Ars Gaballiae

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Revision as of 19:29, 6 July 2022 by JP (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Heading|level=1|align=left|family=serif|bold=0|text=<i>also:</i> </br>Buch der großen Gabalae / Ars Cabala}} {{Heading|level=3|align=left|before=1|family=serif|bold=0|text=I. Basic information}} <b>Printing History, Manuscripts.</b> Lost. Not printed. No manuscripts known. – Mentioned in <i>Libri Theophrasti</i>, a catalogue of manuscripts written ca. 1560: “Ars Gaballiae. das buch der grossen Gabalae” and in Karl Widemann’s list of “Unausgangene Bücher...")
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Buch der großen Gabalae / Ars Cabala

I. Basic information

Printing History, Manuscripts. Lost. Not printed. No manuscripts known. – Mentioned in Libri Theophrasti, a catalogue of manuscripts written ca. 1560: “Ars Gaballiae. das buch der grossen Gabalae” and in Karl Widemann’s list of “Unausgangene Bücher” [unpublished manuscripts]: “Ars cabala, dz Buech der grossen Cabal.”

Editions. Not edited by Huser or Sudhoff.

Relationship between different versions. Text not preserved.

Structure, genre/form, perspective, style.

Relationship to other texts. ‘Gabalia’ was a term used by Paracelsus in different contexts and without a clear definition.

Authenticity, authorship.

Time of writing. Probably written in the 1550s if it ever existed. Further study required.

II. Sources

Manuscripts: no manuscripts known

First printed: not printed

Historical Manuscript Catalogues: Libri Theophrasti (Dresden), fol. 4rb; Widemann, Unausgangene Bücher (Hannover), n° 114

III. Bibliography

Essential bibliography: CP 1: 451.

Further bibliographical references:

Gilly, “Il primo prontuario di magia bianca” (2002), 199–217.

Martin Žemla, “The Astronomia Olympi novi and the Theologia Cabalistica: Two Pseudo-Paracelsian Works of the Philosophia Mystica (1618),” Early Science and Medicine, 24 (2019), 527–548.