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From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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To the Honorable and Highly Learned Abraham Faber, Doctor of Both Laws and Syndic of the renowned and noble Free City of Erfurt, my esteemed Lord and Friend.
Honorable, respectable, and highly learned Doctor, esteemed Lord and friend, many people of high and low standing, not only in our time but also in previous eras, have strived, and continue to strive, with great effort and expense, to obtain the universal medicine, which so many philosophers have praised and written about. They have called it the Philosophers' Stone or the Stone of Wisdom, because it has helped them maintain their health and prolong their lives. However, as is well known, few among the ancients, as well as now, have achieved their desire.
Although few have attained this extraordinary gift from God, it does not follow that nature does not allow for such a medicine to be obtained. Some who have not studied the nature of things and who only seek to enrich themselves through speculation and financial gain consider it impossible and futile. They spend their days and nights trying to make a profit from all sorts of trickery, without even sparing arithmetic. This contempt for the art of alchemy only comes from ignorance.
Others use sophistry and gloss over things they do not understand or have not experienced, remaining attached to their old ways, as if in a common trade. They do not seek to learn or to master the secrets of the art, since their affairs are easy and these are difficult and laborious. This contempt and supposed rejection stems from laziness, but those who persevere in the true foundation and basis of alchemy reap the greatest benefits.
I will not engage in a lengthy explanation or dispute, but rather leave it to stand on its own merit and worth.
So that every reader of this book may know that there have indeed been people before us who have obtained and possessed this gift of God, these include first Hermes Trismegistus, Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Geberus Rex, Reymundus Lullius Maria Prophetissa, Bernardus Graff von der Marck, and undoubtedly King Solomon, among many others who need not be listed.
Similarly, in recent years, through the precious philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus, great wonders have been performed in medicine, which, unknown to others who were treating them, were considered incurable diseases, but which were proven in the transmutation of metals. This is not only proven by credible people, but also by his legacy of books and writings that testify to the wonder of his knowledge. We have also seen and recognized people even now who have truly possessed the Philosopher's Stone, and who have shown it to other honest people to prove it. Although it is not common, the possibility is thus proven, and since it is a gift from God and only given to the pious who ask for it, it must remain a craft that requires little knowledge.
Therefore, Honorable Doctor, dear sir and friend, Frater Basil Valentine's book on the ancient Great Stone of the Wise, which he wrote and revealed in his own hand, although in very old script, has come to my hands through special means and miraculous circumstances, which caused me much effort and contemplation to fully decipher and write it down correctly. When read with understanding and judgment, this book is not considered the least among other philosophical writings on the Philosopher's Stone, as recognized and confirmed by many learned and noble people. Thus, upon the urging of many such people, I have decided to publish and print it for the benefit of all true lovers of free arts.
To dedicate this book to a certain patron after ancient tradition, so that it may have better protection and defense against its detractors and all sorts of calumniators, I have selected and chosen among others the esteemed and learned Doctor as the most suitable candidate for various compelling reasons. And although I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting the Doctor personally, I have heard from many respectable and intelligent individuals that he has demonstrated remarkable dedication to all liberal arts and has been highly praised. Therefore, I humbly request that the Doctor may kindly accept this dedication, along with my simple explanation, and also keep me in mind. As for what else may come with this little book, that remains hidden for now until another opportunity arises. I entrust the Doctor to the protection of Almighty God.
Written in Franckenhausen on the 28th of June in the year 99.
Your esteemed and gracious friend,
Johann Thölde.

Revision as of 20:00, 2 March 2023

Author: Johann Thölde
Recipient: Abraham Faber
Type: Dedication
Date: 28 June 1599
Place: Frankenhausen
Pages: 12
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=786
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Basilius Valentinus, Ein kurtz summarischer Tractat, ed. Johann Thölde, Eisleben: Bartholomäus Hörnigk 1599, f. A2r—A7v
Translation: Raw translation see below
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Dem Ehrnvesten vnd Hochgelarten Abrahamo Fabro, beyder Rechten Doctori vnd der weitberümbten Hochlöblichen Fridestadt Erffurdt Syndico, Meinem günstigen Heern vnd Freund.

Ehrnvester/ Achtbar vnnd Hochgelarter Herr Doctor, günstiger herr vnnd freund/ wie viel Leut Hoch vnd Niedriges standes/ nicht allein fůr vns/ sondern auch nostro seculo sich beflissen vnd/ noch teglich/ nicht mit geringen kosten vnnd mühe nachsuchen/ zu erlan- [f. A2v] gen die vniuersal Medicin, daruon so viel Philosophi gerümet vnd geschrieben/ vnd dieselbige/ dieweil sie jhr gesundheit damit haben auffenthalten/ vnd jhr leben erlängeret/ wie nicht vnbillich den Lapidem Philosophorum, oder Stein der Weisen genandt haben. Wie wenig aber vnter den Alten gleichfals jetzo jr begeren volbracht/ bedarff keines weitleutigen berichts/ sondern ist männiglich bekandt.

Ob nun wol jhrer wenig wie ermeldet/ solche sonderliche gabe Gottes vberkom- [f. A3r] men/ so folget doch derentwegen gar nicht/ daß darumb der Natur nicht zugelassen/ daß solche Medicin vnmüglich zuerlangen/ wie denn etliche/ so der Natur gelegenheit nicht erforschet haben/ vnd nur jhr studiren auff wucher/ vnd andere finantzerey reich zu werden anwenden fůr vnmüglich vnd eitel nichtigkeit halten/ welche Leute auch nur Tag vnd Nacht dichten vnd trachten/ wie sie auff grossen gewin allerhand vmbschlege machen möchten/ vnd in deme kein Arithmeticam sparen/ [f. A3v] welche verachtung nur kompt auß vnuorstandt.

Andere Sophisticiren vnd glossiren nach jhren kopffe dinge zuuerwerffen/ welche sie nicht angriffen/ viel weniger erfahren/ bleiben nur auff jrer alten geigen/ als bey einem gewönlichen Handwerck/ dieweil sie des grundes der heimligkeiten kein wissenschafft zuerlernen begeren/ noch zubefleissen gedencken/ sindemal jhre sachen leichtlich/ diese aber schwerlich vnnd müheselig können bereitet vnd verdienet werden diese verachtung/ [f. A4r] vnnd vermeinete verwerffung/ kompt her auß faulheit/ welches theil aber mit bestem nutz auß dem rechten grund vnd fundament obsieget/ dauon wil ich jetzo nicht weitleufftiger erzehlung thun/ noch einige disputation vornemen/ sondern wil solches in seinem werth vnd vnwerth beruhen lassen.

Damit ein jeder Leser aber dieses buchs wissen möge/ daß gleichwol leute für vns gewesen/ so solche gabe Gottes erlanget vnd gewiß gehabt/ Als ist solchs gewesen erstlich Hermes Trismegistus, Arnoldus de [f. A4v] villa nova, Geberus Rex, Reymundus Lullius Maria prohetissa, Bernardus Graff von der Marck/ vnd vnzweifflich der König Salomon/ neben andern viel mehr zuerzehlen vnnötig.

Was gleichfals kurtz verlauffenen Jahren durch den thewren Philosophum Theophrastum paracelsum für grosse Wundersachen in Medicina praestiret worden/ welches andere denen sein Curiren vnbekand gewesen/ für Morbos incurabiles gehalten/ so wol in transmutatione metallorum erwiesen/ ist nicht al- [f. A5r] lein durch glaubwirdige leute noch zubeweisen/ sondern seine hinderlassene Bůcher vnd Schrifften zeugen mit verwunderung/ waß sein wissenschafft gewesen. So hat man auch ebener massen derozeit hero noch Leute gesehen vnd erkandt/ welche den Lapidem Philosophorum warhaffteig gehabt/ auch in anderer ehrlicher Leute beysein/ damit tingiret, ob solches nun nicht gemein/ darumb ist gleichwol dadurch die mügligkeit zubeweisen/ vnd dieweil es ein Gottes gabe/ vnnd nur den frommen/ so [f. A5v] Gott darumb bitten/ gegeben wird/ so muß es durch wenig wissen/ ein kunst sein vnd bleiben.

Dieweil denn Hochgelarter Herr Doctor, günstiger Herr vnd freund/ mir diß bůchlein Fratris Basilij Valentini Benedicter Ordens vom Vhralten grossen Stein der Weisen geschrieben/ vnd nach erfindung vnd offenbarung dasselbige sein eigene hand/ wiewol sehr alter Schrifft/ welches mir auch im ersten abschreiben viel můhe vnnd nachsinnes gemachet/ ehe ich solches volkommen außspe- [f. A6r] culirt vnnd recht zu Papier bringen können/ durch sonderliche schickung vnd wunderbarliche mittel zu handen kommmen/ welches Bůchlein auch/ da es von verstengen cum Judicio gelesen wird/ nicht für das geringschetzigste/ vnter andern Philosophischen Schrifften/ so auch de Lapide philosophico geschriben/ wird erkand vnd befunden werden/ Als hab ich auff anhalten vieler vornemer vnnd gelarter leute beschlossen/ dasselbe allen wahren liebhabern freyer kůnste zum besten/ hiermit zu publici [f. A6v] ren vnd in druck zuuerfertigen.

Damit aber dasselbige altem herkommen nach/ einem gewissen patrono möge dediciret werden/ daß solches gegen seine neider vnd allerhand Calumniatores deste bessern schutz vnd defens haben möge/ als habe ich für andern den Herrn Doctorem auß allerhand beweglichen vrsachen dazu eligiret vnd erwehlet/ vnd ob ich wol noch zur zeit persönlich in dero kundtschafft nicht gewesen/ jedoch mir der Herr Doctor von vielen ansehnlichen ver- [f. A7r] stendigen/ als welcher sonderbare beförderung zu allen freyen kůnsten sich mercklich befleisset/ höchlich gerümet/ Bitte demnach der Herr Doctor sein Hochgelarte günsten wolle diese dedication jhm lassen gefallen/ vnd solch klein geringschätziges/ doch wolwirdig Bůchlein/ mit dieser meiner einfeltigen erzehlung also annemen/ auch darneben jhm mich nun lassen befohlen sein/ Waß aber bey diesem Bůchlein mir ferner zukommen/ daß bleibet noch zur zeit/ biß auff andere gelegen- [f. A7v] heit verborgen. Befehle hiermit den Herrn/ in den schutz des Allmächtigen Gottes. Franckenhausen am Tage des 28. Junij im Jahr 99.

E[uer] Hochgel[ehrt] günsten W[eisen]

Iohann Thölde.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 2 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Honorable and Highly Learned Abraham Faber, Doctor of Both Laws and Syndic of the renowned and noble Free City of Erfurt, my esteemed Lord and Friend.

Honorable, respectable, and highly learned Doctor, esteemed Lord and friend, many people of high and low standing, not only in our time but also in previous eras, have strived, and continue to strive, with great effort and expense, to obtain the universal medicine, which so many philosophers have praised and written about. They have called it the Philosophers' Stone or the Stone of Wisdom, because it has helped them maintain their health and prolong their lives. However, as is well known, few among the ancients, as well as now, have achieved their desire.

Although few have attained this extraordinary gift from God, it does not follow that nature does not allow for such a medicine to be obtained. Some who have not studied the nature of things and who only seek to enrich themselves through speculation and financial gain consider it impossible and futile. They spend their days and nights trying to make a profit from all sorts of trickery, without even sparing arithmetic. This contempt for the art of alchemy only comes from ignorance.

Others use sophistry and gloss over things they do not understand or have not experienced, remaining attached to their old ways, as if in a common trade. They do not seek to learn or to master the secrets of the art, since their affairs are easy and these are difficult and laborious. This contempt and supposed rejection stems from laziness, but those who persevere in the true foundation and basis of alchemy reap the greatest benefits.

I will not engage in a lengthy explanation or dispute, but rather leave it to stand on its own merit and worth.

So that every reader of this book may know that there have indeed been people before us who have obtained and possessed this gift of God, these include first Hermes Trismegistus, Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Geberus Rex, Reymundus Lullius Maria Prophetissa, Bernardus Graff von der Marck, and undoubtedly King Solomon, among many others who need not be listed.

Similarly, in recent years, through the precious philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus, great wonders have been performed in medicine, which, unknown to others who were treating them, were considered incurable diseases, but which were proven in the transmutation of metals. This is not only proven by credible people, but also by his legacy of books and writings that testify to the wonder of his knowledge. We have also seen and recognized people even now who have truly possessed the Philosopher's Stone, and who have shown it to other honest people to prove it. Although it is not common, the possibility is thus proven, and since it is a gift from God and only given to the pious who ask for it, it must remain a craft that requires little knowledge.

Therefore, Honorable Doctor, dear sir and friend, Frater Basil Valentine's book on the ancient Great Stone of the Wise, which he wrote and revealed in his own hand, although in very old script, has come to my hands through special means and miraculous circumstances, which caused me much effort and contemplation to fully decipher and write it down correctly. When read with understanding and judgment, this book is not considered the least among other philosophical writings on the Philosopher's Stone, as recognized and confirmed by many learned and noble people. Thus, upon the urging of many such people, I have decided to publish and print it for the benefit of all true lovers of free arts.

To dedicate this book to a certain patron after ancient tradition, so that it may have better protection and defense against its detractors and all sorts of calumniators, I have selected and chosen among others the esteemed and learned Doctor as the most suitable candidate for various compelling reasons. And although I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting the Doctor personally, I have heard from many respectable and intelligent individuals that he has demonstrated remarkable dedication to all liberal arts and has been highly praised. Therefore, I humbly request that the Doctor may kindly accept this dedication, along with my simple explanation, and also keep me in mind. As for what else may come with this little book, that remains hidden for now until another opportunity arises. I entrust the Doctor to the protection of Almighty God.

Written in Franckenhausen on the 28th of June in the year 99.

Your esteemed and gracious friend,

Johann Thölde.