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Poem for the Students of Wisdom and Doctrine
no date [1621]

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Source: Dyas Chymica Tripartita, Das ist: Sechs Herrliche Teutsche Philosophische Tractätlein, ed. Hermannus Condeesyanus [Johannes Rhenanus], Frankfurt am Main: Lucas Jennis, 1625, sig. K1r = pag. 73 [BP.Alchemica.1625-01]


[p. 73] Επίγραμμα ad Sapientiæ et doctrinæ filios.

Qvæsiui: inueni: purgaui sæpius: atque
Coniunxi: maturaui: Tinctura secuta est
Aurea, Naturæ centrum quæ dicitur: inde
Tot sensus, tot scripta virum, variæque figuræ.
Omnibus, ingenue fateor, Medicina metallis;
Infirmisque simul: punctum diuinitus ortum.

Harmannvs Datichivs, Auth[oris] famulus.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 9 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
Epigram to the Sons of Wisdom and Learning.

I sought: I found: I purified often: and joined: I matured: The Golden Tincture followed, which is said to be the center of Nature: from there so many senses, so many writings of men, and various figures. To all, I confess openly, [it is] the medicine to metals; and to the weak at the same time: a point divinely originated.

Harmannus Datichius, the servant of the author.