 1605, f. A2r—A5v; Sudhoff n° 275
| Source=Paracelsus, Hundert vnd vierzehn Experimenta, ed. Johannes Walch, Straßburg: Anton Bertrag 1605, f. A2r—A5v
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{{MarkupAntiqua|Ioannes VValch}} von Schorndorff.
{{MarkupAntiqua|Ioannes VValch}} von Schorndorff.

To the honorable and respected Martin Sebastian Schwindratzern, physician and surgeon in Pfaffenhofen, my dear lord and friend,
These one hundred and fourteen experiments, tried and tested by the experience of a remarkable and famous man, have never been seen in the German language to my knowledge. The author himself, as he tried and found them, also noted and recorded them in Latin for his own memory and for future reference and preparation. After his death, they were found and preserved among his other writings by his servant Cunrad Stainberg, which eventually came into the hands of others and then into my own. They were left among my other books for a long time, but when I recently came across them again, I felt that without a doubt, these recorded things could be useful and pleasant to many physicians, as well as very beneficial for the health of many sick and externally afflicted people. Therefore, I have translated them from Latin into German with great care and attention. For not only are short and good prescriptions described and presented here, but also rare and unknown diseases, of which the common people know nothing. As the human body is a subject and workshop of countless and unheard-of diseases. Nevertheless, I also consider that this booklet and the recipes described therein could bring more harm than benefit to other people, especially inexperienced doctors who deal not with simple medicaments or remedies, but with such pieces that are powerful and derived from alchemy. Therefore, I have an answer for myself and others: If the good is to be condemned, hindered or abandoned because of misuse and lack of understanding, then one will soon have to refrain from all things that are vast in the world. That is why the way and my earnest intention is that anyone who either has the disease or knows nothing about the medicines or remedies contained and prescribed in this handbook should refrain from and resist such cures and not only understand the morbus but also the medicinam and modum praeparandi, and learn what the prescribed recipes can actually accomplish before they use medication or apply it. And when they do so, they will also create benefits, and I would not have applied this effort, love and care for the sick in vain but have used it wisely. For if even one person is helped by this, which I do not doubt will happen, then this work of mine has already brought sufficient benefit and calmed and laid to rest for me the annoyance of the effort and the fear of the following danger.
To you in particular, beloved sir and friend Schwindratzer, physician and surgeon of Pfaffenhouen, I hereby dedicate and present this small treatise, and I want to make it my own, because I know that you are not only experienced in both medicine and surgery and, as a result, have gained great fame in a large area around you in Alsace, but you also have the testimony that you have relieved many people of their severe damage and afflictions, and have freed them from dangerous illnesses. Moreover, you yourself prepare your own medicines, including those derived from alchemy, which are the most important and powerful, but also the most dangerous. You take an active part in preparing them, and you do it joyfully, without hesitation, without sparing any effort or expense, waiting patiently for the things entrusted to you by God, and helping many troubled and burdened people with all diligence and seriousness, and with all kinds of illnesses and afflictions. I do not need to warn you to take care of the substances that come from mercury during their preparation, application, and use, especially since I am not unaware that you, as an experienced and skilled physician in such matters, have handled them and similar things many times, and that you are not ignorant of what kind of substance mercury is, as I have already gathered from our private conversations in Strasbourg some time ago.
I wish you and all those who undertake such medicinal substances and others, intelligence, honesty, and faithfulness towards the patients, as well as much health and the helping hand of God, without which all healing is impossible. Done in Strasbourg, on the day of Saint John the Baptist, in the year 1605.
Your friend and willing servant,
Johannes Walch von Schorndorff.

Latest revision as of 20:45, 2 March 2023

Author: Johannes Walch
Recipient: Martin Sebastian Schwindratzer
Type: Dedication
Date: 5 June 1605
Place: Straßburg
Pages: 8
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=804
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Paracelsus, Hundert vnd vierzehn Experimenta, ed. Johannes Walch, Straßburg: Anton Bertrag 1605, f. A2r—A5v [BP275]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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Dem Ehrnhafften vnd Fürgeachten Herrn Martin Sebastian Schwindratzern/ [n1] Leyb vnd Wundartzt zu Pfaffenhouen/ [n2] meinem lieben Herren vnd Freundt.

Djse einhundert/ vierzehen Experimenta, vnnd durch eygene eines Trefflichen vnd berümbten Manns erfahrung/ Probierte vnd bewehrte Artzney stuck/ seind meines wissens in Teutscher Sprach nie gesehen worden. Dann sie der Author selber/ wie er sie versucht vnnd befunden/ also hat er sie auch gleich alßbald eigner Hand jhme zur Gedächtnuß vnd sich nachmaln nach solchem vnd dergleichen/ haben zurichten/ lateinisch notiert vnnd auffgezeichnet. Solche seind nach seinem Absterben [f. A2v] von seinem diener Cunrad Stainberg/ vnder andern seinen schrifften funden vnnd auffgehalten/ welche nachmalen in anderer leut/ wie auch endtlich in meine Handt kommen. Welche zwar vnder andern meinen büchern lange zeit stecken bliben. Alß mir aber solchs newlich wider in die Hand gestossen/ vnnd ich zu gemüth fürthe/ das ohn zweiffel solche verzeichnete sachen manchem Medico nutzlich vnnd angenem/ wie auch zu manches krancken/ vnd mit eusserlichem leibsschaden behafften menschens Gesundheit gantz fürderlich sein könten: Also hab ich dieselbige/ auß dem Latein/ nit ihne vleiß vnd Auffmerkcung/ ins Teutsch gebracht. Dann allhie nit allein Kurtze vnnd gute Recepta/ beschriben vnd vorge- [f. A3r] wisen/ sonder auch seltzamer vnnd vnbekanter Kranckheiten/ daruon der gemein hauff nichts weißt/ meldung geschicht. Wie dann der menschlich Leyb ein Subiectum vnnd Werckstat ist vnzalbarer vnd vnerhörter Kranckheiten. Nun sihe vnd gedenck ich gleichwol auch darneben/ das solches büchlin/ vnd die darinnen beschribene Recepten/ ander Leuten mehr Schaden bringen/ dann nutzen schaffen möchten/ vnd das auß vnerfahrenheit der artzt/ auch das nit mit schlechten medicaminibus oder Artzneyen/ sonder mit solchen stücken vmgehet/ welche mächtig/ vnd deren vil auß der Alchemi her fliessen. So gib ich hier auff alß bald mir vnd andern zur antwort: Wann man/ wegen mißbrauchs vnd vnuerstandts/ das [f. A3v] Gute schelten/ hinderhalten oder verlassen soll: Wirdt man sich bald aller sachen/ so vast auff der Welt seind/ enthalten müssen. Derowegen ist der Weg/ vnd meine ernstliche meinung/ das alle Jhenige/ welchen entweders die Kranckheit/ oder aber die weiß die Jehnige medicamina oder Artzneyen so in disem Handbüchlin begriffen vnd vorgeschschriben/ zubereiten vnd zuzurüsten/ vnbekandt vnd vnbewußt/ das sie auch solcher Curen sich enthalten vnd oberstehn/ vnnd nit allein den morbum, sonder auch die medicinam vnd modum praeparandi, auch was die fürgeschribene Recepta aigentlich vermögen/ zuuor erkennen vnnd verstehn lehrnen/ ehe dann sie artzneyen vnd Hand anlegen wollen. Vnd wann sie das [f. A4r] thun/ werden sie auch Nutzen schaffen/ vnd wurd ich dise mein mühe/ lieb vnnd fürsorg für die Krancken/ nit vbel/ sonder wol angelegt haben. Dann wann auch einigem Menschen hierauß solt geholffen werden/ daran ich dann nit zweiffel/ dann das es geschehen soll/ hat schon dise mein arbeit/ genugsamen Nutzen geschafft/ vnd den verdruß der auffgenommenen mühe vnd die Forcht volgender Gefahr/ bey mir gestillt vnd abgelegt.

Euch aber insonderheit/ Geliebter Herr vnd Freundt/ Schwindratzer/ hab ich gegenwertig Tractätlein hiemit dedicirn/ vberantworten/ vnd also zu aigen machen wöllen/ weil ich weiß/ das jhr nit allein/ so wol in der Leyb als Wundartzney erfahren/ vnnd dessen wegen/ in eim [f. A4v] Grossen Gezirck vmb euch herumb in diesem Elsas vast berümpt seyt/ auch das zeugnuß habt/ das jhr manchem Menschen seinen schweren schaden vnd anligen gewendt/ vnnd gefährlicher Kranckheit entlediget: Sonder das jhr auch ewere Artzneyen/ so wohl die/ so auß Chemia Herfliessendt/ welches dann die furnembste vnd krefftigste/ aber auch am gefährlichsten sein/ alß andere/ mit verstand vnd nach gebür selber pflegen zur Praeparieren/ selber Hand in die Kolen stossen/ vnd mit grossem Lust/ ohne verdruß/ auch hindan gesetzt alle müh vnd kosten/ ewern von Gott vertrawten vnd anbefohlnen sachen/ vilen betrübten vnd mit aller Hand Kranckheiten vnd affecten beladenen Menschen/ zu Hayl vnnd [f. A5r] wolfart mit allem vleiß vnd ernst auß vnd abwarten. Jch hab euch nit zuwarnen/ das jr die jenige stůck/ so auß dem Mercurio gehnd/ bey der derselbigen Praeparation/ wie auch Application vnnd Gebrauch betreffend/ gegen den Patienten fürsichtig vnd mit sonderm verstand fürnemmen/ Sintemahl mir nit vnbewust/ das euch/ als in solchen sachen Geübtem vnd erfahrnem Medico/ solche vnnd dergleich viel mahlen durch die Hand gangen/ vnd was Mercurius für ein Gesel sey/ nit ohnwissend ist/ Wie ich dann auß den Colloquijs, so wir vor diser zeit in Straßburg Priuatim mit einander gehabt/ genugsam wahrgenommen vnnd verständigt worden.

Thue hiemit euch sampt allen den [f. A5v] jenigen so sich solcher vnd dergleichen medicinalien vnderziehen/ verstand/ Redlichkeit vnd trew gegen den Patieten/ viel Gesundtheit/ vnd darbey die helffende Hand Gottes wünschen/ ohne welches Beystand alles Hayl auß vnd ferrn ist. Actum Straßburg/ Ipsa Ioannis Baptistae, Anno 1605.

Ewer Freund vnnd dienstwilliger

Ioannes VValch von Schorndorff.



  1. probably from the Schwindrazheim family; see for example Hans Jacob Schwindrazheim, 1630 Schultheiß at Pfaffenhofen
  2. Zedler 27, 1222-1223: „Pfaffenhofen, ist eine kleine Stadt im Unter-Elsaß, am Fluß Moter, zwischen Hagenau und Bußweiler, dem Grafen von Hagenau gehörig, wo 1705 der Marggraf Ludwig von Baden die Frantzösischen Linien erstiegen.“ GND: 4532948-5; German: Pfaffenhofen; French: Pfaffenhoffen

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 2 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the honorable and respected Martin Sebastian Schwindratzern, physician and surgeon in Pfaffenhofen, my dear lord and friend, These one hundred and fourteen experiments, tried and tested by the experience of a remarkable and famous man, have never been seen in the German language to my knowledge. The author himself, as he tried and found them, also noted and recorded them in Latin for his own memory and for future reference and preparation. After his death, they were found and preserved among his other writings by his servant Cunrad Stainberg, which eventually came into the hands of others and then into my own. They were left among my other books for a long time, but when I recently came across them again, I felt that without a doubt, these recorded things could be useful and pleasant to many physicians, as well as very beneficial for the health of many sick and externally afflicted people. Therefore, I have translated them from Latin into German with great care and attention. For not only are short and good prescriptions described and presented here, but also rare and unknown diseases, of which the common people know nothing. As the human body is a subject and workshop of countless and unheard-of diseases. Nevertheless, I also consider that this booklet and the recipes described therein could bring more harm than benefit to other people, especially inexperienced doctors who deal not with simple medicaments or remedies, but with such pieces that are powerful and derived from alchemy. Therefore, I have an answer for myself and others: If the good is to be condemned, hindered or abandoned because of misuse and lack of understanding, then one will soon have to refrain from all things that are vast in the world. That is why the way and my earnest intention is that anyone who either has the disease or knows nothing about the medicines or remedies contained and prescribed in this handbook should refrain from and resist such cures and not only understand the morbus but also the medicinam and modum praeparandi, and learn what the prescribed recipes can actually accomplish before they use medication or apply it. And when they do so, they will also create benefits, and I would not have applied this effort, love and care for the sick in vain but have used it wisely. For if even one person is helped by this, which I do not doubt will happen, then this work of mine has already brought sufficient benefit and calmed and laid to rest for me the annoyance of the effort and the fear of the following danger.

To you in particular, beloved sir and friend Schwindratzer, physician and surgeon of Pfaffenhouen, I hereby dedicate and present this small treatise, and I want to make it my own, because I know that you are not only experienced in both medicine and surgery and, as a result, have gained great fame in a large area around you in Alsace, but you also have the testimony that you have relieved many people of their severe damage and afflictions, and have freed them from dangerous illnesses. Moreover, you yourself prepare your own medicines, including those derived from alchemy, which are the most important and powerful, but also the most dangerous. You take an active part in preparing them, and you do it joyfully, without hesitation, without sparing any effort or expense, waiting patiently for the things entrusted to you by God, and helping many troubled and burdened people with all diligence and seriousness, and with all kinds of illnesses and afflictions. I do not need to warn you to take care of the substances that come from mercury during their preparation, application, and use, especially since I am not unaware that you, as an experienced and skilled physician in such matters, have handled them and similar things many times, and that you are not ignorant of what kind of substance mercury is, as I have already gathered from our private conversations in Strasbourg some time ago.

I wish you and all those who undertake such medicinal substances and others, intelligence, honesty, and faithfulness towards the patients, as well as much health and the helping hand of God, without which all healing is impossible. Done in Strasbourg, on the day of Saint John the Baptist, in the year 1605.

Your friend and willing servant,

Johannes Walch von Schorndorff.