Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP167a

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Paracelsus: Vom vrsprung der Pestilentz vnd jhren zufallenden Kranckheiten, ed. by Adam von Bodenstein. Basel: Pietro Perna, 1575.
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 291, n° 167a (Google Books). — not listed in VD16, last checked: 10 June 2022. — USTC: not listed in USTC, last checked: 10 June 2022. —
8°. Signatures: a–m8 = 96 fols. (192 pages).
[xxxii], 157, [3 blank] pages. —
Main Language: German. —
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica:
»Die vorhergehende Schrift „Vom vrsprung der Pestilentz ..“ kommt auch in Exemplaren vor, welche statt des kleinen Signets des Apiarius (Bär am Honigbaum) auf dem Titel ein kleines Ornament tragen, während alles Uebrige völlig übereinstimmt. Es ist also nur eine während des Druckes beliebte Aenderung; da das Buch bei Perna gedruckt sein soll, hat ja auch das Signet des Druckers Apiarius keinen Sinn, wenn man es nicht als Rebus-Signet für Perna auffassen will (vgl. No. 127).«
Variant editionBP167 (distinguishing feature: Ornament auf Titelblatt).
Digital copy (Google Books)
Google Books (dadeAAAAcAAJ)

sig. a1r
Title page
Printer’s mark
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica:
»statt des kleinen Signets des Apiarius (Bär am Honigbaum) auf dem Titel ein kleines Ornament«

sig. a1v
Blank page

sig. a2r–a4v [6 pages]
Dedication by Adam von Bodenstein, addressed to Philipp von Römerstal; German
Edited by Kühlmann/Telle in Corpus Paracelsisticum 1, n° 29

sig. a5r–b5r [17 pages]
Preface by Bartholomaeus Scultetus, addressed to the Reader; German
Edited by Kühlmann/Telle in Corpus Paracelsisticum 2, n° 79

sig. b5v–l1v ‖ p. –130 [137 pages]
Paracelsus, Mixed texts: Von der Pestilenz und ihren Zufällen; German

sig. b5v
‘Name and comprehensive titulary of Paracelsus’, ; German

sig. b6r–b8v [6 pages]
Paracelsus, H03.124 (H03.124); German
Reprinted from: BP060

sig. c1r–i6v ‖ p. 1–108 [108 pages]
Paracelsus, Von der Pestilenz und ihren Zufällen (926); German
Reprinted from: BP060

sig. c2v–c3r ‖ p. 4–5 [2 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. c5r–c6v ‖ p. 9–12 [4 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. d1v–d4v ‖ p. 18–24 [7 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. d6v–e1v ‖ p. 28–34 [7 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. e2r–e7v ‖ p. 35–46 [12 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. f2r–f6v ‖ p. 51–60 [10 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. f7v–f8v ‖ p. 62–64 [3 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. g2r–g2v ‖ p. 67–68 [2 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. g3r–g3v ‖ p. 69–70 [2 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. g5v–g7v ‖ p. 74–78 [5 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. h1v–h4r ‖ p. 82–87 [6 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. h4r–i6v ‖ p. 87–108 [22 pages]
Paracelsus, De peste (927) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. c4r–c4v ‖ p. 7–8
Paracelsus, De meteoris ein Buch (1047) (excerpts); German
Reprinted from: BP073

sig. i7r–l1v ‖ p. 109–130
Paracelsus, De peste (927); German
Reprinted from: BP087

sig. l2r–m5v ‖ p. 131–154
‘Isagoge Theophrasti Paracelsi Eremitae de peste’, by Ludwig Wolfgang von Hapsberg; German

sig. m5v–m7r ‖ p. 154–157
Paracelsus, (excerpts from book 1, chapter 7: Vom Schwefel); German
Reprinted from: BP060

sig. m7v–m8v [3 pages]
3 blank pages