Notice, no date (1568), Gerhard Dorn to the Reader (BP101)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Gerhard Dorn
Recipient: Reader
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1568]
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Pyrophilia vexationumque liber, ed. Gerhard Dorn, Basel: Pietro Perna 1568, p. 131 [BP101]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: The translated texts primarily deal with the preparation and use of various tinctures, such as those of gold, oil, coral, balsam, antimony, and philosophers' salt, with particular emphasis on their relevance to the treatment of serious diseases. Dorn also addresses criticism from a Parisian Doctor, Leo Suavius, who he accuses of being driven by envy rather than reason in his critiques. Dorn invites readers to compare the works and discern the truth for themselves, and he asserts his right to refute any further criticisms Suavius might levy against his translations. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[p. 131] Ad lectores.

Cvm his libellis ponantur Auri tincturæ, olei, necnon eius poculenti succi descriptiones, uisum est & aliorum, ut Coralij, Balsami, Antimonij, Salisq́ue philosophorum tincturas, secunda parte libri Chirurgiæ magnæ scriptus à Paracelso germanicè, breuiterq́ue latinè redditas à me (seruata opinionis, & sententiæ authoris integritate) hic addere.   Quòd ad contracturas maximè conueniant, & morbos capitales, de quorum curis hoc loco pro maiori parte disseratur.

Etiam ut uideant lectores optimi quàm impiè quidam Leo Suauius Doctor Parisiensis, inuidia sola, nullaq́ue ratione motus in me propter illas unuehat, Apologiam contra liuorem in scholijs eius in libros quatuor Paracelsi de uita longa scriptis, positam, & Basileæ impressam legant: quibus ex opposito comparatis, ueritas & mendacium in lucem erumpant. Si quid adhuc uirus habeat, quod in hanc nostram Paracelsi libellorum traductionem euomere queat, ei liberum est addere, non minus quam refellere mihi. Valeto.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 29 June 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the readers.

As these small books put forth the descriptions of gold tinctures, oil, and of its potent juice, it seemed fitting to also add here the tinctures of other substances, such as coral, balsam, antimony, and philosophers' salt, written in the second part of the Great Surgery book by Paracelsus in German, and briefly translated into Latin by me (while preserving the integrity of the author's opinion and judgement). These are especially suitable for contractions and deadly diseases, the cure of which is mainly discussed in this place.

Moreover, so that the best readers can see how impiously Leo Suavius, a Parisian Doctor, driven by envy alone and with no reason, railed against me because of these, they should read the Apology against envy set forth in his commentaries on Paracelsus's four books on the long life, placed and printed in Basel: when compared with the opposite, truth and lies may come to light. If there is still some venom he can spew onto our translation of Paracelsus's books, he is free to add, just as I am free to refute. Farewell.