Dedication, 1562-09-08, Georg Fedro to Johann Jacob Kuen von Belasy, Erzbischof von Salzburg
Author: | Georg Fedro |
Recipient: | Johann Jacob Kuen von Belasy, Erzbischof von Salzburg |
Type: | Dedication |
Date: | 8 September 1562 |
Place: | Ingolstadt |
Language: | German |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Georg Fedro, Halopyrigce siue Iatrochemica pestis epidemicae curatio, Ingolstadt 1562 [BP.Fedro.1562-03]
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | The author discusses the Magia Theurgica, Cabalistica, and other high astronomical arts that can be used to obtain or avoid things. They predict that a poison will spread across all people from east to west in the fall and that two great leaders may be removed. The author warns of deadly coughs and other diseases, and offers a short treatise on what every Christian can rely on by invoking God's help. The author suggests that skilled physicians should use appropriate alexipharmaca and other high mathematical arts to expel the common creeping poison from patients. The author offers this treatise as a token of gratitude for the kindness shown to him by various lords and friends. Finally, the author discusses the importance of various remedies and suggests that they should be held by medical doctors for eternal times. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. A2r] Dem hochwürdigsten in Gott/ Fürsten vnnd Herrn/ Herrn Johann Jacob/ Ertzbischoffen zů Saltzburg/ &c. Embeüt Ge[org] Fedro Rhodocher/ sein vnderthenigst gehorsam willig dienst/ yeder zeit zůuor.
Gnädiger F[ürst] vnnd Herr/ die Magia Theurgica, Cabalistica[c1] vnd ander hohe Astronomisch künst/ dadurch wissenhait rat vnd that allerlay ding an zůnemen oder zů uermeiden/ derselben erfarnen offenbar wirdt/ zaigen gleich hellig mitainander an/ das auß den boßhaftig gestelen himmels/ der Element vnd erden Nymphidischen motu soll ein gemain herrschent gifft vber all menschen von Orient in Nidergang auff disen Herbst gestrewet werden/ durch wölliches [sig. A2v] vnder andern vnzalbrn fürnemlichen sollen zway grosse heubter/ wo nicht der allmechtig barmhertzig Gott die predestiniert Natur satzung durch sein vnaußsprechliche gütigkait gegen den menschlichen geschlechten abthůt/ weggenommen werden. Des aber das nach obgemelter kunsten lernung nur ein geringe anzaigung der warhait den einfeltigen zůuerstehen geb/ so seind vom Lentzen her biß auff den Herbstmon die vorbotten als an jungen vnnd alten tödtlich hůsten/ geeliche seitte stechen/ Apostemen der Lungen vnd ander vnhailbar schleichent kranckhaitten vorher gangen/ vnd lasset sich jetzt schon des Pestilentzischen giffts außgossen samen sehen von Sibenbürgen/ Vngern/ Osterreich/ biß auf den Noricum mit täglicher verlaßner hilff anklagung von hohes vnd nidrigs standts leüten. Vnnd dieweil ich nun zům öfftern mal von etlichen meinen günstigen Herrn vnd freünden der löblichen Reichstett Nürnberg vnnd Augspurg auffs fleissigst bin ermant worden/ gewise Cur der erschrecklichen Sucht vnserm lieben Vatterlandt zů nutz inn schrifften mitzůtailen/ so hab ich nach hindangelegten nöttigern meinen geschefften inn disen kurtzen Tractat mein erfarnuß/ darauff sich ain jedtlicher Christlicher mensch mit anrüffung Gott des almechtigen hülff künlich verlassen dörff/ auffs klerlichst angezaigt. Das aber wie klain vnd gering es ist/ Gne- [sig. A3r] diger Fürst vnd Herr/ bring ich vndtertheniges angedencken E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] ein weil zů ainem schuldigen danckpfandt der geübten wolthaten vnnd fürderers willens gnediger hülff/ die mir vor drey jar von E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] vorfarn Ertzbischoff Michael hoch löblicher gedechtnuß seind bewisen worden/ biß ich mit der zeit mein genaigten geist vnd sonderlich wolmeinende lieb gegen dem löblichen Bistumb Saltzburg vnd Fürstlichen hauß von Bayern mit grössern schrifften erklären mög. Derhalben dieweil vrsachen/ zaichen vnd kranckhait in der Pestilentz/ wie die täglich erfarnuß vnd der Protopyrischen Ertzney kunst selbs lert/ zů gleich also mitainander einfallen/ das jrer on verzug zům höchsten gradt eilenden kains vom andern deütlich kan vndterschiden werden/ so wirdt alhie wider anderer kranhaitten art weder diæt oder regiments ordnung/ noch anderer Cur anhengende sachen vil achtung gehabt/ sonder můß allain all gedancken/ all wissenhait/ all müh vnd fleiß von den verstendigen Artzt dahin gericht werden/ auff das dz gemain schleichent gifft auffs ehest/ so sich der patient vbel befindt/ von haubtglidern außgetriben werdt/ durch die aigengestalte Alexipharmaca, die wider die erschrecklichen Sucht zů gleicher zeit Charontice Orientalis, Characteristica impressio, Medicina perfecta, Sophia cœlestis vnnd ander hohe Mathematisch kunst darthůn. Darumb/ damit [sig. A3v] wir nicht Göttlicher wissenhait/ so jhn die Natur durch die Astronomischen artes gegeben ist in der Cur der Pestilentz zů wider handlen/ so wöllen wir kurtzlich/ souil durch mein jetz anligende geschefft geschehen kan/ sehen/ was der vier obgemelten kunst ain jedtliche wider die grausame Sucht fürbring. [...]
[sig. C3v] [...] Also lehren vns die vier Mathematisch kunst die jetzt schleichent Pestilentz an behafften menschen Curiern vnd wirdt ferrer auß Astronomischer erfarnuß in den simplicioribus nichts höhers angezaigt/ dann der lapis magicus oder Philosophicus wie man jhn nendt/ des reuerberierten Antiminij außgezogne seel/ liquor orphirizi diaphoreticus, oleum margaritarum, tinctura gemmarm, wölche vber andre himlische großmechtigste gaben oder vilmehr verborgenste wunderwerck/ dauon mir zů reden vnser lieber Gott in solcher welt vbermůt schweigen gebeüt/ Medicorum Doctorum Doctores sein vnnd billich zů ewigen zeiten sollen gehalten werden. Disen kurtzen tractat/ Gnediger Fürst vnd Herr/ offerier ich E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] zů diser sorglichen zeit biß zů besserer gelegenhait zů ainem danckpfandt der erzaigten wolthaten vnnd sonder enaigtem willen gnediger fürderung/ die [sig. C4r] mir vor etlich jaren von E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] vorfaren/ von den hochwirdigen in Gott Herren/ H[errn] Christoff von Lambergk/ vnnd H[errn] Wilhelm von Trautmanstorff meinen Gnedigen Herrn/ von Christoff Risenraths verwandten vnnd andern mehrern meiner günstigen Herrn vnnd freündt zů Saltzburg geschehen sein. Dann dieweil ich meines wissen vnd meiner erfarenhait nicht den geringsten thail am Vntersperg/ Rastetter Taurn vnd der Gastein bekommen hab/ acht ichs billich/ alda das gemeret talentum mit Gottes allmechtigen hülff durch mancherlay raisung/ groß kosten/ vilerlay gefahr vnd mühselig Winters vnd Sommers zeiten arbait zům begerten endt bracht wider nider zůlegen. Wil derhalben also hie die warhaft Cur der erschröcklichen Sucht jetzt regierender Pestilentz beschliessen/ mit vnderthenigster bitt/ E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] wölle solches mein wolmainents angedencken gnedigklich verstehen vnd auffnemen. Datum Jngolstat an vnser lieben Frawen geburts tag/ im jar nach Christi vnsers Herren menschwerdung. M. D. LXII.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 22 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the most esteemed in God, Prince and Lord, Lord Johann Jacob, Archbishop of Salzburg, etc. George Fedro Rhodocher offers his most obedient and willing service at all times.
Gracious Prince and Lord, the Magia Theurgica, Cabalistica, and other high astronomical arts, through which knowledge, advice and action can be taken to obtain or avoid all sorts of things, are clearly experienced/ and they show together with great clarity that a common governing poison will be spread over all people from east to west this fall, originating from the wickedly arranged heavens, the elements and nymphidic motion of the earth, and by which two great leaders, if not the Almighty and merciful God, will be removed from among countless others, due to His incomprehensible kindness towards the human race. However, since the learning of the aforementioned arts only provides a small indication of truth for the simple-minded, from Lent until the autumn month, warnings of deadly coughs, similar to stabbing pain, abscesses of the lungs and other incurable diseases have been preceding, and already the spreading of the pestilent poison can be seen from Transylvania, Hungary, Austria, to Noricum with daily help and complaints from people of high and low standing. And since I have been encouraged by some of my favorable Lords and friends from the esteemed Imperial cities of Nuremberg and Augsburg to share my experience in writing for the benefit of our dear homeland's dreaded disease, I have clearly shown in this short treatise what every Christian person can rely on by invoking the Almighty's help. But no matter how small and insignificant it is, Gracious Prince and Lord, I offer this humble reminder to Your Princely Grace as a proper token of gratitude for the practiced benevolence and willing assistance given to me three years ago by Your Princely Grace's predecessor Archbishop Michael of high and praiseworthy memory, until I can explain my grateful spirit and particularly sincere love towards the esteemed Bishopric of Salzburg and the Princely House of Bavaria in greater writings with time. Therefore, since causes, signs and illnesses in the pestilence, as self-taught by daily experience and the protopyric medical art, coincide with each other to the highest degree, and no one can clearly distinguish one from the other without delay, here no other form of diet or regimental order or other related cure is given much consideration, but all thoughts, knowledge, effort and diligence must be directed towards the skilled physician in order to expel the common creeping poison from the patient's head at the earliest opportunity, through the appropriate alexipharmaca, which counteract the dreadful disease, and at the same time, the Charontice Orientalis, Characteristica impressio, Medicina perfecta, Sophia cœlestis and other high mathematical arts. Therefore, so that we do not act contrary to Divine knowledge given to us by nature through astronomical arts in the cure of pestilence, we will briefly see what each of the four aforementioned arts can bring against the cruel disease, as far as my current business can accomplish.
Thus, the four mathematical arts teach us how to cure afflicted humans of the now creeping pestilence, and from astronomical experience, nothing higher is indicated in the simplicioribus than the magic or philosophical stone, as it is called, the soul drawn from the reverberated antimony, the diaphoretic Orphirizi liquor, the oil of pearls, the tincture of gems, which, among other heavenly, most powerful gifts or rather hidden wonders, of which our dear God, in such a world, has commanded us to be silent, are to be held by medical doctors as doctors of doctors and should be rightly held for eternal times. To this worrisome time, I offer Your Grace this short treatise as a token of thanks for the kindness shown to me, and without any other intention, of gracious assistance, which I received from Your Grace, from the most worshipful in God, Lord Christoph von Lambergk, and Lord Wilhelm von Trautmanstorff, my gracious lords, from Christoph Risenraths' relatives, and many more of my favorable lords and friends in Salzburg. Since I did not get the slightest share of knowledge and experience on Untersperg, Rastetter Taurn, and Gastein, I consider it fair to lay down the precious talent there with God's almighty help through various raisings, great costs, various dangers, and laborious winter and summer times to achieve the desired end again. Therefore, to conclude the true cure of the reigning pestilence, I humbly request Your Grace to graciously understand and accept this token of my goodwill. Given in Ingolstadt on the birthday of our dear Lady in the year after Christ's incarnation. M. D. LXII.