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Geben zu Franckenhausen den 4. Januarii. Jm Jahr nach Christi vnsers Erlösers vnd Seeligmachers geburt/ sechszehen hundert vnd anderen.
Geben zu Franckenhausen den 4. Januarii. Jm Jahr nach Christi vnsers Erlösers vnd Seeligmachers geburt/ sechszehen hundert vnd anderen.
To the Most Serene and High-born Prince and Lord, Lord Joachim Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg, Archchamberlain and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, in Prussia, of Stettin, Pomerania, the Cassubians and Wends, as well as in Silesia of Crossen, Duke, Burgrave of Nuremberg, and Prince of Rügen, etc., my most gracious Elector and Lord,
And to the Most Serene and High-born Princess and Lady, Lady Catherine, born Margravine and Electress of Brandenburg, in Prussia of Stettin, Pomerania, the Cassubians and Wends, as well as in Silesia of Crossen, Duchess, Burgravine of Nuremberg, and Princess of Rügen, etc., my most gracious Electress and Lady.
Most Serene and High-born Elector, most gracious Lord, as well as Most Serene and High-born Electress, most gracious Lady, it is only right that all those who, like our forefathers, have lived and recorded in writing all sorts of circumstances and events that prevailed during their time, and which we would otherwise have known nothing about, should be deserving of great praise. Through their writings, we have inherited a legacy of enduring remembrance, and have been spared from ignorance that might have otherwise caused many memorable stories, deeds, and marvels, as well as much art and wonder, to sink and disappear forever.
Initially, it has been prescribed to us and left by God's counsel, through his holy word in the Bible, through Moses, the holy prophets, and apostles, how our first parents were created in the world, how they fell into sin through the seduction of the old serpent and dragon, how the whole world was thereafter destroyed and drowned by the flood, along with all kinds of animals, up to Noah and his kin. Also, how Christ our Savior had heartfelt mercy on human fall, took on flesh, and through his birth, suffering, death, and resurrection, redeemed us all from the clutches of the devil, made us free from sin, sent the Holy Spirit to his beloved apostles, and left us a certain example through his ascension, so that we who believe in this and trust in him from our hearts shall equally attain eternal heaven after this earthly life. For these benefits and favors, all, though no man on earth can express sufficient praise and thanks with his tongue.
We read about such things in the holy scripture and bible, about the kings, patriarchs, their stories, wars, and deeds, which happened and passed by God's providence. And it would indeed be too long to narrate all these Miracula Dei here.
Similarly, in the secular arrangement, the highly enlightened Emperor Justinian and others have prescribed certain laws, policies, rules, and measures for us on how we should live, govern, and make decisions in all cases among ourselves, which secular laws and rights have been strictly held by the peoples of these lands and cannot be disregarded in any way.
In the same way, other secular historians have left their praise to us descendants through writings, so that we also have an understanding of what the ancients lived, ordered, and behaved like. Josephus recorded the Jewish wars and histories. Titus Livius chronicled how the Romans nearly conquered and recovered the whole world, and even if he had not recorded anything more, the sole history of the Romans and those of Carthage would be praiseworthy enough, without many others that we can read to know the state of the world, how it rose and flourished in glory, and then fell into decline, especially in the Trojan Histories. Likewise, how Pompey lived, Alexander the Great triumphed, what dangers he faced, and how he undertook almost unbelievable distant journeys and military campaigns and succeeded in them. In our century, the victories and remarkable deeds of Charles V, the Emperor, are not insignificant for our descendants to consider, as well as what other noble Electors, Princes, and Potentates of the German nation achieved and endured in times of war and peace, which Johannes Schleidanus arranged in a certain order and is also worthy of his thanks. Munster presented a form to describe the whole world, and even now, those who seek to thoroughly understand the past wars and circumstances that have occurred and are still ongoing in Gaul and Belgium are also worthy of praise.
What would we know about medicine and pharmacy if the ancients had not brought them to light through numerous laborious experiments and experience and left behind their prescriptions and preparations in writing, just as the philosophers have expanded daylight through their diligent speculations, such that all arts, even in all crafts, have now been elevated and risen so high that one must almost say they could not be brought any higher.
There are magnificent people experienced and skilled in all kinds of languages, such as the valuable Wilpret who, if he were alive today, would hardly be fit for a courtier without knowledge of several languages. Likewise, the astronomers and mathematicians have advanced so much that I believe, if Ptolemy were alive today, he would be amazed and could hardly find what the illustrious high-born prince and lord, Lord Wilhelm Landgrave of Hesse, of blessed memory, accomplished in astronomy, or what Tycho Brahe from Denmark has achieved. The orators are diligent in using elegant words in both Latin and German. The poets create heroic verses, and the musicians compose delightful melodies. The philosophers explore and investigate the properties and nature of all things by sharp speculation and analysis of all matter. The doctors of medicine also apply more and more effort every day to explore things that were previously unknown to them and hidden from their eyes in both internal and external medicine, as evidenced by the precious philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus, whose invincible books provide sufficient testimony and prove his own praise through proper preparation and administration.
When, gracious Elector and Lord, and gracious Electress and Lady, this book of Brother Basil Valentine of the Benedictine Order, which he wrote many years ago, came into my hands, which splendidly philosophizes about the ancient Stone of the Wise, along with a clear repetition of it. Also, it treats of the most important minerals and salts, as well as of lime, vinegar, and wine, alongside a special report on the Microcosm or little world of man. I have previously published a piece of it, as the first tractate alongside the 12 keys of it, on my own expense, and now it has been immediately corrupted, falsified, and mutilated by a reprint. However, since many honorable and distinguished people have repeatedly asked me to publish the tractate that had been printed, which they had read with particular pleasure, so that this philosophical material could be completed and not perish due to unforeseen circumstances, I finally agreed to their request for compelling reasons. And I have sent it to the paper by publicizing it, fully completed and in front of my eyes. My hope is that, since this book is not the slightest among other philosophical writings, but is rather among the foremost such writings, it will be highly regarded and judged among the discerning. Hardly anyone can be found who has described this material more clearly and distinctly. It will delight many lovers of art and lead to better reflection, as well as benefit and prosperity.
So that this book and embodied tract may have a certain distinguished protection, and without boasting, your electoral highnesses have both applied notable and remarkable effort to promote all free arts, I want to address and dedicate this book, which may seem insignificant at first sight, but will be found important according to your understanding, to a prominent potentate and head of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. I humbly ask that your electoral highnesses take note of this book as their true protector and keep me, your humble servant, in all grace. I wish your electoral highnesses God's blessings, long life with health, along with your electoral highnesses' young nobility and ladies, as well as prosperous governance, as well as temporal and eternal well-being.
Given in Franckenhausen on January 4th, in the year after the birth of Christ our savior and redeemer, sixteen hundred and others.

Revision as of 20:05, 2 March 2023

Author: Johann Thölde
Recipients: Joachim Friedrich Kurfürst von Brandenburg
Katharina Markgräfin von Brandenburg
Type: Dedication
Date: 4 January 1602
Place: Frankenhausen
Pages: 10
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=787
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Basilius Valentinus, Ein kurtzer summarischer Tractat, ed. Johann Thölde, Johann Schleer (Zerbst) für Jacob Apel (Leipzig) 1602, f. A6r—B2v
Translation: Raw translation see below
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Dem Durchlauchtigsten Hochgebohrnen Fürsten vnd Herrn/ Herrn Joachim Friederichen/ Marggraven zu Brandenburg/ des heiligen Römischen Reichs Ertzkammerer vnd Churfürsten/ in Preussen/ zu Stetin/ Pommern/ der Cassuben vnd Wenden/ auch in Schlesien zu Crossen Hertzogen/ Burgkgraven zu Nürenberg/ vnd Fürsten zu Rügen/ etc. Meinem gnedigsten Churfürsten vnd Herrn/


Der DVrchlauchtigsten Hochggebohrnen Fürstin vnd Frawen/ Frawen Catharina/ gebornen Marggrävin vnd Churfürstin zu Brandenbug/ in Preussen zu Stettin/ Pommern/ der Cassuben vnd Wenden/ auch in Schlesien zu Crossen/ Hertzogin/ Burggrävin zu Nürmberg/ vnd Fürstin zu Rügen etc. Meiner gnedigsten Churfürstin vnd Frawen.

[f. A6v] DVRchlauchtigster Hochgebohrner Churfürst gnedigster Herr/ auch Durchlauchtigste Hochgebohrne Churfürstin/ gnedigste Fraw. Es sind billich alle die jenigen nicht geringes lob wirdig/ so als vnsere Vorfahren gelebet/ vnd allerhandt vmbstende/ wie es zur jhrer zeit für vns in der Welt für einen zustandt gehabt/ in schrifften verfasset/ vnd zu ewig wehrender gedechtnuß hinderlassen/ vnd auff vns geerbet/ die wir sonsten/ da dieses von jhnen nicht geschehen oder auffgeschrieben worden/ im geringsten nichts dauon wüsten/ vnd also durch vnwissenheit viel gedenckwürdige geschicht vnd thaten/ viel kunst vnd wundersachen/ so durch solch mittel erhalten/ hetten versincken vnd zu grunde gehen müssen.

Anfenglich aber ist vns vorgeschrieben vnd durch Gottes rath verlassen worden/ durch sein heiliges wort in der Biblia/ durch den Mosen/ die heiligen Propheten vnd A- [f. A7r] postel/ wie vnsere ersten Eltern in die Welt geschaffen/ wie sie durch verführung der alten Schlangen vnd Drachen den Teuffel in die Sünde gefallen/ wie die gantze Welt hernacher biß auff Noa vnd die seinen sampt jeder arth der Thieren wiederumb durch die Sündfluth außgetilget vnd erseuffet worden/ Jtem/ Wie Christus vnser Seeligmacher sich vber den Menschlichen fall hertzlich erbarmet/ ins Fleisch geben/ vnd durch seine Geburt/ Leyden/ Sterben vnd Aufferstehung vns alle widerumb auß den Rachen des Teuffels erlöset/ von Sünden frey gemacht/ seinen lieben Aposteln den heiligen Geist gesandt/ vnd durch seine Himmelfarth ein gewiß exempel verlassen vns/ die wir solches Gläuben/ vnd von hertzen vnser vertrawen auff jhn setzen/ wir auch nach diesem zeitlichen die ewige Himmelfarth gleichermassen erlangen sollen/ für welche beneficia vnd Wolthaten alle/ zwar kein Mensch auff Erden zubefinden/ der mit seiner Zungen genugsames lob vnd danck außsprechen kan.

Dergleichen lesen wir in der heiligen Schrifft vnd Bibel von den Königen/ Alt- [f. A7v] vätern/ Patriarchen/ jhren Geschichten/ Krieg vnd thaten/ durch Gottes verhengniß die zeit geschehen vnd ergangen. Vnd wolte zwar viel zu lang werden/ solche Miracula Dei alhier alle zuerzehlen.

Also auch in Weltlicher anordnung hat vns der Hocherleuchte Imperator Iustinianus vnd andere gewisse Gesetze/ Policey ordenung vnd maß vorgeschrieben/ Wie wir vntereinander Leben/ Regieren vnd in allen fellen entscheidung haben sollen/ welche Weltliche Gesetze vnd Rechte bey den Völckern dieser Lande noch steiff gehalten/ vnd deren mit nichten entrahten können.

Gleichermassen haben andere Weltliche Historici jhr lob durch Schrifften verlassen vns nachkömlingen zu gut/ darmit wir auch erfahrung haben/ was die alten für vns für ein Leben/ Ordnung vnd Wesen geführet. Josephus/ hat der Jüden krieg vnd Historien begriffen. Titus Livius/ wie die Römer fast die gantze Welt bestritten vnd recuperiret/ vnd da er nichts mehr vorzeichnet hette/ so were doch die einige [f. A8r] Historia der Römer vnd derer von Carthago lobs gnug wirdig/ ohn andere viel mehr/ daraus man lesen kan/ den zustandt der Welt/ wie sie in herrligkeit gestiegen vnnd floriret/ bald widerumb zu grunde gesuncken/ als sonderlich in den Trojanischen Historien zu lesen. Jtem/ wie Pompeius gelebet/ Alexander Magnus triumphiret/ was gefahr er außgestanden vnd fast vngläubliche ferne reisen vnnd Heeres Züge vollnbracht/ vnd glücklich darinnen gesieget hat. Nostro seculo ist nicht geringer zubetrachten vnsern nachkommenden/ wie Carolus V. Imperator so herrliche victorias gehabt/ vnd merckliche thaten verrichtet/ So wol auch was andere mehr vornehme Churfürsten/ Fürsten vnd Potentaten deutscher Nation domahls vollnführet/ vnd in Krieg vnd Friedszeiten außgestanden haben/ welches zwar Iohannes Schleidanus in ein gewisse ordnung verfasset/ vnd darüber auch seines dancks wirdig. Munsterus ein form die gantze welt zubeschreiben vorgestelt/ wie dann auch jtzo/ welche die verlauffene [f. A8v] krige vnd vmbstende/ so sich Gallia, so wol auch in Belgica bißhero erhalten vnd noch nicht zum ende geführet/ gründlich zuuorfassen/ sich bemühen/ ebener massen zu loben sind.

Was wüsten wir viel von der Medicin vnd Artzney/ so die alten/ durch vielerley handt langwirige experientz vnd erfahrung solche nicht zu tage gebracht/ vnd durch auffschreibung jhrer Recepta vnd bereitung vorlassen hetten/ wie dann auch die Philosophi das Tagliecht durch erkündigung vnd außgründung jhrer fleissigen Speculation also erweitert/ das auch alle künste/ auch in allen Handtwercken/ numehr so hoch gebracht/ vnd gestiegen/ das man schier sagen muß/ es könte nicht höher gebracht werden.

Findet man nicht herrliche Leute in aller handt Sprachen erfahren vnd geübt/ welches hiebeuor thewr Wilpret gewesen/ dann welcher jtzo nicht etlicher sprachen kündig/ der taug fast zu Herrn Hofen nicht mehr. Wie sind auch die Astronomi vnd Mathematici so hoch kommen/ das ich gläube/ wann Ptolomaeus jtzo lebete/ er solte sich verwundern/ vnd schier nicht finden können/ [f. B1r] was der Durchleuchtige Hochgebohrne Fürst vnd Herr/ Herr Wilhelm Landtgraff zu Hessen/ Hochlöblicher Christseliger gedechtnis in Astronomia außgerichtet/ oder was Tycho Brahe auß Dennemarck in usu hat. Wie befleissen sich die Redener auff zierliche worte dieser zeit Lateinischer vnd Deutscher sprache. Die Poeten in jhren Heroischen Carminibus, vnnd die Musici in dichtung lieblicher vnd annehmlicher Melodeyen. Die Philosophi durch scharffe Speculation vnd zerlegung aller Corporum allen grundt vnd eigenschafft der Naturen dadurch zuergründen vnd außzuforschen. Wie dann auch die Medici der jnnern vnd aussern Medicin tag vor tag mehr fleiß anwenden/ zuergründen dero dinge/ so sie zuuor nicht gewust/ vnd für jhren augen verborgen gewesen/ wie man an den theuren Philosopho Theophrasto Paracelso befunden/ dessen seine hinderlassene vnüberwindliche Bücher genungsames zeugnis mittheilen/ vnd in ipso facto sich selbsten im lobe nach rechter bereitung vnd administrirung erweisen.

[f. B1v] Wann dann/ Gnedigster Churfürst vnd Herr/ auch Gnedigste Churfürstin vnnd Fraw mir dieses Buch Fratris Basilii Valentini Benedicter Ordens vor vielen jaren von jhm geschrieben zu handen kommen/ welches von dem Vhralten Stein der Weisen/ herrlich Philosophiret/ neben einer klaren repetition desselben. Jtem/ von den vornehmsten Mineralibus vnnd Saltzen/ auch von dem Kalche/ Essig vnd Weine tractiret/ nebenst einem sondern bericht de Microcosmo oder kleinen Welt des menschens. Dergleichen von der grossen heimligkeit der Welt vnd jhrer Artzney/ auch von der Meisterschafft vnd verborgenen geheimnissen der sieben Planeten/ hab ich hiebeuor ein stück/ als den ersten tractatum nebenst den 12. Schlüsseln dauon/ publiciret/ vnd auff meinen kosten Drücken lassen/ nun aber dasselbe alsbald durch einen nachdruck corrumpiret/ verfelschet vnd verstümpelt worden. Dieweil aber viel ehrliebende vornehme Leute bey mir zu vnderschiedlichen mahlen angehalten/ diesen außgegangenen tractatum/ den sie mit sondern anmutung gelesen/ [f. B2r] vollends in Druck zubefödern/ damit diese Philosophische materia ergäntzet/ vnd durch zufällige vnersehenliche mittel nicht verderben möchte/ als hab ich auß beweglichen motiven letzlich jnen zu wilfahren eingewilliget/ auch dasselbige wie solches an sich selbsten vnd für augen vollend durch öffentliche publication auff das Papir befödert/ dero Hoffnung/ weil dieses Buch vnter anderen Philosophischen schrifften/ nicht das geringschetzigste sein wird/ sondern vnter die vornembsten solcher Schrifften wol wird von verstendigen mit vntergezehlt vnd geurtheilt werden/ sintemahl schwerlich einer zufinden/ der diese materia anhero klärer vnd heller wird describirt haben/ es werde viel kunstliebenden zu sonderlichen gefallen vnd besserer nachsinnung auch zu nutz vnd wolfarth gereichen.

Damit nu solches Buch vnd einuorleibter Tractat einen gewissen vornehmen Schutz haben möge/ vnd ohn ruhm zumelden Ewer Churf[ürstlich] G. G. beiderseits zu allerhandt beförderung aller freyen Künste [f. B2v] trefflichen vnd mercklichen fleiß angewand/ als hab E[uer] Churf[ürstlich] G. G. ich dieses Buch/ so im augenschein geringlich/ aber nach seinem verstande wichtig wird befunden werden/ als einem vornehmen Potentaten vnd Häupt des Heiligen Reichs Teutscher nation wollen zuschreiben vnd dediciren/ vnterthenig bittende/ E[uer] Churf[ürstlich] G. G. wollen solches von meiner geringen vnd wenigen Person zum besten vormercken/ dieses buchs trewer Schutzherr/ vnd E[uer] Churf[ürstlich] G. G. jnen mich deßgleichen in allen gnaden lassen befohlen sein. Wünsch E[uer] Churf[ürstlich] G. G. Gottes segen/ langes alter mit gesundheit/ sampt E[uer] Churf[ürstlich] G. G. jungen Herrschafft vnd Fräwlein/ auch glückseliger regierung/ neben zeitlicher vnd ewiger Wolfarth.

Geben zu Franckenhausen den 4. Januarii. Jm Jahr nach Christi vnsers Erlösers vnd Seeligmachers geburt/ sechszehen hundert vnd anderen.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 2 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Most Serene and High-born Prince and Lord, Lord Joachim Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg, Archchamberlain and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, in Prussia, of Stettin, Pomerania, the Cassubians and Wends, as well as in Silesia of Crossen, Duke, Burgrave of Nuremberg, and Prince of Rügen, etc., my most gracious Elector and Lord,

And to the Most Serene and High-born Princess and Lady, Lady Catherine, born Margravine and Electress of Brandenburg, in Prussia of Stettin, Pomerania, the Cassubians and Wends, as well as in Silesia of Crossen, Duchess, Burgravine of Nuremberg, and Princess of Rügen, etc., my most gracious Electress and Lady.

Most Serene and High-born Elector, most gracious Lord, as well as Most Serene and High-born Electress, most gracious Lady, it is only right that all those who, like our forefathers, have lived and recorded in writing all sorts of circumstances and events that prevailed during their time, and which we would otherwise have known nothing about, should be deserving of great praise. Through their writings, we have inherited a legacy of enduring remembrance, and have been spared from ignorance that might have otherwise caused many memorable stories, deeds, and marvels, as well as much art and wonder, to sink and disappear forever.

Initially, it has been prescribed to us and left by God's counsel, through his holy word in the Bible, through Moses, the holy prophets, and apostles, how our first parents were created in the world, how they fell into sin through the seduction of the old serpent and dragon, how the whole world was thereafter destroyed and drowned by the flood, along with all kinds of animals, up to Noah and his kin. Also, how Christ our Savior had heartfelt mercy on human fall, took on flesh, and through his birth, suffering, death, and resurrection, redeemed us all from the clutches of the devil, made us free from sin, sent the Holy Spirit to his beloved apostles, and left us a certain example through his ascension, so that we who believe in this and trust in him from our hearts shall equally attain eternal heaven after this earthly life. For these benefits and favors, all, though no man on earth can express sufficient praise and thanks with his tongue.

We read about such things in the holy scripture and bible, about the kings, patriarchs, their stories, wars, and deeds, which happened and passed by God's providence. And it would indeed be too long to narrate all these Miracula Dei here.

Similarly, in the secular arrangement, the highly enlightened Emperor Justinian and others have prescribed certain laws, policies, rules, and measures for us on how we should live, govern, and make decisions in all cases among ourselves, which secular laws and rights have been strictly held by the peoples of these lands and cannot be disregarded in any way.

In the same way, other secular historians have left their praise to us descendants through writings, so that we also have an understanding of what the ancients lived, ordered, and behaved like. Josephus recorded the Jewish wars and histories. Titus Livius chronicled how the Romans nearly conquered and recovered the whole world, and even if he had not recorded anything more, the sole history of the Romans and those of Carthage would be praiseworthy enough, without many others that we can read to know the state of the world, how it rose and flourished in glory, and then fell into decline, especially in the Trojan Histories. Likewise, how Pompey lived, Alexander the Great triumphed, what dangers he faced, and how he undertook almost unbelievable distant journeys and military campaigns and succeeded in them. In our century, the victories and remarkable deeds of Charles V, the Emperor, are not insignificant for our descendants to consider, as well as what other noble Electors, Princes, and Potentates of the German nation achieved and endured in times of war and peace, which Johannes Schleidanus arranged in a certain order and is also worthy of his thanks. Munster presented a form to describe the whole world, and even now, those who seek to thoroughly understand the past wars and circumstances that have occurred and are still ongoing in Gaul and Belgium are also worthy of praise.

What would we know about medicine and pharmacy if the ancients had not brought them to light through numerous laborious experiments and experience and left behind their prescriptions and preparations in writing, just as the philosophers have expanded daylight through their diligent speculations, such that all arts, even in all crafts, have now been elevated and risen so high that one must almost say they could not be brought any higher.

There are magnificent people experienced and skilled in all kinds of languages, such as the valuable Wilpret who, if he were alive today, would hardly be fit for a courtier without knowledge of several languages. Likewise, the astronomers and mathematicians have advanced so much that I believe, if Ptolemy were alive today, he would be amazed and could hardly find what the illustrious high-born prince and lord, Lord Wilhelm Landgrave of Hesse, of blessed memory, accomplished in astronomy, or what Tycho Brahe from Denmark has achieved. The orators are diligent in using elegant words in both Latin and German. The poets create heroic verses, and the musicians compose delightful melodies. The philosophers explore and investigate the properties and nature of all things by sharp speculation and analysis of all matter. The doctors of medicine also apply more and more effort every day to explore things that were previously unknown to them and hidden from their eyes in both internal and external medicine, as evidenced by the precious philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus, whose invincible books provide sufficient testimony and prove his own praise through proper preparation and administration.

When, gracious Elector and Lord, and gracious Electress and Lady, this book of Brother Basil Valentine of the Benedictine Order, which he wrote many years ago, came into my hands, which splendidly philosophizes about the ancient Stone of the Wise, along with a clear repetition of it. Also, it treats of the most important minerals and salts, as well as of lime, vinegar, and wine, alongside a special report on the Microcosm or little world of man. I have previously published a piece of it, as the first tractate alongside the 12 keys of it, on my own expense, and now it has been immediately corrupted, falsified, and mutilated by a reprint. However, since many honorable and distinguished people have repeatedly asked me to publish the tractate that had been printed, which they had read with particular pleasure, so that this philosophical material could be completed and not perish due to unforeseen circumstances, I finally agreed to their request for compelling reasons. And I have sent it to the paper by publicizing it, fully completed and in front of my eyes. My hope is that, since this book is not the slightest among other philosophical writings, but is rather among the foremost such writings, it will be highly regarded and judged among the discerning. Hardly anyone can be found who has described this material more clearly and distinctly. It will delight many lovers of art and lead to better reflection, as well as benefit and prosperity.

So that this book and embodied tract may have a certain distinguished protection, and without boasting, your electoral highnesses have both applied notable and remarkable effort to promote all free arts, I want to address and dedicate this book, which may seem insignificant at first sight, but will be found important according to your understanding, to a prominent potentate and head of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. I humbly ask that your electoral highnesses take note of this book as their true protector and keep me, your humble servant, in all grace. I wish your electoral highnesses God's blessings, long life with health, along with your electoral highnesses' young nobility and ladies, as well as prosperous governance, as well as temporal and eternal well-being.

Given in Franckenhausen on January 4th, in the year after the birth of Christ our savior and redeemer, sixteen hundred and others.